my 2cents: hydro is more $/labor, organic is more self-maintaining.
we haven’t asked if you have much budget(i am damn poor, myself).
i have changed recipes a lot & was having problems, so i went “back to basics” and am using something close to the buildasoil 2-step method reiko’s got for you-- but–
i gotta point out to everyone, that’s sure isn’t 2-steps for treedawg, he’s doing things 1-handed
here’s 3 mixes i’ve used, oldest to newest:
eliot coleman:
32qt commercial peat-lite mix / 24qt peatmoss + 8qt perlite
24qt compost
2cups fertilizer blend (equal parts: limestone, phosphate rock, greensand)
and now i’m having decent results with this mix:
50/50 peat/perlite + 4-4-4 organic “seedlinger’s fertilixer” brand, azomite, oyster flour, mycos(great white). been using mammothP a bit too, but i might not again due to $.
the fertilizer was on sale and their website blows but it’s good stuff, imo.