Update on second grow in Phototron!

You can smoke or extract from em just fine, just gotta watch for seeds when you roll a joint or pack a bowl. As for hash, ain’t no seeds getting through a screen, or bubble bag, or even a coffee filter at the end of a blast tube.

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Thanks @EugeneDebs420

Your plant is still smokable and you also won’t be getting a ton of seeds…sometimes you’ll get bananas because of the strain/breeding…just keep giving it flower nutes…otherwise your plant still looks great.


I just won the Tuesday seeds giveaway and what’s DM mean direct message/?


So this was from a hermed seed? From a hermed mother? Or where the seeds from a selfed plant/

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I had purchased 6 feminized seeds from a seed bank in Denver and I was harvesting the first grow and I left the plant in darkness to long before cutting down the whole plant to hang and it caused 2 little branches to go hermie from the stress before the harvest and I got 5 seeds that didn’t sink in water and I just figured I’d germinate 4 of them and I have 3 females and I had two overwatering and one that made it was this one so it’s a strain called Black Eyed Katy https://thebankgenetics.com/ Black Eyed Katy
Mother Strain: Fall '97
Pollen Donor: Phishhead Kush
Seed Type: Feminized
Recommended Grower Experience: Any
Indica: 80%
Sativa: 20%
Indoor/Outdoor: Both
Yield: Above average to high
Flower Time (indoors): 58-63 days
Growth Stature: Average to above average
Phenotypic Variation: Medium low
Common Terpene Profile Characteristics: Sweet, Fruity, Fuel, Earthy
Possible Desirable/Interesting Traits: High yields, unique terpene profile

Also today I have found and gotten rid of approximately at least a half a dozen calyx with nanners inside them and it literally just started showing up in the last couple days and I was just wondering if you all think I should get rid of them as spotted or leave it be don’t wanna destroy the flowers

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Are you sure? I’ve had experiences where they have been there for awhile and it just looked like a lot because it was cumulative.

I would definitely pull them off. If for no other reason than to be better able to see how bad it is or is not getting. If they keep coming back quickly then it’s a problem.


So I’m just curious about if there’s a temperature drop of roughly 4 degrees during lights off and then with lights on temperature differences have been almost 14° and I was just checking out the log on my digital thermometer/RH gauge and the last 8 days I wasn’t even realizing how much colder it was getting during darkness so instead of lows being 65° it’s been getting 61°and is something like that enough to stress out the plant and possibly got the hermie start…

Yeah, where did you get the seeds from? Who’s the breeder? Never heard of Black eyed Katy strain…

Sorry if I missed this but the most obvious question to me is , are there any light leaks? I noticed there was a pic above that looked as though it was taken during the dark period. Is she in complete darkness for at least 12 hours @DrGonzo13 ?

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Actually I wasn’t taking pics with lights off during darkness I was just about to turn them on when I took it and I think that I’m pretty good and not letting any light in during darkness other than the ome day my dog pushed the bathroom door open lol and I have to use the bathroom for the potty but my Tron is in the stand up shower in the bathroom and I have a tarp covering the door to the shower and it’s in a recessed area that is dark with the bathroom light on ,is that enough to stress it out …


Probably not. None of my grow areas are completely light proof.

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Sounds like that’s under control to me. Just making sure

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Well I am really excited and nervous about starting the seeds that I will be getting shortly from the Tuesday giveaway and their regular seeds instead of feminized or autos and I hope that this grow isn’t a complete waste and I guess that it’s so hard for me because I’m so new and I am trying to do it to provide my father with very late stages of Alzheimer’s and my Dad used to be the Tron-Guru for the area I lived in Pennsylvania as a young kid but the wicked and unforgiving disease has completely made him forget EVERYTHING he knew about growing in Trons ,outdoors and it’s difficult for me and I’m so grateful to have u and the OG community and @PhilCuisine has been taking a lot of time to give me the best input on the phototron and I am going to be successful because it’s gonna take a whole hell of a lot more than my first 2 grows going hermie during flower deter/defeat me from pursuing my newfound love and on the brighter side I have been able to get 4 of the 5 succulents my Mom had back to life and thriving again and mostly it was a big blow to my confidence but it’ll be back as soon as I start the next grow


Sometimes it just happens. It’s not necessarily something you’ve done or your fault.

It sucks I know, but it happens.

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I’m glad that you are asking me about these things because it’s bothering me and I’ve got one more question is keeping my lights on at night and off in daytime any way it could affect the plant and it’s because of the winter because of how cold it is currently but that’s y u grow indoors right…because we cab decide how to mimic the weather or not

That’s y I’m bothered by it and I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t causing it because I like to figure out what I’ve done wrong before I begin the next and that’s how I am with working on cars(my favorite hobby but quickly becoming more of a job)and growing is something I truly enjoy and I’m OCD n ADHD so especially for those reasons it’ll bug me but mother nature is untamable and is an amazing force

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Don’t beat yourself up. It happens. If I were you though I’d think about locating somewhere where the dog might not kick the door open or there’s no chance of light being turned on.

I’ve seen a pin light cause nanners before. If it’s directly on the same spot every night all night it’s a good chance even a little light will cause it.

Abundance of caution is always a good thing :wink:

There’s always hash/oils/tinctures . It won’t be a waste at all.

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