Want new lights

lots of excellent choices given to you here… I own a HLG Scorpion Diablo but honestly there are much cheaper lights out there that will give you the same if not better results. The one I’m eyeing currently is the Grow Light Science - Progrow 640. I have not used this specific light but I am using their older g300 in my 2x4 and the far red spec is kick ass in flower. I really like the g300 so I’m planning on buying two of these 640s for my garage once I’m in there and running an 8x4 table. check them out. They are on sale right now and two of them would really take good care of your space. not sure on what your budget is. either way happy growing and hope you find the light that’s right!


You realize that the light you posted uses 33% more electricity than your Diablo and the savings can pay for the Diablo in two to three runs.

Instant gratification for long term suffering.

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and throw way less light everywhere on a lumen map too!

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Gonna be HLG 650r’s for the win. Just made up my mind. No sense in digging anymore, spent 3 hours looking today, the HLG’s will work just fine, and i can afford them. Being used to the Gavita DE units, which despite what anyone says, are killer units and grow amazing crops, I will not settle on a “maybe” as good/better unit. Fuck it, going in on the HLG’s but gonna find my best price. Seen 899 so far. BTW, light posted above has no controller at 580 bucks, 800 configured with controller, so ill be $$$ ahead on one run .

THANKS for all help fellow members, i tend to jump quick, not a procrastinator at all .


33% how? I’ll plead igorance here I figured for the price point and the same amount of wattage it was a great deal. I’ll check out the video you linked for sure.

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Your Diablo can output said light’s par with less than 300w.

My blackbird can do it with 400w.

That should make you go :thinking:

Looks good on paper till you see all the stats involved. This is the sales tactic used in impulse purchases.

With the added heat, you can see the tertiary costs involved with cooling.

Aside, at 15 cents a kilowatt hour, and 12/12 grow of 8 weeks for example.

An example of poor testing I see regularly is improper height for par testing for angled LEDs. I suppose greed wins the day sometimes.

Migro makes the same mistake sometimes.

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That HLG 600 Rspec you can get it real close to the canopy huh?

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I do concur you’re absolutely right… efficiency wise the SD will beat the progrow… your logic is sound my dude. Except it also depends on your budget. $1200 is alot easier to do than $2400 up front. and to get to those long term saving you figure the cost for my electricity at .10 per kwh around $300 per year to run 12hr/day for the 650w light. and around half that for the SD it would take a lot longer than a few runs to see savings enough to buy an SD. unless my math is way off. but I do still agree much more efficient light in the long run.


I’m sorry I had some old math floating around from when I made my purchase.

I ment the amount saved will equal the difference in cost when running 12 hours per day for a year.

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ya man, thats a beautiful thing, i was just eyeing your LEDs in your thread and feeling a bit jealous.

That being said I am a big fan of the Spider Farmers SE sereies ligths. Their LED diodes are proper not last gen and the price per watt is way too sexxy for me to pass up, plus the spectrum, did i mention the spectrum??>

Now their issue and what made me think real hard when i bought my last 2 is their warranty. Its not horrible but left me wanting more coverage, especially comparing it to Nebs 5 year local.

Happy to say though i havent had any issues with any of my Spiders, even my older SF series.

Goo luck making your choice, for me it is always exciting when i decide to up my light game and getting in all the research and finally pulling the trigger. Can’t wait to see what you decide @Inmyblood !


How much space are you trying to cover.
One 650 R will cover a 5x5 very nicely…


Forgot tent size, but will be covering 3 sets of 4 octopots , 12 total sites.

I like my mars and I like my HLG.


I run 4x individual hlg rspec boards in a 4.5 x 4.5 x 8 tent on an hlg-600h-54ab, it’s basically the 650r, and I can’t run them past ~450w without seeing serious light toxicity. No co2.

I’ve actually been looking at going to bar lights instead.


I run a chilled x6 600 in a 4x4 and a mars fc3000 in a 3x3. Both are great.

  • for the mars = cheaper, lighter
  • for the chilled = cooler running and will last much longer(led boards)

Both are great lights but I like the fact it’s easy to raise and lower the mars light.

Good luck with your pick!


As is you are not getting enough information…
Dr MJ Coco reviews best lights for a 5x5:
I would up going with a Medicgrow smart 8 based on price and light spread.
I have not been able to run the light at 100%, as PPF goes over 1000 on too much of the canopy.


For a 4x4 these are perfect.

If you are doing a room think about this one…

More diodes run softer for savings at the meter.
AKA more efficient…same or better par.
Also less hot spot in the center.


I have an hlg 650rspec it’s a quantum board. I grow in a tent and I feel like it’s to powerful and my canopy has to be pretty low. I would go for a bar style if you have a limited space.


Day off, picked seeds for my run, got everything set for seedlings, been looking hard at lights. Very confusing but closing in. Thought for sure was going HLG 650 R X 2 but thinking Im changing my mind. No rush will be a month before they are even remotely needed if not longer. Have the time to get what I want.

Thinking of going this way,

Good parts, great coverage, like idea of spread bars instead of a board, this particular one uses more red light than the others, in my media, growth is not an issue. Less stretch and tighter nodes will be no issue for me. Thing is also cheap at 600 bucks. Get really good reviews, and is efficent .

Anyone wanna check it out its by grow light science. Easy google


@corgitron knows all about grow light science. I’ve been lookin at their stuff too