Update on second grow in Phototron!

That that’s on the table looks like bananas

I got it from one I pulled off to look DAMMIT it was doing so well :man_facepalming:t2::sob:

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If you dry it it will put out some pollen if it is

Are they everywhere or just a few

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That’s all I can see and it was all the same branch

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I would pluck them off and watch for more.
I only see it in the first 2 pics

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Much appreciated and it’s just frustrating for me especially when you are newer and you don’t have any headstash built up or for that matter no more beans left either but it’s part of the growing and the learning process but I am currently in darkness until tonight and should I turn it on and do it now or wait until the lights come on later, sorry I am just bummed out about it because this was doing ten times better than the first grow last year and I am just…

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It is not necessarily the end of the world. It depends how bad it gets.

Some plants will throw male bits that are sterile.

I have grown plants that throw full balls on the lowers and they finished just fine, I just had to do lots of daily inspection.

Keep your eyes open and you might still be ok.


I would wait until lights on.
This stuff happens. It’s not necessarily anything you’ve done.

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I just got some beans from Tuesday giveaway! Thanks for your input :+1:t2:

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are trouble areas with crispy leaf + banana near/touching a bulb?
could just be a small thing…

be patient and keep your eyes peeled. panicking won’t help!

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Herms happen, if it’s your only plant and you don’t have seeds you can try to pluck em as they come. I do think you’re probably better off starting fresh with a fem seed cause you’re harvests likely gonna be heavy on the seeds. You’re only losing a few weeks though I’d much rather catch a herm early than late and harvest a room full of seeds(that was fun😕)

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I’m not panicking…well I was but it’s just because I’m newer and it’s just a hard thing to comprehend after spending as much time as I do making sure I have everything in optimal condition but you can never defeat mother nature so thanks for the feedback and I’ll be keeping my eyes wide open

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This is the second grow and I am just happy to say that I have just been gifted 5 seeds and I have two feminized seeds of this strain left and I am curious cause I had the first grow give me about 5 seeds after I left it in the soil a few days to long and this is one of the seeds from the first one and is that possibly y it’s doing this!?

Then you overcompensate for the fuck up by thinking every slightly odd swollen calyx is a pollen sack trashing some probably perfectly fine plants :sweat_smile:🥲


I germinate with the paper towel method. I’ve never had luck just putting seeds in dirt.

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In order to become a better grower I’ve noticed that at least I learn more about growing by making mistakes and not continuing to grow until I can find out what caused whatever happened and I also have gotten a part-time job at a tree nursery this spring and summer and I am looking forward to helping out and just absorb all the information and help myself and others excel in growing


I’m having fun with that dance now… got a clone from someone that’s 5 weeks into flower now. His original hermed in flower, and every other clone he took from that original also hermed in veg - mine is the only one that has no intersex traits yet, or at least none I can see. Maybe I’m just blind. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been really curious about how much of a chance of getting hermie from the seeds and can it be used for hash oil or concentrates if it starts to get bad


There won’t be anything wrong with the bud, it’ll be fine to smoke… unless you have mold or bud rot, but those are entirely separate issues and won’t be caused by a hermed plant. Just other disasters to be wary for. You might be thinking of plants reversed by spraying colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate, which are dangerous to smoke. Seeded buds do tend to have slightly lower cannabinoid content, but that’s about it. You can use it in edibles just fine too.