TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

@Shadey Not a trellis but a trellis (scrog) net. Sorry I realized I didn’t make that clear lol.

Day 10/17/83

Another feeding for the youngins today, 1.4ec to all of them with some calmag mixed in because they were showing early signs of cal def (thanks @GramTorino).

The SP250 tent is almost done, some super frosty buds in there. I dialed back their feed input earlier in the week and they’re autumning out beautifully I must say.


So an update on what going on in the grow.

I chopped the plants in the SP250 tent on day 87. They were way overdone the trichomes were so amber I could see then with the naked eye lol. The plants even got pissed about not being harvested and threw a bunch of nanners around day 80. Not a bad result but wish I didnt have so much early troubles with these but things are improving.

And we are at day 24 in the Bridgelux tent. I started to see some salt buildup a few days ago so I ran through half strength nutrients and brought things down to 1.6ec and they seem to be happy.

Also did some flopping, LST and tucking as I’ve been slacking on it as of late. And wow what a big difference today since doing so. Got a lot of tops evened out from just a little work and I think I hit them at the perfect time.

Yesterday just after training


Crazy difference just in 24hrs. Very nice!


Damn bro… those are some beautiful frosty purple flowers… buds that are purple and also real frosty like that make for the best pics IMO. Congrats on the harvest dude!


Wow Trev you maxed those out, looks like some really nice buds. I think you might go blind trying to trim the mutant lol. I think I would just pinch the stem at the bottom and pull through to strip them off.


That’s exactly how I do these phenos and they actually make for some really nice smoke. If you do it right you just get jars full of dank calyxes and fingers full of resin lol.

Thanks for the comments guys, I got some more stuff in the works will share over the next few days.


Sounds like you got it in hand, my guy. I don’t speak from experience so definitely don’t listen to me…but in another life I was quite the biochemist. Keep that soil living and you’ll be fine. Ask Jeff Lowenfels!


I realize this is an older post but if you’re still curious and/or having difficulty, I found that my tap water, rhizotonic + seaweed extract only was all I needed to get things going in Coco and/or Promix. I might throw like a very small amount (100ppm or less) of veg nutes in after like 14 days but that was it. Liquid seaweed is grower’s gold, imo. Works as a foliar, seedlings and grown plants alike seem to love it.


Day 35

Wow, didn’t realize it had been 11 days since my last update.

Well… things are going a bit… better than the last time I posted…

This is the most packed I’ve had this tent, almost too much so. Going to see what they do over the next few days then do some defoliation to open things up some.

I also picked up all the parts (plus a few upgrades) to build the same irrigation system from the SP250 tent for the Bridgelux tent but looks like the plants in the bridgelux tent will be too tall to raise up on a drain tray so will have to wait for next round when I can be a bit more pre emptive in controlling their height. Looks like 4 weeks of hand watering in store for me uggghhhhh…

In other news I jarred up the bud from last round. While trimming I found some mold on a couple plants and ended up having to meticulously inspect every gram of weed in this harvest. I only lost about 10-15g of the densest buds which still sucks but I also yielded a total of 372g on the 240w SP250 so hey, 1.5gpw not too bad. The funny thing is the pussy willow pheno yielded 59g so another reminder not to judge a book by its cover.


That’s a great round man, you really dialed them in this time. I missed if you’re still using mega crop or something else? If it’s MC do you know how many grams per liter you were giving them? I don’t have an EC meter lol


So I noticed MegaCrop is much better for veg than the Maxi (go figure…lol) so have been using it for the first few weeks. I cant tell you a specific gram amount but I mix in about 85% of the scoop it comes with and dump that into a 5gal bucket that is 95% full and it comes out at about 1.5ec which is what I’m going with now.

Unfortunately I’m quite low on the megacrop so today I switched these girls to 1.8ec of maxibloom which I’ve found to be an adequate dose.


Ya it’s really been a perfect veg nute for me lately at 1.25g with .5g Epsom and .5ml of calimagic per liter. Like bulletproof for all my varied plants every feeding. That same recipe is slaying for first two weeks of flower for me too, then week 3 on things get murky and the experimentation begins haha

I’ve got some small tester phenos at like week 4 that I’ve been giving that blend to out of sheer laziness and I gotta say they look really great and are frosting up very well. I think I’m gonna simplify and just use this as my ‘base’ then maybe a simple PK booster on top weeks like 5-8.

I’m using this whole goddamn bag one way or the other 🤷


I’ve noticed much less cal/mag issues with the mega vs maxi but theres still a little bit of symptoms from time to time, particularly in weeks 2 and 4, but in flower I find even the maxi doesnt need a calmag supplement.

Since you dont have an EC meter you probably dont realize it but calmag accounts for about 1/3 of your total EC and plants will straight up lock themselves out at higher EC, even if “you cant overfeed calmag”.

So any calmag I’ve been adding has been sporadic, or even to top up my EC while mixing instead of adding more base nute.

Sounds like we have pretty similar plans for nutrition this round eh? I too plan on adding some PK booster with next feeding as long as the plants are still healthy then.


Thanks for the CalMag tip, you’re right, they have recovered fine and look uniform, willing to see them full of buds Pirata|nullxnull , nice job done … :sunglasses:


Ya I think it’s called the ‘sick of this crap’ nutrient plan haha, I think we’ve been dealing with the same issues.

I downloaded this nutrient calculator spreadsheet

I just plugged things in and tried for numbers similar to jacks, maxi grow, and a couple other ‘industry standards’. It does seem like alot of calcium and mag to me too, but no issues whatsoever so far. I will actually still see the odd cal deficiency rusty spots on an older leaf in veg.

I’m in straight coco btw.


Day 43

So packed, gonna have to defoliate soon.

Accidentally half killed a couple a plants from letting them go too long before watering. Saved em but not as happy as the rest.

And things are coming along on the no-dig bed


Still need a dozen or so bags of compost but I think it came together nicely. Bottom layer is my own garden compost/old potting mix+perlite. Middle layer is peat moss, top layer is seafood compost. There should be plenty of nutrition in there for now, and I have dry amendments for top dressing and teas when things really take off.


All filled up!!


That’s one nice looking bed, and yard.
You must be proud after doing such great (and hard) work.

On the nute subject. I was bored and ran some numbers. These are all based on US gallons.

Personally. On a few grows, I’ve had the issue of too much K (and N) causing issues with MG/K/Ca. Coco contains some K and N. (both can vary greatly with what coco and how prepped) If i remember right, it happened weeks 3-5weeks-ish after flip.

MC high K.
Boosters have K.
Sweet Candy has K.
(Easy to OD on K in coco, if not careful)

Also, in response to deficiencies - I’ve made the mistake of overloading with CA/Mg - only to induce further issues with K. I assume - a result of no bueno ratios of K/Mg/Ca.

Jacks A/B. @ 3/2/0 grams per gallon.


Well that’s the nicest damn trailer park I’ve seen


Ayy thanks guys! It’s been pretty easy so far the hardest part was sourcing compost since our local waste management facility (which normally gives compost away for free) has been closed to the public due to Covid-19.

My own personal compost was the result of 5 or so years of garden clippings, used potting soil/coco, leaves and rotting weed plants. Theres still plenty of it but since I wasnt sure if it was any good yet I decided on the more costly route and purchased 10 bags of lobster/crab compost and 10 bags of cow manure compost to add to what I already had.

Works out to be about 1.5inches of my own compost, then 2 inches of peat moss, then an inch of seafood compost, then an inch of cow manure compost. Basically a layer cake lol. I have no idea if it will work but there should be lots or nutrition in there now.

@GramTorino very useful info as always. I’m still unsure of what I want to do long term as far as nutrition for my indoor coco grow. I’m seriously considering just going back to Megacrop as the maxi/flora and lucas formula has been giving me early troubles and Mega seems to alleviate those troubles so idk…


Get yourself some clover and sow a cover crop. It will help retain moisture, fight weeds, and provide nitrogen fixation.