Washing Your Harvest?

I just fill my bathtub up, and rinse them off. Then into a sealed, filtered drying box.

yes - each bucket has 5 gallons of water, and in addition bucket one has 1 cup of baking soda, and bucket two has 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of lemon juice, and bucket three has only plain water


thanx. Iā€™m gonna do that way this time

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Here is a handy graphic for easy reference


Washed mine a couple days ago.Checked on them two days later and they smell so loud it makes your eyes water.The shit that came off if you see it in real life you will wonder how many deadbugs bug shit and spiders Iā€™ve smoked in my life?I donā€™t see any real tricome loss either .My thing went 32 oz peroxide f2 gallons water first bucket second bucket 2 gallons water I half cup lemon juice one half cup baking soda last bucket plain filtered water submerge for 30 seconds each branch and shake up and down.Takea a bit but you have a better product in the long run and it smokes so smooth.


I didnā€™t get pictures during the process because my wife was gone with her phone which has a decent camera. But I got some after math shots. I ran it like the picture above, but with a 2nd water rinse bucket. Soā€¦
5gal with 1 cup baking soda
5gal with 1 cup peroxide, and one cup lemon juice
5 gal with water
then a big 15-20 gallon with water

I ran almost half the plant, bubble bagged all the buckets except the big water bucket, then reset everything and did it again with the rest of the plant. It was a big wedding cake that got to many spots of mildew to keep up with. 1.5 pounds probably, maybe closer to 2.

Firstly, if your doing this to big plants, I would suggest using all 15-20 gallon somethings. Trash cans maybe. Its a pain making these little bundles to dunk. It took forever. Aside from that, it went pretty smooth. That ā€œhashā€ like product is not fit for human consumption. The 2 clumps out of the 25 bag fall apart like they are mostly dirt. The 2 from the 45s do have some portion of hash in them. They sparkle, and barely stick together when you squish them. They also smell like something that came out of a clogged drain. It didnā€™t even register my scale which wont move until you hit half a gram. The plant itself is the best smelling plant Iā€™ve seen(i dont mean because of the wash, its just an awesome plant). While washing I didnā€™t thrash it around all crazy or anything. I might go harder on the next ones and recheck.


Awesome, Iā€™m gonna try it out, never would have thunk it.

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There wasnā€™t a reaction in the 2nd bucket. There was some fizzing in the baking soda one only. I thought I was suppose to get some fizzing in the 2nd one. My ph is 8.5 out of the tap. No good?

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The only fizzing I got was from the first bath with the h2o and the H2o2 I had some WPM trying to pop up the night I pulled these like literally the first day the plant got it.I had some leaf here and there that had it and they fizzed when the peroxide washed the mildew off it and killed it.The leaves looked brand new.The WPM didnā€™t go near my buds thank god.

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Washed mine for the second time. This time in the kitchen sink. I grow in tents. The dirt was very noticeable. I use a drop of dawn. I do notice the difference.

I had one branch I seeded with some pollen from a male I picked and I didnā€™t wash that branch.All the other branches that got washed are drying faster that that un washed seeded bud.That branch is like a third bigger than the rest with some of that seed in it.The washed buds smell just as good as the unwashed bud so terps donā€™t wash out that easy guys.

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Itā€™s sticky. To be honest with all the sugar on it is waterproof somewhat. In my opinion. I did see the Foley spray the name oil I seen brown water. I didnā€™t see nice green sugar. They still look good. I appreciate this topic thank you so much

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I never thought about doing indoor before until I seen this. Thanks.

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Indoors I donā€™t think you need to as much definitely out door though you should see all the dead bugs I washed out

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After getting aphids this last round, I washed my indoor grow when I chopped. Iā€™m extremely OCD about keeping my grow room clean and as dust-free as possible and I was SHOCKED at how dirty the water in the initial ā€œlemon juice and baking soda bucketā€ was. By the time I washed the sixth and final plant, the water was dark gray/almost black. It was gross enough to make me consider washing every indoor harvest from here on out.


Just pulled my outdoor plants a week early due to 4 days of straight rain and did the recipe listed above of baking soda, then lemon and h2o2, then straight water. I had two plants out there so I changed out all the water for each plant. The water was for sure full of debris but I was surprised that it wasnā€™t worse. Iā€™ve currently got everything chilling with a fan blowing on them for probably the next couple hours then Iā€™ll drop it down to keep air moving below everything. Iā€™ll report back on how things are as the dry and cure goes. Iā€™ll say even if this doesnā€™t improve or enhance the flavor of the herb, as long as it doesnt fuck it up at all Iā€™ll probably make this standard protocol for outdoor plants, just to know that things are proper clean as they go up to hang. :v:t2::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


I agree. I have been told forever not to do it. I will always wash mine from here on out. I donā€™t see where it hurts the bud all.


How much of the ā€œgunkā€ do we think is chlorophyll or something?

I know when I make bubble my water looks disgusting when Iā€™m done.

Iā€™m a skeptic is all.


Not falling for ear candling then?


No I do it and give them away as Christmas presents.