Viet Black by SnowHigh | Seed to Harvest

I’m running a couple VB crosses. Not snowhigh and all sourced from OG. If you’re interested.


interesting project ! in week 3 of flower of Purple OG Ghost Piss x Vietnamese black, just wondering a flower time for this strain ? Understand that Ghost Piss OG is hard to grow with small yields. But Vietnamese Black is a pure sativa strain so I’m figuring a 65-70 day for Ghost Piss and 98- 105 (+) for Viet Black, this plant/seed seems to be indica dominate and is only 16inches tall (SCROG reason for height of 16 inches) maybe ? 90 days ( Know there are many factors in flower time) interesting this plant has 3 leaf true sets of leaves - never seen that instead of 2 true leaves one get 3 true leaf set !! - is this common for Vietnamese Black? will be watching the “Black” show

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Nope they are still alive and well however the freeman farmer test kits turned out to be all males. So I got few clones from a buddy, and have gotten an incredible amount of help from a fella on instagram on how to breed so I’ll be taking pollen from the male VB’s and pollinate chemxgg4 and mimosa with it. So a whole change of plans for this grow. However I’ll still keep the Viet Black alive by breeding it with the clones I got. Here’s a few updated pics. I’ll get more pics in as time progresses and the clones get bigger. These pictures are picture of the clones I’ve just transplanted into the pot on Thursday the 12th. the right, is Chem x GG4. The left is Mimosa

Sorry for the late uploads, I was beaten after finding out the plants were males and needed to find a solution. I’m happy I found a buddy on insta whose guiding me through the process of breeding so I can still keep the VB line going.



Sorry about the poor ratio. Doesn’t sound like a bad outcome. Could be a wicked cross.


Ugh it’s so defeating man… but it is what it is. I have 2 more SnowHigh seeds of the same strain so after this run, I’ll pop those beans and see if I get a female. If not, I’ll cross it again lol but the fella on insta said that he’s spent a lot of money hunting for Colombian gold fems from him and all males. So I guess it’s part of the game. You win 1 and lose many lol