Washington state growers

How long is the flower time on the UW? How long have you been growing that cut?

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Gonna have to get some fem seeds going, I know it is not ideal but will have to work this year. Give me some practice for next year. Gonna run ISS fem from bigmike

Also going to run some fat bastard from my bud @tresbundles


I think the Fat Bastards are frome @Andrane. Good luck this year!


Aww damn yea thats right , got the flips mixed up, saving the log cake for indoor.


Good luck. :wink: Hope they turn out for you.


have you tried these outdoors? Just wondering what to expect ?


No I have not tried them outdoors. But expect a decent stretch and a fat top cola. Like a :lollipop:. Super fruity too.


Sounds good, maybe I will get a grow log up going in the outdoor section. Thanks for the info


Do it up. I have a couple buddies doing these outdoors this year too. But by then it will be too late to let you know how it went.


ISS is a 10 week min edit I think mike said his was a 10 week?. . That would be a Nov pull up there. They grow them in Vancouver BC. I say go for it. :sunglasses: Figure out a way to light dep them in July like @grief

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What is your u r official start date this year? @ColeLennon

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I already started. Indoors. It’s looking like outside full-time on May 10th.

I will just have my helmets ready.

You probably want to wait until June 1 up there.


Gonna have to make me some helmets, great idea

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Get yourself some 4 ft tapered cages and cut each trash bag handle in half and tie each side to a joint on the cage. If you use white trash bags you can leave the helmets on if your away.

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Ok sounds pretty easy I do have some questions about bugs, how do you control them? Do you do any trimming of the lowers?

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Yeah, I lolipop them early and keep inside foliage cleaned out. Do a preventative foliar spray at least once a week. I got the stuff I use in my Amazon gear. I will pm it to you tomorrow.

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thanks bror, I have some learning to do on this outdoor gig

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Yeah it’s a small setup. Don’t want to have too many plants and stink up the neighborhood lol.
Basically pvc pipe arches. Tied together and staked down. Pull panda film over everyday and take it off in the morning.


I don’t have the cut but I got some s1’s of it


hit me up if you ever want to make a trade for some of those s1’s… been wanting to try that strain.