Uttar Pradesh ("Sexspread" #2)

This plant was sown this year in 2021. The stalk grows naturally as this; diagonally and twisted. No training methods were applied at any time; only wires and wood have been used as improvised supports, in response to the unusual growth habit.

The genetics come from Uttar Pradesh. As I was told:

Hashish connoisseur (friend of the cultivator) travels a few times a year to hash making regions for hash vacations. He’s in Uttar Pradesh and tries a few dozen kinds of hash he can find in the area during his stay. One stands out: very creamy, full melt, and a sweet flavor like vanilla bean, sweet smell like jasmine. He inquires and is put in contact with the farmer. Upon visiting the family farm, he learns from the patriarch (age 87) that the heirloom lineage their farm grows has been saved by them for five generations, as far as he knows. The connoisseur acquired the seeds as an intended gift to the cultivator, who holds them now on Vancouver island, B.C.

First hand visiting the garden, I was overwhelmed by the complexity of terpenes expressed in the one plant. There were other phenotypes. This particular plant was photographed because of its pronounced twisted stalks and the fungi growing along it.

The line is maintained privately. It has been nicknamed, “Sexspread” by the breeder.



Male pollen from this Uttar Pradesh lineage has been generously donated by the breeder, applied to the following female complex polyhybrid:

Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver

“Blueberry Dragon Fire” is:
Blueberry Trainwreck x ((Hindu Kush x Afghan Kush) x Blueberry Trainwreck)

“Sundae Driver” is:
Fruity Pie OG x Grape Pie

Here are some photos of the Blueberry Dragon Fire female used to sire the BDFxSD stock:

Here are photos of the Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver female used in this cross, growing outdoors:


Here are photos of the same Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver cutting flowered indoors, pollinated by Uttar Pradesh “Sex”:

From these seeds I’ll be looking for a plant with swooping gnarled purple stalk, black leaves, and black or purple hash-quality flowers.

-Dr. Zinko


WOW!!! After seeing those pictures, I just have to let you know I’ll be interested in ANY of the seeds you’re making. I talking, put me on your List!! Again, WOW!! Excellent score and fine work by you. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Yeah, that’s a very unique look. I love those dark stems.

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I do love some thick leggy girls :drooling_face::drooling_face::heart:

Those are some crazy looking steams/trunks.

Forgot to post a photo of the flowers of Sexspread #2:

Here’s a short video in which the breeder (D) explains the seed stock origin:

Below is some footage of the pollination event described. Four crosses were made in total on Oct. 3, 2021; Sexspread is one of the lines used to pollinate the BDF x SD selection.

The seeds of this cross have successfully set, as of 2021-10-06. Stigmas have begun to wither; evidence the pollen grains have germinated and their tendrils have successfully fertilized ovules within the calyx.

I’ll make a note to contact you, Misterbee. The cross is:

(Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver) x “Sexspread” (Uttar Pradesh)


Very interesting growth pattern , are you keeping the line true as well or just doing crosses

I dig it alot.

Sounds yummy.

Would make a great hash I bet :yum:

Seems like this strain would make a great bonsai grown over a rock .

I’d love to grow these seeds and reproduce them as an inbred open pollination, for use in hybridization with other truebreeding plants in future years. I would likely replenish the seed stock with fresh every 7 to 10 years if it maintains my interest; else freeze / bury a great deal of the seed.

However the breeder has not extended to me an offer to acquire the line pure. I brought four clones of my Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver selection over to his facility, and after discussing the lineage and terpenes, structure, how the mother was doing in my garden outdoors, its resistances and my ornamental intentions, he considered for a few moments what would make good partners, then dug into his freezer and came out with a clear glass container filled with dozens of jars of labeled pollens. He selected four and made four new F1 complex poly crosses, each using a different heirloom lineage he has maintained.

I’m blessed to have been able to collaborate with him. At harvest, we will share in equal portions of each grade of seed. As of now we have no further plans.
