Viet Black by SnowHigh | Seed to Harvest

Im gonna roll that one up and test it " for science". :laughing:


I would! I’ve been saving what you passed my way till Im on a boat or bank fishing!


:drooling_face: :drooling_face:

This makes me wish I could pop some seeds I got from JP called “Long Time,” think I remember that one has Vietnam Black on both sides of the genetics

Edit: thanks @Hashpants for reminding that @Guitarzan made the “Long Time” :v:


All those crosses from @Guitarzan are for real, man. Hes got some great stuff.


I have that one too!

(Viet black x devils tit) X (Viet black x devils tit)

I’m gonna have to drop 2 of them too. Damn too many seeds to pop and not enough space.

Sorry @Goose420 for hijacking your thread. I’ll be over in the corner watching along.


:joy::joy::rofl: hijack all you want bro! More the better!!! :+1::raised_hands:


Let us know how it rips!!!


Its definitely different, thats for sure. Its taste has mellowed in 10 months .Its more Peachy and black pepper. The sativa is strong in that one.


It took a total of 8 days for this one to pop through. I never once gave up on this one. This bean has gone through 3 days of soak and 5 days of being in the soil and it is finally seeing light.

I am officially calling it DAY 1 for Viet Black 3!! :pray::pray: and that ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect 3/3 germinated SnowHigh gear.

And boy… was the community right on this one. These beans were tough as nails to germinate, I hope they are just as hardy throughout its life cycle.
VB1 gave me no issues as it was the first to germinate. VB2, I also was not concerned because the casing of the seed cracked whilst in the soak and I knew that’ll eventually root.

VB3 on the other hand, well, that showed no sign of showing a tap root until the 4th day of it being in the soil and even at that I had to go dig for it very gingerly just to make sure something was happening with the bean. And before lights off yesterday, I saw a taproot just beginning to break the casing.

That’s when I knew I had successfully germinated 3/3 seeds of SnowHigh gear. Out of the pack of 5 I got, I germinated all 3 leaving me with 2 beans leftover for my next run to maybe do some crossing but we will tiptoe that bridge when we get there.

3 Viet Black Phenos are now in full throttle! :pray::pray::pray::pray:


same here bro i followed you back! post pictures on there so we can follow your grow too!!!

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What he said. lol. They were gifted out in mass on The Cabana a few years back and I grabbed some… I had a male accidentally breed into my Ghost Cut Oger. Black Oger… last year we crossed it to Celtic Stone and this is her now… Black Oger Stone


I waited until all 3 seeds have sprouted before posting a cultivar shot. Here is my setup growing Vietnam Black out of a living soil 45gal pot. I can’t seem to upload videos on here because of the size limit but I’ll attach a link

Cultivar Shot

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@Goose420 What a great project! Can’t wait to see these grow out! :grinning:

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Thanks so much!!! Excited to have people follow along!


Update for the Viet Black seedlings!!

VB 1: Day 7
VB 2: Day 5
VB 3: Day 3

They are looking great!!

I got my environment at

Lights: 23”| ≈360par
Temps: 77-81F
Rh: 74-77%
VPD: ≈0.8-0.9


Day 9 for Viet Black 1!


Cultivar update as of 09/04/2024

Entering Week 2

Week 2- Cultivar Update


Thanks for that F3 description @Hashpants ! a basic I never truly understood !



Looking really good… “you gotta see the baby” hehe. I love baby plants and yours look healthy and green


What happened to these? They die?
Did my man just come here to promote said instagram account and dip?

Too bad. Was looking forward to seeing these.
