USDA Says Genetically Modified Hemp Plant 'May Be Safely Grown And Bred' In The United States next it will work to increase THC production in cannabis plants

You make a very good point here. :star_struck:
And we don’t yet fully understand the consequences of this.
Could cannabis become like bananas?
Why are bananas becoming extinct?

Are Bananas Going Extinct? - AZ Animals

Similar to the Gros Michel banana, the Cavendish is facing extinction, and this is due to the lack of genetic diversity in Cavendish bananas.

But anything could happen, the fact is we don’t know what.
I personally don’t like the thought of changing the world in a permanent way.
Once released there is no going back…ever.
Smoke one and think that out and all that goes with it.

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Bananas becoming extinct has nothing to do with genetic modification. It has to do with monoculture and clonal propogation. Isn’t that what we do in Cannabis now?


It’s a result of bandwagon culture

How can you be sure, it could be the end of cannabis, does anyone really know for sure.

What’s the saying???
Fuck around and find out!

A good parallel is this…it is a bit different than your story and closer to the truth.

Well said ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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" God does not play dice!"

I did not say it did.
Are you suggesting it could not happen to GMO cannabis?
I am mearly suggesting it could.
As I said who really knows?

Yep, sure is.
The old timers will tell you we are fucking things up too. :thinking:

All this talk everywhere about saving the planet and we so carelessly release genetically modified organisms into the world.
Plastic and or PFAS in or on every living thing today. :sleepy:

I personally think we should be more mindful.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Let thy food be thy medicine?

I had a good laugh after typing that.
Food really is your medicine because it could contain a vaccine, not really funny but I got a laugh anyway… :upside_down_face:


What is the science behind plant counts? @Tolerance_Break

They don’t have a whole lot of time. It’s a boom and bust market. The cost of keeping everyone else out and engineering a one and done product constantly to keep the flavor of the month crowd happy has to leave them with tons of profit.

50 years of federal prohibition hasn’t worked. I think a little bit of fire under our asses goes a long way, and they have no way to stop us.


Well said! :wink:
That is the main reason I wanted to discuss this topic, awareness is where we need to start.
Those that wish to be mad about it will, those that don’t won’t.
But everyone will be informed. :wink:


As it should be!

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First to market creates precedent, people have worked their whole lives building something and shared it freely and now some person who tucked those seeds away can now own it for good.
You’re gonna find out who’s really for the plant and who’s not, and I bet my bottom dollar the sell outs will be the most irie pretendo types.


This was my main bitch about phylos collecting genetics from all over the globe.

A round-up ready weed…WTF? :money_mouth_face:
From the original post.
changes are intended to make the engineered plants free of THC and CBC and also boost resistance to the herbicide bialaphos. It says genes in the new hemp plants came from multiple donor organisms, including plants, bacteria, a virus and at least one artificial sequence. :thinking:


Yea bro lol call me curious on the timing


Nothing to do with GMO but I found this interesting so I though I would share.
Check out the video for the device they made.
Someone get @DougDawson this for Christmas… :wink:

The hemp sector took a major economic hit last year, according to an analysis from USDA that showed the crop’s value drop precipitously across all metrics. Stakeholders have largely attributed the downturn to a lack of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations on marketing hemp derivative products, such as CBD oil, but FDA has insisted it needs Congress to enact such rules.

As I said expect the FDA to crack down on CBD and other canabinoids.


The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”.

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s - Full Movie

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Ok, that is totally awesome.

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Could make your pollen collection super fast and easy

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As soon as I saw it I thought of him… :exploding_head:

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The Uncle Leo defense. Excellent.

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Seed : The Untold Story - clip

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