TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

I tried to source clover but it’s just not easily available here (?) The garden centers have little packets with just a few seeds in it for $5 each. I’ve actually been searching for it locally since before I even built the bed :frowning:


This type should grow all over the place out there in Sunnyvale. Crappy stock pic but I’m sure you recognize it



Oh yeah dont get me wrong it’s all over the place including my yard, just not flowering or seeded yet. So not as easy as just buying some seed.

I called the local greenhouse they have some red clover in stock but also just small packs.


Hey @TrevorLahey glad to see ya making raised beds you’ll be happy with them a little tip from SFG I puckrd up reading Mel bartholomew book is to not make beds any wider (depth ) than 4 feet that way you can easily reach in from any side and pull weeds in the center or do maintenance based on arm length of most individuals make it as long as ya want! Looking forward to the progress !

I have a 4x4 garden that’s only 4 inches deep over the years the native soil underneath will continue to get better every year with the worms working the soil

A pic of today’s garden 15 ‘ out my back door

this is made with 2x4


Entire weeds can be pulled with ease


Be sure to check out the slightly warped split pieces of of long pieces at your Home Depot (barging bin ) you can often get them on the cheap and cut off the stuff you don’t want they often can do it for you right in the spot free of charge!


The bed is no wider than 4.75 feet at any spot and I’ve tested to make sure I can work around it. Can also put a plank across the middle if needed to get deep in there.

As for my method I have been following Charles Dowding’s no-dig methodology. He has really taken the concept of permaculture and tweaked it to be a scalable system. I am just starting out with this but it’s so easy to get into.

Charles doesnt use a cover crop, I imagine that’s due to how busy his beds are. Hes really picky about disturbing the soil in any way other than to (gently) harvest his root crops like potatoes or when adding new compost at the end of the season. In this system weeds become an afterthought as the initial cardboard layer and proper mulching create an environment not conducive to weed growth.

I do plan on making a couple more beds for autos, making them a bit deeper and with a modified hugelculture method. I have tons of lumber here I could build 100 beds if I wanted to lol.

It took a crazy amount of soil to build this main bed it’s about 8 inches deep at its deepest point I reckon it took about 6 cubic yards by the time it was filled.


Does he have books available would like to check it out


I like to Dick around with different methods if ya haven’t been able to tell ! Lol


Yes he has a few books discussing the method and others about soil health in general. He also has a YouTube channel that he uploads very high quality, informative content multiple times a week.

Easy listening too


Ahh TY the dude almost looks like Elliot Collman and first glance another awesome gardener in my repertoire of people to follow


Subbed up TY have notifications in as well… I was tossing around the idea of Hugel culture but haven’t made the leap yet


Way I see it, hugelkulture is a great way to fill a deep bed cheaply without investing in tons of soil. Its gaining alot of popularity in my local gardening groups and I’ve love to give it a try as well.

And yeah, Charles should be able to teach even the most seasoned organic growers something. He covers everything from composting to crop rotation to pest control and much much more. I rush to the TV every time I see he uploads new content.


Nice just watched the flee beetle vid I have those here as well them little fuckers can chew lots of holes I. The pic above with the mixed greens only certain plants in that mix seems to get munched and they haven’t hardly hit the spinach or peas.


The way hes so calm about shit. Its contagious lol. You’ll never see him bothered by bugs or disease you’ll only ever see him bothered by disturbing his soil. Seriously you can almost see the tears well up in his eyes when he pulls out his potatoes haha


Just watched his 1st compost video… imagine that lol his info is solid! I have about 20 bags of leaves ( brown) just waiting on green grass now to start the building process I seem to be a bit behind but it will get done ! Will hit the coffee places and get five gallon buckets of grounds for my N! Thanks for sharing @TrevorLahey


Wow that guy doesn’t fuck around on his composting large dedicated area! His aerial view of his land with all the plants are just beautiful… composting is just awesome I wish more people would do it has so many benefits to everything .Does he use dry amendments at all? Wouldn’t think he would need to but just asking!

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If you head down this way Trev The Grow OP Shop in Burnside sells 1lb bags of different cover crops for $6 each, the last time I bought some, beginning of last year I think I got mine.

You are really get into the outside organics man, beds look great, cant wait to see what you do with them, frost forecast here for the weekend, so another couple of weeks to be safe, before anything stays out over night.


I have actually done this but not with “wood” but yard waist sticks and the sod (that was where the bed was to go) flipped upside down on top then a little yard soil to cover. I planted cedars on top and one year latter when i dug into it it was pure rich soil all the way through! I was shocked at how quick it decomposed. Great post too btw! never heard of hugelculture before ty!


Nope just adds compost every year. I fully expect to have to add something at some point as it’s still a brand new soil mix but it should just get better and better every year after this first year.

@Shadey I’m excited to get started and thanks for the info on the cover crop source that’s a really good deal from what I’ve been seeing. I dont know how any of this will work but I’m looking forward to learning as I go and embracing a more sustainable form of outdoor growing. Just a couple more weeks and there will be plants in here. I should probably start more, like a LOT more because at this rate I’m a little late for getting monsters going. I do have a few that have been going for a month or so though that will be the big ones.

@Canofbusjoe Hugelkulture is fascinating I’ve seen where people just mounded up soil around dead trees and made the most beautiful beds with this method.