Used Equipment for sale or trade


You can get one of those around 100$ 3x3 or 2x4. I say more of a 3x3

Where is your location so I have an idea of shipping before I give u a price

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Ohio here bud…


I run that light in a 2x4, works fabulous. Remote dimming is a plus for me…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


You didn’t ask me, but I’m incredibly pleased with my EZ cloner. I picked up a used 30 site model from a local hydro shop and it has served me well. 100% success rate, usually roots in 10-14 days. I dip cuttings in Clonex gel before placing in the collars, then add some Clonex nutes and UC Roots to the rez. Pretty easy to clean - just run some bleach water through it when done so it’s ready to go the next time.


I have one in a 2x4 plus a HLG 100r. I felt like the board is a bit wide. I have 4 of them. The thing I like about them you can plug them in a series. I do like the remote control.


Beautiful, I’ve only experimented with cloning so to speak at this point. I just have an 8 spot bucket cloner that works very well. It also gets it done in about 10-14 days with clones nutes and clear rez is all o add, PHed of course.
Hunting a particular mom currently and need to be keeping many clones.
Much appreciate the info, see if we can lock this down. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Mine are homemade. I do like the machines. 14 spots is amazing. I’ll double and triple them up in one spot. I do mine in water with a air bubbler. 5 gallon buckets with holes cut in the top and then I got a big Tupperware dish. For smaller clones. I’ve always liked the machines. Good luck with that I’m sure you will. I run mine about 7 to 14 days and then I put them in dirt anyway. I’ve always been interested in the ones that spray.


I’ve got a couple used RO/DI units that I won’t be using again (I have four) if anyone is looking. One is a 4 stage and the other is 5 stage. The 4 stage is basically brand new, and the 5 stage is well used but is in working order and just needs the metal bracket to either be replaced (they’re cheap) or have the metal bracket stripped or treated with phosphoric acid and painted. Both are capable of producing 0 TDS water if that’s what you’re after, or you can change up the filters and dial in higher TDS and more output.

Send me a DM if you’d like details :v:t2:


Im in barrie ontario lookin for a led light with 4x4 coverage and a some t5 fluorescent fixtures i can trade a hefty some of after dinner breath f3 i bred from f2 or if your patient in a few months when i drop my f2 of my hungry for strawberries i can set u up nice with them. Any help is appreciated

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Behold a 10 dollar mini tent!!!


Got a 315w cmh light with few bulbs 4200k and 3100k bulbs for veg and bloom


275.00 cash you pay shipping
Both are new never opened.
Both for 275.00
This is a steal I paid 400 something for the sentinel

Anyone want some 1000w phantom ballasts on the cheap?


Good lights.

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$31.17 Canada


I got two. They were 10 bucks a piece through Amazon for me. Not inner parts, it’s just the cover, and the door is a screen, and also not a door, so I will need to build a frame and get some mylar to cover the door, it looks like these were created (which was in the description I jumped over before buying) for the aero garden harvest models. 🤷


They look so small is the picture. I got a cheap 4x4 last year. 79$ I do believe. Sometimes to tents are ok. It’s the poles that are bad.

They are to be used for on the counter mother tents. Wasn’t sure what I was Getting for ten bucks. But to have to build a frame is no worries to me.