Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Fluffy flowers or not, that Appalachia Super Skunk looks really good to me. I wanted to plant some of those seeds this round, but I was already planting a couple different Sour Diesel hybrids, so I held off.


What’s the nose on that skunk?


Those are huge and beautiful, good job!
Is it a sweet skunk or did you happen to find the rks? lol (sorry, just teasing)



Nice to see the appalachia hybrids still kickin!


Skunky diesel. Oily rag, lemon cleaner. Not all that far away from chemdog tbh.


Ohhhh shit, you already know how I feel about chem :drooling_face:

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The Appalachian Super Skunk, or what I like to call, Massalachia :wink:
Month or two dried. I find myself reaching for this stuff 80% of the time I need daytime herb. Just a real good high that doesn’t make you sleepy at all. Yields really well too.


Fuck yeah, dude, that shit looks real good. I actually kinda like those big, fluffy, not-super-dense flowers, if for no other reason than they’re easier to break up and roll. I may have to plant some of those next round. I’m, like, eight days in veg and already thinking about next grow haha…

I cannot keep up with your shit at all haha. Did I know that you’d already chopped and dried that one? Don’t you have one in flower right now?


Everything’s over at the other spot :wink: Pretty sure you already saw all that lol. I don’t have one in flower currently. That’s the only clone I’ve ran of it so far. I’m running SSDD’s and NorthStar’s currently.


Yeah, I’ve been following along, definitely know about the NorthStars and the SSDD’s haha, but I coulda sworn that Massalachia was still flowering. I didn’t realize she was done. Two months? Jesus Christ… Time to get it together… haha!

Anyway, sorry for getting off-topic, Vernal.


It’s fine y’all we’re just talking about weed lol.


Don’t tell the others but I might just have to forgo the seed run and run an entire grow of just your gear next round

Edit: I’m moving soon anyway so I need to figure something out


What seed run were you planning?

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Idk I was gonna chuck something with something and hope for the best. Isn’t that what breeders do anyway?:joy:

Edit: It might be a better idea to wait until I’m settled in before I do a seed run. Last thing I want is to promise the community something, have a signup, and take forever and a day to deliver. Also the distribution kink we have rn makes it an even worse idea to try to have a seed run at the moment

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I like to pollinate individual branches and put a tarp down. Like this:


In light of the fallout from the “LED is a conspiracy/Vernal is actually a Fed” thread, I have decided to mosey on from the site. I want to stress there are no hard feelings to the mods or admins.

Joe asked me to be nicer and not ridicule people. It’s a perfectly reasonable request, the problem is, I am simply unable to comply. I cannot be nice to fools and tolerate lies. It’s just not my nature. Call it a defect, call it a compulsion.

I can’t not ridicule the ridiculous, I can’t not call liars liars. I can’t keep my mouth shut, and I can’t hold my tongue. It is anathema to me, and it’s clear I’m not a good fit here. That’s OK, the site/admins don’t owe me anything. I have too much respect to the mods and the site to make this “a thing”. Frankly, I am probably more trouble than I’m worth; I’m sure the mods are weary of getting messages talking about “vernal hurt my feelings”.

It was super fun while it lasted y’all. Anyone who needs to contact me can do so through my IG page or email me at I’ll probably occasionally browse as a guest, but I won’t be posting anymore.

Take it sleazy.


I know how you feel, @vernal. We share that quality, for sure.

You will be missed. You’re a good guy. Very smart. Funny, with an extra serving of dry humor. Just my kind of friend…

Here’s hoping you’ll return - as vernal - soon. Until then…

giphy-beers Cheers to you, my friend


I’ll miss you friend. Will reach out on IG.


Another casualty of the 5G brigade.

Farewell @vernal


Always enjoyed your snarky humor and insight on all things. Appreciate the help you’ve provided me through DMs in the past as well. I’m still not entirely sure what is permitted here and what’s not. That seems to be fluid depending on “feelings.”