Trichome Microscopy šŸ”¬ Harvest Timing Science

All things being equal, right? Starving the plant of essential elements will definitely impact the smell etc. Yields will suffer leading to less harvest and subsequently less biomass that you can extract. Less THC synthesis, and terpenes etc. Iā€™m still not 100% on how they can f-up the process though. Let me get a sample of the same kind of weed I grow, literally a clone of it, but they botched the grow and produced flavorless odorless weed.

Thereā€™s no way you could even tell the second image is the shitty weed.


Just let me know when I can go inside a giant trichome :sweat_smile:. :crystal_ball:



In all of this I seem to have forgotten to say this about harvest timeā€¦
[quote="shag, post:4, ]
For me it is when the bud swell stops the red hairs recede and the calyx/ovule swells up, for me, it is not at all about the trichomes


Well @Shag, how cultured! For me, itā€™s all about everything, including but not limited to, the trichomes.

-Grimm Bros Alani Skunk x Gluey @ Day 44F
-Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Good call!
I reckon that shoulda been my statementā€¦LOL
They are very worthy of attention, I guess I am saying I am lazy, but I have a dam good idea what they look like without even looking at em.
But that may have to come with experience.

If I had your equipment I may just say it is all about the trichomesā€¦ :exploding_head:
But I would need a reason to first.
And I bet I would find a way to find one eventuallyā€¦ :thinking:
Then I/you can justify getting a a better scope and better pictures. :slightly_smiling_face:
I am very jealous by the way, I love that shit! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Barneyā€™s Farm Orange Sherbet, Day 50F. Barely attached to the stalk!

-Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I keep fiddling with software settings on the microscope (exposure/ISO, sharpness, and contrast) to see how they impact the final image. I believe that higher resolutions and any added sharpness are pure software adulterations that should be handled in post processing and not on the chip inside the microscope. This one was max-sharpness and left some artifacts. Iā€™m not in love with it and will get some time to try another EDF image, but I liked it enough to bump the thread. :yum: Happy Thursday to all!


Barneyā€™s Farm Tangerine Dream, Day 53F.

-Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Some really cool pics brother, keep up the good work. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Like you walked onto an alien landscape super cool, Iā€™m obsessed at this point. Definitely securing a Microscope soon, curious if any one here has recommendations one one in particular. Not afraid to spend where it counts but not sure what im looking for spec wise. And what is this software you speak up for the image stacking???


Most of the time you get software with your sensor chip. Unless itā€™s a super cheap one from off-brand-china. Mine is an amscope, so it has lab software that can do EDF and HDR images or composite images that span a large area.


Iā€™m using Fiji, a fork of ImageJ with preloaded plugins. ImageJ was developed by the National Institutes of Health.

  1. Record video with microscope.
  2. Load video file into VLC, extract a bunch of images by holding down shift+s.
  3. Load ImageJ (Fiji)
    • File > Import Image Sequence.
    • Plugins > Registration > StackReg > Rigid Body.
    • Image > Stacks > Z-Project > Median.
    • Export > Filename.tiff

Iā€™m using this, essentially a cheap toy microscope, very capable if viewed that way.


Thereā€™s a grab of the software I use.


Alani Skunk x Gluey, nearing harvest.




What a thread. I read through a portion of it, and itā€™s definitely interesting.

Iā€™d always thought the entire trichome color harvesting thing was a little weird. It just doesnā€™t work for all situations. I remember prioritizing it when I was new to growing where sometimes Iā€™d never get them to go amber whatsoever. I was taking hybrids far too long and theyā€™d just never change.

Iā€™m always kind of weary about the change in effects of the high given the change in trichomes. I think whatā€™s important is that if there is a change, itā€™s not very significant. Iā€™ve harvested early and late and honestly could never really tell a difference. I do have a plant I could take early at this point and I think I may simply because Iā€™m not dying to have more flower on hand.

I think what draws me to these threads the most is the search for that elusive slow creep high psychedelic high. Iā€™d only ever really encountered it back in the 2010ā€™s with imported Mexican brick weed. The only reason I believe it exists outside of those really intense first times you get baked is because a friend bought a brick a few years after weā€™d been smoking other stuff and made some iso hash that had the qualities. I remember dabbing it and writing it off as non-effective then out of nowhere dying laughing and experiencing the psychedelic vision changes. Itā€™s more akin to psilocybin in ways instead of the modern high THC stuff out there. Hell, even the 90+% dabs donā€™t have it. I feel like that trait has been bred out in favor of a higher THC level to stick on the label.

I donā€™t know what it is, to this day Iā€™ve never found it. Iā€™ve grown terribly long flowering Thai stick out to like 6 months of flowering, not a single amber trichome and it didnā€™t have it. I feel like even the strongest stuff my buddy feeds me from the dispensaries donā€™t have that effect. Heā€™d given me some terribly strong stuff that I one hit a huge bowl with, and despite greening out which is terribly rare for me, there wasnā€™t anything really psychedelic about it other than my vision waning. Chasing high THC levels for labels wonā€™t ever find what it used to be.

If I ever find a plant that can reproduce those effects, Iā€™ll never get rid of it. Itā€™s something like a life quest for me at this point. Iā€™m still in a prohibition state so itā€™s not the easiest to do. I feel like Iā€™ve been looking for that trait in a plant since the day I started growing. Iā€™m going to have to go to fuckinā€™ Mexico.


I personally think this high you discuss has to do with THC to CBD ratios.
If you find something very very low in CBD and high in THC and maybe high in THC-V that may be the ticket.
I see you have been hanging with @Upstate
That is probably a good road to travel for this kinda search.

Good luck


I know what you mean!! You are like many many others (including me) with an experience from 10-20 (or more) years ago which cannot be replicated now. Is it our individual conditioning? Is it the available genetics?

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Right? Itā€™s tough.

For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™d have attributed it to being a novice smoker if I hadnā€™t had that experience with the buddy making hash oil. That was well into when I was growing and had been for a while. That means my tolerance was established but that shit still knocked me on my ass.

Iā€™m experimenting with the cobb/bricking right now. Iā€™ve got quite a bit of flower in ā€˜bricksā€™. One of the earliest ones I did is starting to take on the brown coloring on the center of the brick which is kind of promising. I just donā€™t know which variables made the bud have that effect. I feel like some sort of fermentation could contribute but Iā€™m unsure in which ways or how much.

Being in a prohibition state limits what I can do. I have to be careful ordering seeds or having a lot of plants. Iā€™d love to have a cut that did what I wanted but sometimes I think Iā€™m kind of chasing my tail. Thereā€™s a lot of threads out there about people trying to find the same thing and it doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s many people finding a clear definitive answer. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with overall strength but rather composition. Having only found that kind of feeling from shit brick weed makes me wonder if it had to do with their processing. Iā€™ve never once felt anything similar from anything that wasnā€™t bricked and thereā€™s quite a few accounts of people experiencing similar things from weed bricked from regions other than Mexico.


Take a thousand milligrams and call me in the morning. MY friend was crawling around and hallucinating after 600mgs.


That sounds like an adventure for sure!

Crystal Palace



Pure THC is said to be unpleasant.
The CBD modulates the THC for a more pleasant effect.
By more pleasant I mean reduced.