Variegated or

Or we put it in a box with light and a drip system but without windows, wait a few months and we call it “shrodingers pot”

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I think you need some more-ophyl


More-ophyl chlorophyll!? WE NEED MORE CAL-MAG :laughing:


Here it is, happy as a peach.


You got this in a diary? I’d love to follow and see the life story of this little fella. Would be cool to see if passes on to little seeds??? Take good care of this fancy little treat of nature.


This thread will be my temporary diary, until I’m sure there are no issues. Right now I’m going for exploratory/informative… best case scenario I go on to hunting with it and move the thread to a different category


I beg to differ but I understood the paragraph loosely …lololol


Have you tried boron? Sorry couldn’t resist. :rofl: Seriously though boron. :alien:


Looks like a pretty rose amongst other roses.

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shit not that again…who’s died and blagged it?lolol
ahhh that boron…lmao


Boron and Cal-Mag!!! CALBORMAGGGGGGG

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It’s key to only feed it “the boron” every 14th feeding.

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Thats what’s wrong, I’ve been boroning every 12th feeding!!!


And you will start to notice right when your plants die. It’ll take until 16th week of flowering though.

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Never underestimate the power of boron!

It’s the one element that ridicules them all!

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Place of symptoms is part of symptoms, ignore it and you’re reading the symptoms wrong :man_shrugging:

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you know best!!!lolol
and tbf i have never seen that growth ever in many years so I should of left it to the man with the paragraphs that mean nothing to the average 99% of growers…you wanna dig me out personally or you have something to say over my membership you crack on…I was trying to offer opinion to help…don’t need wise guys thinking there slick chatting nonsense…leave that for the street talk ffs…and I take that as a dig…if you wanna dig opinions for an answer…there you have it!!!

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Nah but that’s ok, my mom didn’t either.

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I would still swear that the lower leaves look greener; not the little seedling… the lower leaves. I have high hopes for the underdog :sweat_smile: Or maybe I’m just high. Glad you are keeping it. Oddities are fun!


Heard of albino plants…, never seen one and the amount of beans/plants myself and my crew has gone through in 20+ years is absolutely mind blowing! Definitely got something special there imho