USDA Says Genetically Modified Hemp Plant 'May Be Safely Grown And Bred' In The United States next it will work to increase THC production in cannabis plants

That guy isnt even indigenous.



Just came here to say fuck GMOs under most conditions. All natural whole foods baby. Fuck processed food fuck gmos fuck bioengineering and FUCK THE PEOPLE MAKING IT


Fair enough but he stayed at a holiday inn exprees so he is good, :rofl: and that is just a commercial created to make a point.
The garbage was probably placed there too.
The point is what is important not the messenger.
The short film makes a very valid point, at least to me it does.

Trouble maker… :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
Really, well said brother.
I do love to hear folks speaking their mind without reservation. :star_struck:


Good catch on Iron Eyes Cody.

Noone considers berner a rapper but he does rap though.


I ran a nursery right when it all started happening, and as much as i love conspiracies. That was just a result of big money coming in, and taking over the nursery game using huge greenhouses and all low skill labor. Us smaller guys were usually a lot more on it about catching any “dudded” as we called it clones and keeping them fully isolated. Vs just lettin a buncha ppl makin minumum wage start hackin up plants.


That big money unleashed hpld in such a major way it’s unbelievable. Legalization/ big money has done more to get small growers to stop than prohibition did.


That is definitely possible. It could also just be lack of awareness or concern in a new and developing industry. The first steps of a baby who shat themselves.

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Are you saying my response is possible?

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The biggest spreader of hpld was darkheart nursery. They now have a whole assortment of products and services for hpld. I’m not making any claims on intent with this, just that they were like ground zero for spreading.

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Theyre out of business now.

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I had not heard that.


Actually the name it is under has other stuff going on

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So they abandoned the one with all the baggage and operate under unknown names if I’m understanding correctly


There is not enough information. Those companies have been all registered within a 6 month period. The last two continue to operate outside of the bay area. It is possible that they are still pumping out bad clones.

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I really hope not. :disappointed:

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All this legislation going through seems to be benefiting the rich few who are able to get legal grow licenses. I’m almost certain they will then lobby to fight against home growers because it will cut into their profits.
Greed is the root of all evil.


When you completely stop making seeds or procreating the natural way and exclusively clone, then your clones will eventually become sterile. It’s like that with every species.


The giants in the legal weed game now will be the ones crushed the most, it’s a highly leveraged industry and they’re going to be competing with multinationals soon. If they don’t have any real intellectual property (in house varieties people actually pay up for) their creditors will turn on them and it will come crashing down. Which is virtually everyone operating right now, i rarely find a company that has anything exclusive.