Washington state growers

Suggestions for potential IRL local connections? I’m a little bit North of Seattle. Its a long shot, but I thought worth a try on here.

Especially wishing for a techie friend connection to help me set up a simple home network with a server, and one with rabbits who wants to share surplus rabbit poo for my grow. :wink::joy:

You all probably grow a mountain of your own bud already and don’t need a weed growing friend connection, but if you’re a solo grower too and you’d like to grab a coffee and maybe become gardening buddies, I’d be up for that. And if you know someone who might make a good bunny poo or tech friend for me, please shoot me a PM.


Hello @RainToday, I live in tacoma area. Nice to meet a growmie from the Seattle area. Wouldn’t mind having some coffee one day. How long have you been in the PNW?


Awesome! :grin:
We moved here from Humboldt in 1987 when I was 7. I left for a few years 1995-2001, but Michigan is too cold and too hot and has too many bugs, so I came back. :rofl: I also spent a couple school years teaching in Portland right before Covid. Back here for good since then.
I’m up in Everett right now, but have lived a bunch of places in the greater Seattle area, though only as far South as Kent. :slight_smile:


Love the Everett area, Woodinville is nice also. I have only been in this area going on 3 years in March. Moved up here from Florida. Really like it here alot. Currently am trying to finish renovating this house getting very close


Nice! We’ve had this place for 5 years now, but it was such an appalling fixer that we’re still working on it. :rofl: Getting close though! And there’s no way we’d have been able to afford a decent sized place if it hadn’t been nearly a tear- down. No regrets, we love the space, and it’s been really fun getting to completely customize - for example turning the wet bar in one corner of the rec room into my grow space. :heart_eyes:

Got any favorite things you got to do to your place?

Well next up is a bedroom is getting converted to a closet then the master bath is going to get constructed, after that will be my favorite project converting garage into my grow area,.
This is a ranch style house with basement, that we converted to a full rental with its own kitchen bathroom and bedroom that is rented out. This house was sold because the people who built the house passed away. They never did any updates to the house it was 1979 in here all the way.

It sounds like you did alot of work with your house also. How big of a space did you get for your grow area?

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I’m laughing right now because ours was also built in 1979, and not an update in sight. There was a decorative shake shingle “roof” coming down from the ceiling around the pub area and the kitchen. :scream::joy:
Ours is a manufactured home though. I got a 6x9 grow room, and my mum doesn’t do much in the master bathroom so my male plants get to flower in there. The grow room doesn’t have a furnace duct or intake, so it’s easy to keep the girls separate.
My next dream is when we replace the storage shed, I’d like to build one with a roof garden. It’s legal to grow outdoors here if no one can see the plants from the street. I still wouldn’t be able to let them get super tall, but I would dearly love to enjoy the free sunlight, and not be fighting the heat of the lights inside in summer.

Love the rental space feature - that’s such a smart financial move.

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That roof top idea would be really cool, I did my first outdoor grow here this last summer, it was a learning experience, it was really strange growing outdoors without fear of law enforcement, never would have tried that in Florida, I am so happy to be out of that damn state. What strains are you growing currently?

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Just started a new run a few weeks ago with a variety of sativa-type autoflowers. I like to make seeds, so that will be happening, :grin: and I’m progressing some home cross projects.
Growing these autos now:
Zamaldelica Express F4 from Night Owl - 1m, 1f, 1 undetermined
Purple Panama Red x2
& Chocolate Thai x1 Cake from NukeHeads
Imperium X from Anesia
Home crossed pineapple projects (including a couple males)

And just popped to replace some culls:
Pineapple from HomeGrownCannabisCo
Mephisto mango smile x grape crinkle cross from another grower (fem)

Will start some photoperiods soon, I’m holding space for my Humboldt heirlooms old seeds project, fingers crossed that maybe a few sprout - @SCJedi will be giving it a go in his lab. If I get none from there I’ll give it a go with some modern seeds from our friends down there. But they are all feminized and I saw some of those I grew had herm tendencies. :grimacing:

Are you on pause now until you get your garage space going, or Spring comes?

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Positive vibes sent your way on those heirlooms. There are a few good threads on here about getting old seeds germinating. I am really interested in how those go for you.
Yea I am on pause, can’t wait to get my are going. I have a pretty good seed selection to choose from. I just received a order of Malawi gold from east Africa. Took like over a month to get those in …

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Now that the dust from the holidays is settling I plan on running your seeds soon along with some other old stale and poorly stored seeds.

I washed 72 test tubes last night (3 x 24-slot racks) I have obligations over the next couple of days but I will get the media made and then begin the surface sterilization process started so that I can try to rescue embryos if needed this weekend. I will report back soon.


No pressure intended! I figured you’d rather start after the holidays. I even took some time off for them myself, which is serious progress on work / life balance compared to the old me. :rofl:
I’ll just keep popping autos for now - they’re my first love anyways, so its not a big sacrifice or anything. :wink:

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Good luck with those heirlooms @SCJedi . Would be really awesome to have those genetics brought back to life… thanks @RainToday for saving these beans all this time…amazing


Nah, no credit to me there - my dad buried it in an oil barrel since 1997. Then I sorted out the seeds from the seeded bud a year ago, the bud was all gone bad. I should have stuck the seeds in the fridge then, but didn’t, so we’ll see how it goes, but it’s my dad to thank for saving them with his paranoid prepper hoarding tendencies, not me :rofl:

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I saw some of your giveaways on the free seed thread, very OG of you… what strain do you want to grow the most?your bucket list strains.
Seems like you have the right person working on them, I hope they can be brought back

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Agreed, got the right person, with all the right skills & tools, giving them their best shot. If they grow, I’ll keep mothers and do a massive seed run to share. :heart_eyes:

I don’t really have a strain bucket list. I love growing new things, and breeding things. I only wish for space and time enough to do more of it. If I won the megamillions lottery I’d be getting a grow license for a full facility and playing with genetics, but I don’t have a specific strain of seeds I’d run out and buy. Partly because I’m not great at restraint and already bought a bunch of them. :grin: And partly because nearly all of them sound like fun to me.

What’s on your cannabis bucket list? :slight_smile:


Anybody within a few hours of Western WA with an outdoor grow space & inclination to try some sativa landraces from India?

To my utter delight and gratitude, just got these undomesticated treats from @iceman

Thought if someone was interested I could start some of them indoors now, keep moms & dads, and you could finish them outside and share back some of any bud. If we find any fire, I can also pass you back mom clones.

I know these could be done indoors, but I would rather they bake in the sun, and I’m sure the plants feel the same. I have no possibility to grow outdoors here now.


I am not sure if those will finish here in the PNW. I learned last year to select stuff that is preferably 8-9 week finishers


Yeah, they wouldn’t normally finish, I should have been more specific - by “start them indoors” I meant start them flowering. But maybe the longer days here in summer would mess them up?

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If we have a good October then it is possible to get a 10 week strain finished, but those good October’s do not come often. I have project 25 and Bog Bubble beans soaking right now. Going to get them ready for outdoor action in a few months.