Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo



Golden Goat x Scott’s OG at 55…the goat leaner. Should go to about 70.

Fack this plant stinks. Golden goat with a nip of earthy mothballs and a sweet coconut-acetone top note.

How can it get much better than this plant I don’t know but more on the way.


I’ve got 5 in a paper towel sandwich as we speak! I hope I can get close to your results. They are spectacular and the smoke is memorable indeed! RESPECT!




Any chance you have a few to trade? I haven’t grown either yet. I was gonna work with a dude from Canada about 5 years ago who was doing a bunch of stuff with the Golden Goat and then he disappeared. They were beautiful plants outside. That description sounds insane. That girl is insane looking as well.

I wanna be a Transdimensional Space Goat! I want that Goat’s look on MY face. :relieved: :yum: :peace:


Man I’d love to but I’m down to my last couple dozen after I sold a 40 pack to someone on IG who liked the pretty pictures haha.

I will however hook you up with the F2 of this when it’s ready here in about 6 months. I don’t pollinate single branches, I do whole plants so there will be thousands of seeds. And a Golden Goat backcross. And some crosses with the hazes.


I might have a few. Let me see.



Both females I’ve ran so far have been killer; he’d only need a few haha.


Hit me up when you have these beans :v:t2:

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No biggie, just asking if there were enough. It sounds pretty nice. It sure has the looks. I’ve been watching your grows @vernal and have to pinch myself to avoid the normal reflex but you caught me at a time with my guard down. :pensive: :grin:

Hey, maybe a clone, @oleskool830. Just if it’s easy. You know the sickness. I am already anxious over not being able to grow the seeds I have. It’s not like I really need to throw more weight on the pile… but I want to… :drooling_face:

My last name is the same as the OG. I need to make my own and call it by my first name. Then get one of the SOG’s to cross it to, and I’d have my full name for a strain. Lol.

Hey Skool, remember that cross I made that I sent you pics of? I’m smoking it now and it turned out really nice. I was hoping for a little better taste from Sam’s cross, but it’s still a mouthful of terps and turned out potent. I hardly notice these days from tolerance but this one broke through. It’s @SamwellBB’s wed cake/gelato x dosi#9 crossed to a black lime reserve/OG.

I’ll have to go back inside to show a bud pic. Gotta get it off of the camera. First plant that I didn’t allow to get seeded for a while, ha. Not bad. Maybe I can get a taster’s sample out to you guys to get an opinion. peace


Stole the goat made it confess.image


Will do. They’ll be cheap as chips, beer money type shit as always.

Golden Goat S1, if successful, might cost more if it doesn’t make a lot of seeds but still way less than anyone else is charging. Rasta Jeff made an S1 as well so I know it can be done.

Had thousands of these Goat x Scott’s at one point, wish I had more available for everyone.


I still owe you a clone after the SSH dud fiasco, I can hook you up with a cutting relatively soon. The good one I have in the pictures is just coming out of reveg now (took a cut 2 weeks into flower and is now starting to push normal leaves). But I can send off whenever after a couple weeks. We’ll be into hot weather territory, though.


I already know you’re good ppl. I don’t mind kicking a little more duckets for the dominant GG. Have you began bleating in the house and eating anything that lays around?


I don’t even remember that. Maybe somebody else? Not that I wouldn’t forget either. But no sweat, if it works out. You’re right, some parts of the country aren’t in shape for mailing live plants. We’re actually really cool this week. It was 62º all afternoon. Sort of damp from some pretty good rains. But, in a week that heat may be here.

Thanks for the thought. I’ll keep enjoying from my chair for the time being. I have my hands full but always open to another top hitter. peace


Now that you mention it, I have been leaving more pellets around the house than usual.


Coming atcha! @GMan



Nice you got the goat and some grow hard gems , speaking of him too bad he wouldn’t stop by for a visit still gotta commend him on the grape pie keeper I’d got out of his mystery cross he did.


I’ll tell him you said so. IDK when he’s gonna get back to growing.

@oleskool830 ayyy you got some to share. Noice!


Golden Goat x Scott’s OG at 58…the kush scented plant. This cola is like 9" away from the bare CMH bulb so there’s a couple spots of bleaching. It be like that.

Deep earthy kush mothball with a lemon-pine twist. Pretty much OG kush with bigger nugs and more lemon. On track for a 70 day finish, but willing to do up to 75. Golden Goat STS reversal is going to be in that tent and the little plants aren’t big enough yet.

Down to 11 seedlings from 19 of 21 that germinated. Culled a few shorter broadleafs, a few with odd features, a couple stragglers that didn’t keep pace. 1-2 further might get culled but we’ll see. The ones with odd features and slower pace would have grown out fine I just don’t breed with anything that grows “weird” or slow.

Only seedlings with best features and most explosive vigor are considered. I have a small grow and only run a half dozen females at a time max so it’s a little trick to “presift” the stock for better plants. The plants aren’t necessarily better quality, but you do go into flower knowing they’re strong, tough, and are less likely to pass along deleterious mutations or low-vigor plants themselves. If you have a LOT of seeds I think this is the way to go. If you’re just growing for a personal keeper or only have a couple ten packs of expensive seed this probably isn’t the way to go.


Perfect bud structure a trimmers dream by the looks of it .