Washing Your Harvest?

I used 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda to 2 and a half gallons of water.
Peroxide- bout 2oz. Per gallon.
Fer a small wash.


I washed a sativa, with beautiful long red hairs-

Those red hairs fell off all over the placeā€¦

But other strains didnā€™t have that problem at all.

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Hereā€™s a video but youā€™ll need to look of OG:


I started by washing outdoor grows.
Once I got a microscope and saw the dog hair and other containments

  • I wonā€™t go w/o washing bud again; e.g., there are always mold spores around, even if you canā€™t see it

read, watch learn from several sources to do it properly,

  • room temp water, gentle shaking, monitor how much gunk is floating on top of the water, etcā€¦

Hmm, your right, the directions do all say to mix the lemon juice and baking soda in the same bucket. But if you do that the fizzing reazction is done by the time the buds are added.


Its probably been said, but I rinse with a very dilute peroxide solution and then rinse with fresh water after, I only do this to my outdoor plants and if I suspect any kind of mold or anything like that.


Canā€™t see the wind either, but Iā€™ve been knocked down by it several times, lol.:wink:


I have a small aquarium fish net I use to skim in between each double fist of buds.


Heard about using Dr Zymes as a budwash on the growcast podcast, anybody tried it?

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I washed with 1 cup peroxide to 5 gallons of water. It seems to turn the pistils orange over night. Has any one else seen this happen?


I have to do this today. Aside from the first post, I donā€™t find specific numbers. Is it generally agreed that everything is 1 cup to 5 gallons? First 5g bucket gets 1 cup of baking soda, 2nd bucket gets 1 cup of lemon juice with 1 cup of peroxide(regular walmart stuff for infections will work?), then 2 buckets of straight waterā€¦

Just looking for a little confirmation. After making bubble hash last year this is a little scary. Iā€™ll probably bubble bag the wash water just to have a look for hash.

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of course I finally find another one directly after posting.

1 cup for baking soda too @monkeyman?

thanx in advance

I only use 1/2 c peroxide to 5 gallons or the juice of 1 lemon and 1/2 c of baking soda and my buds are super clean @RandomHumanoid. The really important part is hanging them in front of a fan after shaking them out though. Donā€™t want to mold your bud


Do a threadā€¦Itā€™s needed, IMHO


thanx, Iā€™ll keep that in mind too, that it can be less strong.

they harvest corn 15ft from my plants, then went through tilling to plant a cover crop. I watched this tractor blow huge clouds of dirt from the field all over my garden. For some reason, the went over that closest strip about 5 times in a row. I was literally 1 more pass from flagging him down and explaining. He can see my plants clear as day, but probably didnā€™t even think of it.

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I use hot tap water for first soak as well and cold for rinse been doing this way for years

cold water makes bubble hash, so i wouldnā€™t go too overly cold. Iā€™m making a bunch of that again this year, but not pressing it into rosin like last year. I dont dab anyway, but bubble hash in joints is sweeeeet

Tap water cold and itā€™s just a good swish to rinse. Donā€™t use too many cleaning agents. Trust me your bud will be sparkly and nice

You only need three buckets, the first one with the lemon juice and baking soda, the other two with clean water. I donā€™t think the peroxide is necessary unless you think your flowers have mold on them or some other pathogen. Or rather, thatā€™s the only reason I would use peroxide. I like to keep everything as natural as possible haha.

I took pics when I did it a few weeks ago. I was just planning on posting them in my grow log, but maybe Iā€™ll start a thread instead.


I definitely like keeping things as minimal and natural as I can above ground. Iā€™ll probably skip the peroxide with future washes. Iā€™ll probably use half strength like Meesh too. But after seeing the dust cloud from the tractor I kinda wanna go hard. Its just organic silage corn for cows, but they also spread the cow poop back onto the field regularly, so Iā€™m a lil grossed out.