Trichome Microscopy šŸ”¬ Harvest Timing Science

It may be, that they get so big/plentiful, that they cause the trichome cuticle to burst and then they leak resin. So harvest timing would be based upon cuticle appearanceā€¦? Just riffing!!




I went on a GPT analysis routine and discovered they are using the same models to train those ā€œAIā€ systems that are based on how the ā€œeducationā€ system works. Aka memorizing useless crap and spewing it back without conveying any meaning. You can see senescence starting on these buds.


GPT is amazing for what it is! I wish your pics were more high def. Is it the lens? I know nothing about microscopy really.


Those images are just quick EDFs I can achieve extreme definition, but I have to be really careful in the making of said image/processing. You can tell I just whipped it off carelessly if you look at the left hand side of the image thereā€™s a ā€œlineā€ down the side where the image doesnā€™t quite line up. It means I was a careless knob twister!
I saw so many ā€œarticlesā€ that said AI was going to destroy humanity, except my dog is smarter than the machine because the dog lives in the real world. Those AI are just word salad producers with no meaning behind it. Unlike this paragraph I just typed, the AI isnā€™t trying to convey any meaning, just barf up words.


Oh the noise in the image is generated by the sensor, no doubt! Iā€™ll give one the denoise:


On AI, I think the feeling like itā€™ll take over all these jobs is ridiculous. I think thatā€™s kind of a fools errand to think. The thing is, if youā€™re pitching to a client and hand them a document where they ask any questions about it, how will anybody back it up?

Although, as a non-traditional college student (Iā€™m 33) the AI is absolutely destroying education. I think itā€™s important to recognize that the monetization of the internet was the first to destroy education. Itā€™s absolutely staggering how many of these kids are cheating. Chegg is a website that provides answers to difficult problems from other users. I seriously would bet that 75% of the students have a Chegg account. Not only that, thereā€™s an incredibly large amount of kids who constantly cheat with Chegg DURING EXAMS. I canā€™t count how many messages from professors to the class about finding people cheating during the exams. Kids will upload questions from the exam to Chegg during the exam from their phone.

ChatGPT has infiltrated as well. Kids are using it to write entire prompts for writing classes. I have a buddy who uses it for all of his technical writing assignments because he gets better grades doing it. Heā€™s used it to write code for other classes as well even though he has NO idea on how to code.

Iā€™m in mechanical engineering. For what itā€™s worth, I really donā€™t want a bunch of children who cheated through college designing a car that I go 75 mph in. Cheating through college will get people killed. Engineers are fully responsible for those design mistakes.

In the end, I can only hope justice is served to those who cheat through college. Itā€™s kind of a sad world we live in that college for high school grads is something to simply complete instead of learn. They donā€™t want to put the time into courses. Theyā€™re lazy and donā€™t care about the coursework. I think once they get into a job and realize that they donā€™t know anything, itā€™ll start catching up. Itā€™ll mean they spend another few years at an entry level job while the rest of us hopefully prosper doing more meaningful things. I seriously cannot stand cheaters. I report every single one of them as their actions directly reflect the value of my diploma.

I think it takes a certain person to understand what AI is and understand its limitations. Using it to do work or coursework only short changes the user. It opens this HUGE door to being exposed as a fraud really.


Agree 100%. AI canā€™t even drive a car yet, something we expect of 16yos. But like you said, it can mimick human language quite well, enough to write whole essays without a human noticing. I can see AI having a big impact on jobs that are all text and information based, like data entry, social media outreach

as to handing the client an AI generated document? What I see is a workforce getting slimmed down to a smaller amount of AI prompt engineers, who specialize in telling the AI what to do and verifying its output.


And remember, AI is advancing more quickly than any technology before it, and the advancements are not understandable or explainable to the average Joe. The AI weā€™re speaking of today is not the same AI as tomorrow. Weā€™re discussing AI as if itā€™s a single piece of software here. GPT is one private companyā€™s language based model using AI. you might need a suitably high level of education just to understand what AI is (and will become). Anyone reducing it to ā€œa thingā€ is quite under water. Itā€™s a new world of potential and we collectively have zero clue how it will eventually benefit us vs. harm us as a human society.


First there was ā€œclippyā€, then there was ā€œwatsonā€. I donā€™t see anything different about this iteration!

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Yes but they (cheaters) are leveraging the maximal set of tools available, some using an high degree of complexity, and there is a place for that in the world.

Iā€™m being partly facetious but, remember that the PE exam is open book, and leveraging efficient tools is the engineerā€™s mindset. In some ways I do not care what you do in undergradā€¦, as long as you can pass the PE exam legally and work under the guidance of your stateā€™s requirements, with your ass and your E&O on the line. Let the first few years of working at a firm or company sort out the wheat from the chaff!!


I want more from you!!


You want me to expand on the tech story? Back in the day microsoft came out with this program called ā€œclippyā€ that would help you write stuff in microsoft office. Turns out people would rather drop kick it across the room. True story. Then IBM made itā€™s world dominating AI called ā€œwatsonā€. It was a total failure especially after it claimed the capital of Canada was Toronto on Jepoardy. IBM claimed it was going to diagnose cancer and all this lame shit. Itā€™s in the garbage bin of history. So what do they do? Come out with Yet Another Lame App called ā€œAIā€ that has no intelligence beyond watson. They re-brand the shit and come out looking for more of that sweet sweet VC ā€œventure capitalā€ money. Just look how fast lamesuckerberg moved from his ā€œmetaverseā€ to his ā€œAIā€ funding. All so he can blow another 16billion on some lame concept that has already failed.

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Hereā€™s a nice photo, I adjusted the output colors. When you see a ā€œcobwebā€ or ā€œdustā€ itā€™s made from these strands. Iā€™ll have to wipe down the microscope stage!


The heads seem exceptionally big in this photo.
What strain/cultivar is it?

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No I meant I want more reasoning power from you! :yum:

Letā€™s keep it to the trichomes and feel free to post up any GPT outputs (relating to trichomes) too!


Iā€™m on board with you. The AI isnā€™t actuallyā€¦ intelligent. Same as how ā€˜machine learningā€™ isnā€™t AI. I think the whole thing is just another thing that media has blown up because journalists arenā€™t scientists or engineers. Until we can code in wisdom, none of these things are intelligent.

As for the cheaters, there is a place for that in the world but definitely not when youā€™re supposed to be learning the absolute fundamentals of engineering. Then again, I think the bigger problem is trusting that 20 year olds are adult enough to take on the responsibility of education. Theyā€™re very much children driven by their childish needs. I mean come on, I donā€™t really know very many people in their 30ā€™s willing to drive 4 hours one way for pussy. You bet I know quite a few people in their 20ā€™s that will.

A bit more on topic- Iā€™ve always been relatively curious what changes would happen if cannabis was dried/cured in CO2. Oxidation is something that happens toā€¦ well everything. I think it would be interesting to see how things would change over time without access to oxygen.

The other night I was talking with the wife of what to do with all this vaped bud we have. Iā€™ve got a set of bubble bags and very shortly considered trying to run it for bubble hash to go in edibles. Iā€™m curious what trichomes would look like after being vaporized. As if different parts of the trichome itself would evaporate quicker than others due to a difference in composition.

Thereā€™s just too many possibilities!


Itā€™s actually the opposite. I should have put some measurements on there, because the big bud has really short trichomes about 100 microns tall. Thatā€™s why it appears the trichomes have a large cap. That is my hash plant big bud.

The interesting part is how varied the plants trichome coverage is. This 1:1 plant had the strangest trichomes on the bracts, compared to the buds themselves.

One image of the bud, then one of the bract.

In the industry they freeze dry the weed, and store it at -25C in mylar with the oxygen removed.

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Interesting. Itā€™s 2023 and I have yet to have any real experience with commercial stuff. Other than a few vape pen cartridges that get here, thatā€™s about it.

As much as I love the south, I think Iā€™m exhausted of their policies. Itā€™s such a wonderfully beautiful placeā€¦ if everyone would just keep their terrible views to themselves. In a 45 minute drive to one of the few ā€˜citiesā€™ in the state, I see like 6 signs ranging from paid for billboards to hand painted signs where the text runs off the sign that all proclaim my place in Hell.

Nothing more welcoming than constantly being reminded that youā€™re wrong for being Atheist.

In the end, the progression of how we treat cannabis is crazy. Once legalization started kicking up, methods and techniques have definitely changed. Itā€™s intense how many types of advancements weā€™ve had only in the past decade alone. With that said, Iā€™m curious if we will actually develop better methods in discovering what makes certain strains special. As great as posting the highest THC is on the package, we all know thereā€™s more to it. Although, I donā€™t think thatā€™ll come with industry. I think thatā€™ll come down to the guys like you, who are doing it yourself.

Reminds me of the guy who started breeding the hottest peppers in the world. Prior to him we had, what, scotch bonnet and habaneros? Now thereā€™s peppers out there thatā€™ll put you in a coma if you eat the majority of it.


hah hah yahā€¦ I know people in the industry. A wide array of people! All the way from personal producers to commercial megagram growers. I have noticed that personal producers are really slow to embrace change.
Iā€™m actually Anti-Religious, a step further than athiest lol!
ā€œGet that bible away from me, I burn bibles!ā€ ā† me at 11 years old.


Here are some classic scenes from inside the gold mine. The PCK looks like itā€™s covered in white fuzz, but itā€™s the height of the trichomes, not the number of them, that produces that look. Soā€¦ I bet people are breeding ā€œcrystalā€ covered plants that really have fewer trichomes, but are way taller. Giving the ā€œillusionā€ of good weed.
Edit: The human eye isnā€™t good enough to see things less than 500 microns tall. So the big bud trichomes are invisible, yet the PCK is white with 'em.