Washington state growers

Just gonna have to buy some land down in S. California I guess :wink:


Iā€™ve only done 1 season outdoor in so cal
Many yrs indoor
Iā€™m looking for a good indica for puyallup area and also colville kettle falls
Any recommendations

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You need some solid 8-9 week stuff, I am running some BOG bubble and the project 25 is real easy finisher. What do you have in your vault @Osogreen261 ?

I also live in the puyallup area @Osogreen261

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There used to some skunk varieties that got passed around back in the good Ole medical days but I havenā€™t seen them around in years. The only time I saw successful outdoor was in the Enumclaw area and the guy had a light dep. set up he was able to run pretty much everything at the time he had some 8ft blue city diesel going. Iā€™m not really convinced you can do successful outdoor on the Westside due to the extreme inclement weather. Iā€™m going to try autos when I can grow safely outdoors.

Edit: without doing a light deprivation setup


Anyone on the Westside between Thurston, Kitsap, or King counties be interested in some free snips? I have:
Jack Crandall (personal bred strain)
Corey stardawg
Aj sour d
NL 5
Kailash (maybe)

I can do a bunch right now, my plants are getting too massive for my space and canā€™t flower anything else out at the moment. I also may be interested in trades in the future as well.


I got a buddy who has a far in 502 I bet he would love some and if he gets the one you bread Iā€™m sure my company would probably blast it but I donā€™t know if you want to see your cuts go to that market


I would love some! Happy to share some things Iā€™ve got around too. Iā€™ll PM you :slight_smile:


Yeah itā€™s kind of touchy subject in terms of the strain I bred, I did it as a tribute to a friend that passed and in his spirit I donā€™t know if he would have approved it to go legal but at the same time I really do want to get it out there. The kailash I donā€™t give a shit about in terms of commercially grown I want that plant out there. But also in terms of legal all my cuts are 10 weekers and up unfortunately.


I definitely understand
he is an outdoor guy by Omak
He wants some of my stuff and I canā€™t see it go to legal market either lol
But he is my bro and I just try and help him out when I can he is good at what he does our processing company gets most of his harvest


I would be interested on the Corey snd the sour d mo doubt. Would be a awesome to do a outdoor with

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Do you have a greenhouse setup?

Oh damn, I totally forgot about finish time. Yea I canā€™t run those cuts yet till my indoor is set up

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@Osogreen261 @Mrgreenthumb Or anyone around the Ptown area,
Got a lil contest for ya.

Head on over to the Petco on Meridian. Go to the second handicap parking spot, straight from the store entrance. On the back of the handicap sign will be a picture of the Frankenstein monster, peal off that picture and there will be a pack of seeds.

Please post a pic of what you found so we all know its been grabbed.

Good luck and let the race begin,


Your funny
In the Walmart parking lot
I canā€™t right now

Damn wish I would have seen this a few hours ago, canā€™t ge t there vat the moment, probably not till tomorrow. Damn

Petco on Meridian. What city? Iā€™m in Ptown

Itā€™s a race I was up that way earlier twice today but havenā€™t got on to see this I like the idea tho @Monst3rbean


I work out 5 days aweek twice a day at ufc fit
So I eventually dip in to grab those beans


Glad someone snagged them. Hope youll enjoy those in your summer garden.