⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

Boy. A few thoughts raised in my head by this thread:

  1. Growgreen mi, in my opinion, comes off like a company run in a sloppy fashion by unprofessional folks who are not interested in quality control or customer satisfaction, but are very interested in hiding that reality from others who may be unaware….

  2. Growgreen Mi would have been better off ignoring the thread and perhaps it would have gotten buried, unnoticed in the stack somewhere like nearly all of my grow journals :wink:

  3. Always check your dates when buying or receiving products with shelf-lives. That goes for suppliers too. Caveat Emptor all day. That starts with the store. You sell it. You are responsible for any claims.

  4. @Northern_Loki is awesome. Total respect for how this thread was managed. Salute!


Fyi… I never mentioned this… there were no dates on the bottle… I still have it… only a batch number

049191 only number on bottle


It’s your call man but I would stepback and decide how much energy it’s really worth expending. Totally up to you but don’t give this situation to much power over you. Just try to keep things in perspective bud.


You should reach out to GGMi and get that dude fired. Highly doubt the company as an entity would approve of that guy posting people’s personals here. Def doubt he’s the owner or in a position that can’t be replaced with someone else. If it was my company that guy would get shit canned


I tried man… they seem to be on the same team

I doubt just a sales rep would contact Amazon and Google and overgrow… all over just me…


@Northern_Loki advised do not campaign against them based on my experience… this thread is for strictly informational purposes… for my fellow OG ers

I agree with Doug on this one. Think how much worth this is in terms of energy and time. I mean I doubt you’ll get ‘a lot’ by suing them… On the other hand, it’s America. People have sued McDonald’s successfully :sweat_smile:


Its deffo worth my time… someone’s gotta do something… I’m that guy… not one to bow or submit


All right, then good luck and keep us informed!


I didn’t find this thread funny until they showed up. :popcorn:

Sorry @Terpsnpurps for your inconvenience, but I admire that you are standing up for what you believe.

Also props to the moderation team for keeping it civil and moderating this catastrophe.


Correct, it’s not clear if the individual that has posted here is authorized to do PR for that company. Though, the GGMi rationale and circumstances more or less mirrors the following company response on a review that was publically posted, among a series of mixed-reviews, as found elsewhere:

The advice is to not encourage others to create on-line reviews, here or there, unless they have actually had a business dealing with them (factual stuff). Opinions regarding the public interaction is not really an issue.

Also, be mindful that repetition other than to clarify or expound on the thoughts is not really needed since it’s all captured here already.


I wouldn’t feel comfortable with them maybe knowing details of you after they trying it on with Google and Amazon. I mean how low would they stoop ?


Okay update time… I have contacted amazon… along with h.& g. and informed them of growgreen mi conduct along with the inappropriate use of their services and or names. House and garden informed me they will be closing accounts with them… however… growgreen mi has bought over 1 million in products from house and garden so will still be selling the stuff etc… whether old or fresh… is out of their control now… but has taken note and will take action … what actions I believe are private… but just know OG… I strive for better… for all of us… not just me… just to reiterate
House and garden have been absolutely spectacular :ok_hand: :raised_hands:


Very cool man, glad you got that settled.


Was thinking of ordering something from this company. This thread told me all I need to know. Thanks for exposing their security and business issues.


This thread delivers :metal:


Thanks you guys… I’m very happy to have helped!!! It’s why I did it :crazy_face:

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Another update: house and garden sent a beanie… and a free bottle of fresh ph osmosis stabilizer. Plus some stickers etc… so initially I spoke to a rep from each company at 1st… with the same tone… same language… and in the end… only one company met me with the same respect while talking… it was a pleasure each time speaking to house and garden on the phone… I’m not sure what or where it goes wrong with Growgreen mi. But clearly there is a lack of professionalism that seems to resonate throughout the company. All they ever had to do … was just treat me with respect like house and garden did. Trust me when I say… by no means does the free stuff have any bearing on our conversations and the way they just have common respect for people. It doesn’t prove hard to do… and as far as comments about validity of the individual that posted here under the pseudonym growgreen mi being relates directly to the company… I will say this
There’s only 1 way that conversation that was posted between growgreen mi and myself was a PRIVATE conversation between seller and buyer THROUGH amazon… so… this links this individual to that company and this individual does mirror their actions here… I spoke with the owner on the phone… it was the owner I said suck c**cks to… so this tells me that it 99 percent is most likely the owner here in OG abusing my rights until Loki helped and cleaned up the postings of my private information online without my permission… including my entire cell phone number and my full name plus my full name and an = sign then my overgrow screen name… naming who I really am on here… which was and is and issue… heres a pic though of how great house and garden have been


So to finalize until further update. it is my concensus from this point on at least where I stand is FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS GO TO GROWGREEN MI .

PLEASE STAY TUNED :pray: :green_heart: 🪴 :seedling: :herb: THANKS EVERYONE!!