⚠️ Warning! abusive company : GROWGREEN Mi

I’ve been here multiple times. It just seems like a very low vibrational atmosphere. Miserable employees. Lied about multiple products. Never saw a single person smile in that store. They just seemed so upset about being alive. Have been over 10 times but just never went back it’s been 2 years. Their is zero customer service.

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Like others said, if there was just a problem with a product but they handled it like a business should, I would feel no negativity towards them at all, mistakes happen. But I cannot believe how far they went with this, as if a little spoiled brat took steroids and released some rage. They had a chance to make up for the initial mistake and not put negativity on their name. But instead they just made sure Everyone who has read these will never think about shopping with them. Not only that I hope they truly fail as a business and get away from this community as a whole.


just orderd Hunbolts County Own sample pack for $70.00 - Great deal generally it cost any were from $120.00 and UP By far the cheapest around – once I oreered got my order within 1 week _So far they have treated me great - will use them again - by far the cheapest company around


If you’re referring to growgreen mi. I’d have to say… “you saving a few dollars is worth security risks.” DOESN’T SEEM a safe or plausible way to go… I hope you have a fake identity you can use !! :laughing: :rofl:

They’re also the cheapest on integrity lol
Cheapest when it comes to common decency
Definitely cheapest altogether in all aspects not just price. .

I’m in a position where I can choose if I want to go to someone despite costs… not be bound by what’s cheaper @hawkman


Wow was this a hoot to come across this morning. Glad I didn’t attend any of their functions, heard they over charge for tables at their events as well but that’s just hearsay I suppose.

What I would like to pose to @growgreenmi


Hilarious that that’s how anyone from that company would conduct themselves


Wow, what an adventure.
I cant believe the things some companies do to make a few extra dollars, or save a refund cost.


Stay tuned… this adventure has not hit its final page yet lol…


I was under the impression it had, lol.


No… I still am awaiting several calls back … several different places/entities. So far just house and garden has contacted me back… which I updated earlier … but amazon… and a few more … I’m waiting on. I’ll be updating everything that happens each time anything happens. This is a full disclosure thread at this point :metal:


Yea I was gonna kinda say the same thing about what @hawkman said but I wasn’t sure if he was saying he purchased from them or not. Definitely not worth the discount, even if the product is great and cheap they don’t deserve a bit of support after their actions. I wouldn’t want them to have my information.


For sure man… not only that… but I don’t want to support those type of people… they should be poor… not making money @Weedison :thinking:

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yes I did purchase Humbolt county own - But I didn’t know about this “thread” Glad it was posted and ues they are a relativity new company Like I say happy with my order and the delivery was very good within a week from ordering. Musrt have got lucky NOW that I know what going on will will not use them untill company makes improvements This is in support for OG community _____________Peace


Okay… so I have a call out to Amazon corporate… and a complaint filed with the attorney General lol… that’s all folks!!

I hope that this guides many to steer clear… Thanks everyone for the support!! Happy Growing :green_heart: 🪴 :seedling:


Last update… just 1 more time to refresh this once more… but legal advice was I can take it to court… but unless I have proof that this actually caused an issue like a theft or something like that… it will be hard to litigate for it… so that’s that… laws only protect the big guys people!! Thanks everyone for following and supporting me along the way. I figured at the least this will help others understand dangers of dealing with certain places.


Hey man, I think it drew a lot of attention for their practices. I wouldn’t be surprised if they rename their company and go on with business as usual. In the best outcome they learned from that and maybe try being better.

It’s time to move on and stop caring about them.

I, for sure, wouldn’t buy anything there, thanks to you… and the fact that I live in Europe lol


Who said I care about them?? Lol it’s quite the opposite… and I know what you meant… but it’s not that time… this is for others not me… to move on would be to only care about me… I’m not like that

I mean the incident in general. Word is spread, fuck’em. Lol

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Spread among all? That’s what I’m concerned with… there’s plenty who haven’t even read this thread…

But it’s there for Anybody who wants to read it.

Anyway, have a nice Sunday!


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It gets buried… under lots of other threads…tell me… why did you decide to come into this thread ?? Because it was on top @mndlss … yeah??
My point is the thread has been up for a bit… yet… until I refreshed it by posting again in it… you or anyone else weren’t responding or saying anything … until now…

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