Treating Animals with Cannabis

As a fellow dog lover, my heart goes out to you.


It wasnā€™t good news unfortunately. The CT scan showed it was malignant and really aggressive. The abnormal bone growth has tiny fractures and particles will inevitably end up in her lungs etc. They have giving me medication for the next week to keep her comfortable so can spend a little bit time with her. Thank you everybody for all the love and support.


:cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob:


Sorry brother.

As close as any family member can be.



Sorry to hear that man.


Very sorry to hear that, I know the feeling my little girl is 14 and having certain issues, Hard I know.


This thread has me in tears! Iā€™m so sorry about your baby girl. My heart goes out to you.

My girl has cancer as well, but it is a type 2 mast with a very slow growth rate and so far has only produced tumors on the skin and not in her internal organs. Eventually it will get her though. The thought alone sends me into a tizzy. I have chosen not to give her chemo as I believe she just wouldnā€™t understand that sort of thing and feel it is more humane not to.

I have lost a few cats in the past, but this is my first dog. I do hope you someday get another although you said you wouldnā€™t. There is always more love to give. Peace be with you.


Thank you @Meesh. This is the 2nd bull mastiff Iā€™ve had that has ended up with cancer. I got Jess to try and make things easier after loosing the one before her. Amber had what just seemed like a bad cough and they were treating her with antibiotics as if it was a chest infection. One day I had her in the garden and she fell onto her side and had a fit. I took her to the vets the next day and demanded a x-ray to see what was going on. It showed multiple shadows all around her lungs. I had her put to sleep as soon as I seen for myself how it had taken over. I honestly canā€™t go through with it all again. I sill have my llhasa apso here so when Jess goes heā€™ll end up with all the attention. Thank you for your kind words.


They force us to get Rabies shots here for our dogs to register them. Iā€™ve read so many awful things about that vaccine. I am pretty convinced that the rabies shots are causing cancer in a lot of dogs here. My client refuses to give them to her dogs. She says she will just pay a fine if need be. I donā€™t blame her.

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We are not forced but they do ā€œrecommendā€ a yearly ā€œboosterā€ injection that supposedly covers multiple diseases.

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Have you tried CBD isolate at all or mixed with a tincture you can drop in their food or treats?
I have a 10.5 year old American bulldog that has some hip issues and a cyst on her eye that worries me, but doesnā€™t bug her much. I just clean up her eye multiple times a day or have someone help me when Iā€™m away from home. I give her a high dose, but at most I give her 0.5mg per pound of body weight and she sleeps after and when she wakes up itā€™s like sheā€™s 3 again. Full of energy and love. No more droopy dog face she has all day otherwise.

What have you found is your dogā€™s dose?

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Iā€™ve been giving her 5% CBD oil 2x per day. Itā€™s helped a little. Sheā€™s eating more than she ever has and sleeping so much better. Too be honest though I canā€™t bare the thought of watching her deteriorate in front of me. The vet gave me the option of amputation and chemotherapy but that will just prolong her suffering. Although itā€™s tearing me up inside for me the only option is to put her to sleep before she becomes totally reliant on us helping her out into the garden and stuff. She still follows me up the stairs at home and I have to physically lift her front end each step to get her back down safely incase she stumbles and falls. Sheā€™s normally really active chasing the birds and cats in the garden but now I have to tempt her outside with pieces of chicken just so she will go for a pee. What gets me is how fast she went from a slight limp to where she is now. Itā€™s heartbreaking


I unfortunately feel you there. I only see that change when I give her my dose of CBD. I get CBD isolate at 30 a gram if I donā€™t buy it in bulk. It makes it very affordable to medicate her to where she needs to be to be comfortable while she lives out the next 3.5 years at least before Iā€™ll accept itā€™s her time barring her suffering of course.

Iā€™ve found infinite CBD to have the kind she responds to best. She canā€™t handle her THC at all if she hasnā€™t had her CBD that day. I break her doses over 3-5 times a day depending on how bad she has it that day.

Iā€™ve noticed she responds well to THC-A after she ate my weed one day. When decarbed the same weed made her vomit making me realize that no matter what if I give her THC itā€™ll be raw and not decarbed was that makes her respond best if not pure CBD.

I make my tincture for her with MCT oil and at 1mg per drop average. 5mg per treat is her starting dose before she gets upped to the same, but in 2 treats at once 3x a day. I up the down to 15-20mg a dose if she looks to be suffering that day from hip dysplasia. 1g will last me just about 18-20 days to keep her medicated at that dose. I usually reup and make her more before she runs out though.

When she was 5 they thought sheā€™d have to be put down. I showed them. Sheā€™s lasted another 5 years happier than sheā€™s ever been with my parents originally.

She reminds me of droopy dog when sheā€™s not on CBD, but I like seeing her happy and pain free without CBD. Mostly as it saves me money LoL, but it shows me that whatever was causing her issues was at least treated with the doses I gave her.

Her breed and bullyā€™s as a whole as Iā€™m sure you know have a strong chance of cancer sadly. I wish your puppy all the luck in the world and that you have many more happy years with themšŸ˜


Sheā€™s beautiful @OniTenshu. She looks like a real fighter.
THC in any form is illegal where I live. My country is totally fucked in that aspect. I have a few Oz of white widow here I will get my friend to press for me (I donā€™t own one myself but i am planning to build one at some point) and Iā€™ll see how she does with it for a few days. Iā€™ll likely isolate her from people when I first give her it just to be safe. Sheā€™s a big girl and used to be really powerful before her problems arose. Bully and mastiff breeds are really susceptible to bone carers I know. You donā€™t think about that when you decide that is the breed that you want to ā€œownā€. Itā€™s instant love when you see the one you want for the 1st time so you donā€™t even consider what could happen in the future. It wonā€™t be many more happy years unless she mysteriously gets better. Iā€™ve got enough pain Meds for about 10 days then if sheā€™s still going downhill I will have her put to sleep. Thanks for your support and advice on helping her. Itā€™s appreciated my friend.


No problem at all. We all have to watch each otherā€™s backs around here. I can do a search on the brands I know 3rd party lab test and have affordable pricing for isolate with shipping to the UK.
My neighbor uses CBD oil thatā€™s full spectrum and still never saw the same improvement quality vs when I threw caution to the wind and gave her a high CBD dose since at worst sheā€™d just fall asleep if the dose was too high. Daisey here loves the same strains that work for me.
She deals with anxiety, depression or boredom, pain, being essentially a cyclops now, her hips donā€™t work well anymore, and tbh if I donā€™t give her CBD in some form she is starting to reduce her amount of food/water she consumes sometimes going days with no food. Honestly when I have my issues get to that level Iā€™d rather just go hungry than deal with the pain.

Iā€™ll admit that if it wasnā€™t for CBD it would be her time years ago. I just canā€™t let her go out that easy. Not when I know I can ease her pain. I never really expected the results I got either. I never thought Iā€™d see her get past 8, but by medicating her when sheā€™s suffering Iā€™ve noticed sheā€™s much more peppy and happy for a week after just one dose that knocks her out.

I havenā€™t had the spare money to buy it for her recently unfortunately, but Iā€™ve noticed sheā€™s learned a neat trick. She sleeps by my front door. All smoke naturally travels down there and out the bottom of the door. She has been sleeping lately like when I give her CBD. It makes sense as Iā€™ve been dealing with some horrible back, hand, and ankle pain lately. The stuff I smoke helps my pain and anxiety, so Iā€™d expect the second hand has enough to satisfy her needs throughout the day.

She gets up and moves about like she used to again even without the CBD diet. Iā€™m still spending my first available to burn 35.05 on her next CBD terpsolate. I take,a tiny amount of it and if it work on my issues I know it helps her.

IDK if I made sense, but Iā€™ve noticed that the doses are lower, but the strains that help pain seem to do it in a way that helps both dogs and people equally. Anxiety as well. At least in my case if I noticed a strain Iā€™m smoking was not that strong for a high, but I feel medicated I share some with her always. She loves her Scooby snacks. Add some coconut oil and Iā€™ve seen her go for it like itā€™s the only food sheā€™s seen in a year. If they donā€™t like it try a test of some good bud whole not ground fine unless into a powder, then mix with peanut butter or allergy safe equivalent they love and give them plenty of water. Youā€™ll need to take them out frequently like when you drink too much for your bladder. Iā€™ve noticed as long as I give her plenty of fun things to do and play with her a lot she got used to THC. Which is good as sheā€™s starting to develop memory issues and THC-a is medically beneficial for it. Iā€™ve personally seen her have a much longer period of clarity free of forgetful moments if I give her non psychoactive THC. Iā€™m not looking to oget her high. Bot when itā€™s not on her own terms as Iā€™ve described earlier she definitely has her moments. I was told much later, but apparently this puppy loves shrooms too. She snuck a small paneolus when my back was turned one day. Actually after that is when she started to be better for longer without CBD, so maybe thereā€™s something there or maybe itā€™s coincidence.

She comes sniffing around my plants if I allow her in the room. I no longer do, so sheā€™s started to sniff lit joints all the time lately. She wonā€™t take a hit, but she hates the burn. Sheā€™s happier with a secondhand style thatā€™s not painful to inhale. I know sheā€™s good when her eyes go bloodshot and she takes a nap. Right after the nap comes the energy puppy seemingly free of issues. Maybe itā€™s because of her attachment to me, so Iā€™m like a safe person to make her comfortable. She has to snuggle up when itā€™s thundering out or Iā€™ve been gone for a few hours. She thinks sheā€™s a lap dog LoL.

I coddle her I know, but I feel that helps her when sheā€™s having a moment. I wonā€™t ever give her THC on purpose ever again. Not unless sheā€™s specifically asking to eat it when sheā€™s asking for a lot of second hand hits and even then I limit her to about 2mg maximum. Otherwise she gets THC-a raw weed processed I na pet safe way. Always made to be absorbed efficiently. The only problem I find is I have to get creative with her treats to keep her from reacting to the bud as oil is best for her to eat no matter what. grind it to a fine powder, mix with nut butter, bake the homemade treats with a channel to fill with nut butter later. Iā€™ve found that these are best used as a large dose, but you find what works best for you. When I donā€™t feel like getting creative Iā€™ll just take her dose and put it on a spoon and give it to her as is or even put it in with her food if i feel she isnā€™t eating enough.

Iā€™m probably already at the point where you donā€™t want to be, but Iā€™m happy helping out my old puppy here. The unconditional love she gives is all I need as a reward for keeping her happy and healthy even if I miss dinner one day a week to make sure I can afford her medicine.

Iā€™m circling, so Iā€™ll cut it short here.:man_facepalming:t2: Iā€™m off to take a nap now. Sleepy.

Edit: I forgot to add that I canā€™t stress enough that you should always eat some of the weed raw yourself to see what theyā€™re in for and if they would get high or medicated.


Jess is now at rest with no more pain. Today i stepped up and did what needed to be done after she dramatically went downhill and could no longer get onto her feet without assistance. She passed peacefully Iā€™m my arms.
Thank you everybody for your support.
The best friend I ever had.


You helped her out of a tough spot brother.



So very sad. My sincere condolences. You did the right thing.


Sorry for your loss. May she Rest In Peace.


Sorry to hear that brother. My thoughts are with you and your family.