Variegated or

Is that bottom right leaf crispy at the tip, or just curly? There’s more yellow leafed houseplants and stuff, it doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t have chlorophyll right?

Super cool

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Curled, no crisp on that one

To me it looks like the larger leaves are greening up slightly, usually deficient leaves don’t recover, just the new growth recovers. It even more leads me to believe it’s a genetic anomaly. This could be my claim to fame! …my Golden Egg, if you will :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Before :arrow_down:


She’s (hopefully) going to get an up-pot to 5 gallon later today woth the rest of “The Maine Event” siblings


What a weird little plant . I’d give it a separate shot of epsom salts see what she does. But that’s just me .

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I don’t have salts and am not going to buy them, lol, towns too far away and I’ve never had a need for them.

I wanna see where she goes everything being identical to the siblings. Same grow medium, same feed, same light same style of planter pot


This could be MY Freakshow! :grin:

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My buddy sent me this varigation from insta.


CripXmas A is variegated, so yes I attest this can be a special plant. Perhaps the REAL pot of gold :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s def a variegated. Looks exactly how the cinderevils were in a room full of others. If everything is same soil, same feed plan and it’s that much different then I call genetics on it


Totally, everything is identical to every plant I have growing right now, it may just be a sick outlier, but it looks healthy to me. I haven’t checked in them in a couple days, I will tomorrow after my nap after graveyard shift tonight

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Good morning everyone! Let’s spice things up a bit!
…with this veregated chili! :laughing:


Annnnnnd back to our regularly scheduled program

The lower older leave continue to green up just as the brand new leave continue to come in a golden yellow. The plant is smaller than its siblings, but really healthy looking. There are absolutely no crispy leaves, even though a couple look crispy, they are just twisted up a bit


Call the variegated strain ….”POWDER”
From the movie…


Little update on Old Yeller. It’s a little sensitive to this super intense sun we’ve been getting, ive moved it to a partial shade area. The very bottom leaves are darkening to green but all the new growth is coming in brilliant yellow and with the mid level leaves a beautiful yellow/green


Whatever this is, she’s sure perrdy. :+1:

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She’s not happy… she’s sensitive to the sun, not a good trait, lol. I’ll keep her going as long as I can, but I can’t gove her her own grow space. She’s gonna have to suck it up. She’s in a partial shade area now.


Well she was basically white as a ghost at a young age, of course she’s sensitive to sun! :joy:

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