Greenpoint Seeds

Yeah for sure above your scope… we can do this alllllll day…

It was never an attack towards you… at this point it almost seems like you have invested in greenpoint somewhere… defending like that…

I find it odd, misleading, and ridiculous

I think its fair to expose people for bad things like that… instead of ignore it… if it were u who were doxed online… or sold a ton of hermies… I’d think you wouldn’t have this stance…

Looks like u got the best of me a bit getting me to argue back and forth… and that’s fine… but understand I wasn’t initially trying to offend anyone… I have no issue w you bro… just find it offensive you have a hard time letting me state truth

I did the same with growgreen michigan… they doxed me here on overgrow attempting to silence me about the truths of them doxing me and selling me a 4 year old bottle of ph stabilizer…