**Updated Week 6 Flowering** 1st Grow, 14 strains, 3 Rooms, 2 Dehumidifiers, 1 Layer Trellis

Good evening Overgrow 2.0. I learned everything I know from Overgrow 1.0. Now I finally can put all that knowledge to good use! 3 Magnum XXXL hoods with 1000 watt Hortilux bulbs powered by Phantom 1000 watt digital ballast. Magnum hoods are cooled by a 10" Max-Fan. Air is pulled through a 5 foot tall Carbon Filter and exhausted outside. I am particularly proud of the bushiness of the 2nd to last pic. That strain is Jack Here x (Blue OG x Ripper)

I am doing a 2 layer trellis rather than 1 per the suggestion of a commercial growing buddy. I will start on #2 tomorrow to be ready. Also #2 will be a Botanicare plastic trellis rather than the string ones. Comments and suggestions please!


I shave the ladies legs, anything below the lowest trellis gets trimmed.

I just did a 1KW scrog, I really needed the second layer of trellis.

Working on that now actually. These monster fan leaves are blocking a lot of budsites.


I always use several layers of netting over mine, both SOG and SCROG, it helps a lot to keep them standing straight when the wieght tries to pull them over from heavy buds.

I have tried 2 different ways, 1 using hooks to anchor the netting, and then I went to plastic tie wraps, so I could slightly adjus the height of the nets if required. Most I have used is 3 layers.

Becomes a pain when trimming but, I would rather shout at nets :scream: when trimming nice fat heavy buds, as opposed to loosing them to falling over, or snapping branches.

I am refering to plants that grow over 1 meter and can finish up at 2.5 meters tall.

MadTruka…I plan on building another 10’x5’ frame exactly like the one in the picture. Next, I will have a T-joint in the middle of each of the four sides of the frame with approximately 12-24 inches of PVC pointed straight down to act as legs to stand on top of the lower (1st layer). Does that plausiblr and not too complicated???

@Dickertjulias if you look in the link you will see the pics and what i mean.

Any original OG members back?

Here are the type I refer to, on this 1st run I only used 1 net to my dissapoinment and lots of yo-yo’s and strings to tie them up.

2nd run I used hooks to screwed into the timber legs and 3 layers of nets.

3rd run I used plastic tie wraps instead of hooks this allowed me to make fine adjustments in heights of the nets.

Forgive my poor joinery in those pics, it was corrected shortly after the pics were taken.

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Having trouble viewing the pictures?? I have attached my nute lineup. Has anyone used this product Terpinator?? I have heard good and bad things???


The people at the hydro shop here swear by it.

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Wow some marketing going on with those bottles, I understand the method.

Why they cant just provide basic bottles with N P K etc I dont know, it seems to be all the rage in this day and age.

Lets call it this, lets call it that, lets take that part out of the bottle and split it into 2 parts to sell more bottles.

Im sure it will say on the back the basic npk ratios etc, never seen or used it myself but would be great to know your thoughts on it for other members that might have it stocked in their local shop.

Best of luck


I used Terpinator in the past, works ok, I just thought it was too pricey. One of the problems was I had to use max concentrations to get the desired effect. Terpinator from what I gather from reading the MSDS and looking at the G.A is a potassium sulfate base, used to boost sulfur for terpenes. I contacted rizoflora directly, and they got very defensive when I was asking about the formula, I asked a lab to reverse the formula, but they quoted me 15K USD to reverse the terpinator ingredients.

Sulfur supplementation isn’t the only thing for terpene quality or will you hit high THCA levels using only Terpinator.

I have lab tests and the cultivators I work with hit 27%THCA and 30.3% THCA not using terpinator.
They use a simple feed schedule.

In my observation you dont need it, but it didnt hurt when I used it. I was running a 10x10 greenhouse and you could smell it 100 ft away when the wind hit it right. I was running a chemdog cut that time, and it was staaanky…


I cant read the small writing on the bottles even when zoomed in, a bit out of focus.

Is that a product that you use towards the end of the flowering ie ripening stage last few weeks ?

What are the doses and prices ??

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Are you talking about the Terpinator picture??

I happened to be browsing a new local hydro store and they had this bottle for like $15 after tax. I am a sucker for a good deal and I had heard more good than bad about the product so I bought it.


Yes I was refering to the terpinator.

Do you use it from the start of flowering or only add from a certain point / week of the flowering cycle ?

How much do you use / dose etc?

Edit I can read the label now you have re do ne the photo thanks :wink:

You have to love the marketing ideas, great collar of trichomes he is wearing, better than a pearl necklace :grin:

Haha! Anyone else out there used Terminator… good or bad??

Day 19 Flowering When should I start my 2nd trellis?? I was thinking within a few days?!?! I added another 1000 watt HPS I had sitting around. The frost is on its way in on my Chem Sour Diesel x Graper Ape and Headband


I usually have my nets / trelis set up prior to the plants growing through them, that way I dont have to touch the plants physically once in flower. Not all strains but some dont like that been touched, having their pistils stroked etc

I like to train them into the squares of the net / trelis as opposed to dropping it on them over the tops, less chance of damage that way.


I used terpinator a few years back and it worked very well for me.noticed difference almost the very next day with tric explosion

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Really that noticabale?

Its a 0-0-4 n-p-k, basically potash it reads on the label ?

What stage in the grow did you start using it @Mikethephenohunter ?

Love your filter @Dickertjulias is it the 150x 45cm version from Can. what size appatuer have you got on it 10" or 12" and what size fan is it connected to M3/hour