Want new lights

I heard the guy from Foshe on Adam Dunn recently. They are dropping a new “pisces” line for home growers. I’m really tempted as I need 2 new bar lights. They have several options from about 800 to 1200 if I recall correctly.

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Maybe he will chime in and say something. Never run LED, no expert obviously, but smart nuff to Google shit and get confused!

From what i see if i pick a decent major player, Ill get good lights and be happy with them. Going to go bar lights however, changed my mind about the board lights.


Thank you, thinking 2 of these just might be the ticket! Like what i see n read about them, warranty good price right!


Shane at Migrow is selling their lights in the UK too… I don’t think he would have even picked them up if he hadn’t thought highly of them. I’ll be looking forward to your posts. Because two of these are calling my name.

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which diodes are they using on those? They say is top bin but didn’t get specific from what i saw. Did i miss it?

i saw they say brand of diode but i didn’t see they say which diode from the brand…
as in are they the Samsung LM301Bs?

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I got a brand new HLG blackbird in the box alongside it the HLG UVA 30 that bolts on the center. It’s all about outdoor :metal:


Yeah they say

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R2THK_lighting on Instagram

I use the sunbar V2’s and have done side by sides I. Large grows with many different brands

These won


23 year old sour cut


5x12 I’d go with 2 800w-1000w Bar lights rated at 2.5umol/j+ or with your higher ceiling 3 650w top lights ie: mars sp6500. There’s so many options at all kinds of price points for lights right now. They all work it’s just a matter of lifespan and customer service. If you get the ~$600/light it might only last 2-3 years that $1000 light might be good for 5. Gonna produce quality flower either way.


Penetration on Diablo boards are top notch, i have 650R, 350R and 200R and all worth every penny, have the SQ-620-SS 340-1040 nm ePFD Sensor so i don’t have to use them full power in theirs respective areas they get used, 650R 4x4 400w 350R 120 to 200w in the 3x3 and the 200R 100w for the 2x2

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How do you like this set up?


It does not use more red than others. It needs to use more red LEDs because they are knockoffs. Bar style lighting appeals psychology, compared to angled board LED, which is a patented technology. These bars use 120° reflectors which impacts efficiency and efficacy.

I’m glad you’ve made a discission.

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I guess in the end as an owner of both styles I can say they both did a fantastic job for me and I prefer the bar style lights after seeing both perform. When you say knockoffs what do you mean? What are they knockoffs of?

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I ran the FC-6500 on my last grow. It was very nice in a 60”x60”x80” tent.


I love mine and its running now in a 5x5 tent. My HLG 600 Rspec did a fantastic job as well in a 4x4 but had issues when plants got too close. I would reccomend either but that’s just because I have used both. I think people get to caught up in the details. I have been down that rabbit hole when I bought my HLG. Don’t get me wrong, the details are helpful but small differences don’t nessecaily translate to much.


It’s a rabbit hole. I am going to bow out of this thread.

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I figure the bar light gives you much more even spread across the canopy than the hlg boards do. Do you find you need to run the FC at the same wattage as you did the HLG? Or less? Or more?


No need to bow out bud, you are bringing good info to the thread and there is nothing wrong with information.

I would have to do the math. When I used my FC 6500 it was around the same wattage as my 600 Rpec. I was able to get the plants much closer to the bar lights at the same wattage though. When I put in the FC 8000 I put it in a 5x5 instead of a 4x4 so higher wattage but bigger space.


I addressed this earlier when posting the patents. Multi lense angled from chip on board is the revolutionary technology we called quantum boards.

Lowers resistance due to closer proximity of LEDs, and at the same time scatters the light for deep and full coverage using multilayer lenses on the diode itself.

A Corvette looks like a Ferrari.

I need to bow out, because at the end of the day, someone is losing business and someone is gaining it. Who is who? Not me :grin: