Tripl3fastaction Tries New Things Perpetually

I didn’t intend to journal this time, so updates might be sparse, but it’s a place to park my pics and notes. So thanks for looking.

I’m not sure what’s going to stick yet, but there’s some Romulan in here, which I think came from the co-op, a couple Jew Gold, courtesy of @Pigeonman. There’s some Durban, which I think came from @Guitarzan. All of the OG seeds gave me 100% germination. There’s a couple commercial strains in here that gave me 10% success rate on germination, so I’m gonna wait to name those, not sure they will make the cut.

These are at 28 days, no topping, no training. I flipped them to 12/12 last night and cleaned them up. This is a before pic …. Once they show sex I’ll weed some out. Oh, and I’m using up the Hugo’s, next run it’ll be back to the Unislabs.

Also, shout out to @LD50 . I’m using the Jacks 0-12-26 ratios you recommended for veg, and this is the result. Started out a bit wonky cause my EC was real high for sprouts, but they’ve adapted and seem pretty happy now. Thanks! No use buying the 5-12-26 anymore I hope. I guess proof will be how they come out of stretch.

Edit to add my feeding ratios …using Jacks 0-12-26 as my part A, grams per gallon:
Part A - 3.8g
Epsom - 1.2g
part B - 3.0g

That’s the basic ratio, but I feed high. So, for instance, I mix 6 gallons worth of ferts into 4 gallons of water, so a150% ratio give or take. Feed EC about 2.5 -3.0, the EC in my blocks was about 4.5 this morning, I hope to push that up to 7+ by end of stretch. I’m not recommending this :grinning:.


Your Hugo’s grow system indeed works Aplausos|nullxnull, they do like it, those are gorgeous big plants for just one month, love those big fat leaves … beer3|nullxnull


D8 12/12.

Romulan on left, Durban on right, couple JG’s (not the runt in front, that’s a Romulan). I’ve culled 3 males so far. One was an AKBB NL/haze cross. I got 1 plant out of 12 seeds, it was a male. My germination rates with those crosses has sucked past 2 years, I’m done trying. Another male was a Greenpoint Cookies and Chem circa 2018, sealed pack I bought, got 1 plant out of 10 seeds, it was a male. Moving on -

Jacks 321 @ 2.6ec, 78f, 60% rh, 800-1000 ppfd. EC in blocks about 4.5 when fully saturated, getting up to 6-7 overnight. Thx for looking.


Off to a good start! Any big changes other than the 0-12-26 this time around?

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Hehe. Not yet anyway. I’m honestly lacking a bit of enthusiasm this time around (itching to get out for summer activities) so my goal is to keep the res full and let Growlink do the rest.
The first rainy day I’m stuck in the house will probably blow that plan though.
Ps - your tent is looking good!


That’s good :+1: Sit back, relax and wait for the buds! Let that software do the work for you.

Thanks! So far so good, I’ve learned a lot following your work :+1:


D45 from seed, D18 12/12

I broke down and put a net up and have been training some. This is probably as good as the canopy is ever going to look, so figured I’d put up a pic. Romulan on left is budding, Durban on right are being slow ….


D26 12/12

Not much to report. Had one Durban (front right in above pic) that, as of this morning, has not started flowering despite 26 days of 12/12. It was going to be a big, slow plant, and as much as I’d like to know what’s in there, I don’t have the space or patience. In order to help control my humidity, I chopped it.

Romulan is the darker plant, the taller shoots are JG. Some Durban back right. Jacks @ 2.6EC, 78f/55-60rh. Medicgrow fold+ at 60%, 8-12” over canopy, 800-1100 par. Moved to a bulking fertigation strategy, feeding 8-12x per day. Thanks for looking.


Looks really good!!


Very nice.

So your ppm at these rates (3.8, 1.2, 3.0) are(?):

N (NO3-) 114.122
N (NH4+) 8.718
P 52.57
K 216.658
Mg 91.488
Ca 150.578
S 171.744
Fe 3.012
Mn 0.502
Zn 0.151
B 0.502
Cu 0.151
Si 0
Mo 0.09
Na 0
Cl 0

Nice to have no nitrogen in the “base”. The numbers/concentration doesn’t even seem that high. The “predicted EC” (not really trustworthy) is 1.96 mS.

They look lush.

How are the slabs you’ll be using?


For substrate I’m just using up a few 6x6 Hugo blocks to get rid of them, they have a 4” block inset. A Hugo by itself doesn’t have enough capacity to get me through the night without watering. After this, I’ll go back to the Unislabs. More expensive but better for what I do.

I’m not too nutrient knowledgeable (as you know). Glad to see my solution isn’t too far out of whack (I don’t think).


Crazy to see hobbyists killing the game right ? I’m almost finishing a raid at Sensi, without heavy surgeries i’m below 10% in average.

Always neat your hydro, i’m unable to have these nice green hues in rockwhool. Since the previous log, you’re tempting me to copy/paste you way (probing strategy) adapted to NFT@high slope (my poison).

Top notch canoppee, mason leveler style in plain stretch gj ^^


NFT is something I’ve never tried. Not sure how drybacks would work? It would be an interesting experiment though.


Well I should say first that I’m not not talking about the NFT/GHE format but more a thin linear rail with constant high flow of recirculating solution (smaller tanks than EBB&Flow, with pros & cons) :
This, but with high slope (up to 20°) and more lean in the build. You just need a basic pump and collecting back at the start of the chain.

On constraints, many try to get rid of the specialized “root mats” but they still change the game. I learned without in sewer tubes lol, it work well too but growth is far less “light speed” that more simple hydro system to drive.

About simple hydro, you dont need airstones like in a DWC with NFT so it’s a little less PH- to use, to regulate the swings boosted by bubbles. But it still quite a “basic”(ph) grow, even in slabs (not my poison).

Generally one pushing to cumulate drippers+NFT the time to get the tempo and to rely only on the pump. Not all strains are drinking the same and having in hands the cycles really boost as fuck the growth rate in NFT, terrible machine in SOG. I don’t regret to have used directly drippers so i got directly the optimal growth to best judge when i fucked up without.


Well if you’ve got root mats in there that retain moisture, you may be able to “steer” them a little bit. I was always afraid of NFT, no real safety net if anything goes wrong :expressionless:

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D35 of 12/12. The Romulan in front looking overfed (:smiley:), most of the rest “generally” okay. Stacking up a bit. I’ve backed the EC down to 2.1.


Looks like you did a good job getting the large ones to the back before it was too late, it’s like a staircase :smiley: looks cool. Nice long colas on those.

What do you think of the purple petioles? I’ve always seen that associated w/ lower ec/P but someone typed up something here recently saying it can be excess sugar production from too high of growth inputs; light, water, nutrient etc… I’ll try to find what they wrote.

Edit: I had it wrong, still interesting though…

Last paragraph of that post

Also, I have a few questions about your sensor setup between runs & calibration? Mind if I drop them here? Don’t want to spin this too far off topic :smiley:


Thx for pointing me to that thread. I’m not all the way through it yet, but lots to consider. I did step back my EC some, but at the same time a few of the plants are showing definite signs of calcium deficiencies. So I’m not sure the best approach. If I ever grew the same strain more than once it’d be easier to dial this crap in.
My temps are on the low side at around 78f, but I have to run a heater most of the day to get even that high. So I don’t have much play there. And my light dimmer is 20% increments, which I hate (light doesn’t work with either ACInfinity adapter). So I’m basically 40% if I veg anything in there, and 60% for flower.

Feeding from one reservoir has challenges too. One thing I don’t think I’ve ever written down is my reservoir temp is about 55-60f year round, and the rockwool substrate temperature is in the mid 70’s, thanks to my in tent heater.

Fire away. I don’t think we’re going to annoy anybody :slightly_smiling_face:.


Ya just more things to consider, lol, it’s complex stuff I don’t pretend to understand :smiley:

About your growlink…

  1. If you soak a rockwool block in a 2.0 EC solution for ~30 minutes and set it aside to drain extra water out what kind of pwEC reading do you expect? or if you’ve done this w/ other rw blocks at different EC values what were your results?
  2. Do you have to tell the software what type of medium & volume you are using for accurate VWC%?

Thanks dude :+1:


1). After initial soak/drain and the first time I poke the probe in, the pwEC is always really close to the feed EC. “Back in the day” you did have to rinse them out more or they’d jump up on you. Grodan seems to have fixed that in the last several years, less residual manufacturing dust.

2). The initial Growlink irrigation setup does ask media size, dripper flow, number of drippers on the line, etc. but that’s only for the purpose of coming up with an initial watering scheme for the first few days. But the software doesn’t use that info in any way to calculate VWC, it’s all through the 3 wire SD21 hookup which is beyond my knowledge