Washington state growers

Nice find @Osogreen261, what strain did you find? Thanks @Monst3rbean for the fun bean hunt

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Monster mash


We are having a consumption event next to commencement bay cannabis green location with a car show for 420 about 15 cannabis vendors food and fun


Will definitely be there, sounds like a great time. I thought they would be having car shows out there, with that new asphalt. @Big_Yeloe

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Things are moving along here, just a waiting game now on them showing sex i think i have 2 male and 2 female BOG bubbles…
got the h/p x la Alfie transplanted to 1 gallon

I believe these 2 bubbles are male

These 2 I think are my females


My 2 p.25 copas are cruising right along

Once I can confirm males and get them out to the compost pile, then I can concentrate on the females and get the bottoms cleaned. I may have planted a bit to soon this year, these plants are going to be huge.


It should be fun I don’t know I MF I will be working that event or if I will be at another store but when I know I will let you know and see if I can really hook you up we are going to offer zenco hits I believe

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that would be cool i hope you can make it over to the commencement bay. Should be fun with the car show and everything

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We’ll be down in California, sorry to miss it!

Sharing on here in case anyone not in the other thread is interested and following this one, :slight_smile: we’re picking between a July or an August date for a little low key West Coast get together in Southern Oregon.


I picked the August date, gives me a little time to get some funds together

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Big fireworks show at firecracker alley at cbc green tonight

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We went by there, whoa that place was packed cars everywhere. We didn’t get it in. They need a bigger place. Incredible turn out for a Monday night

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Checking in from the 509 Spokane. Good to see some PNW cats in here. Washington isn’t called the Evergreen state for nothing ya feel me?!?!? Lol


HELLO HELLO calling all WASHINGTONIAN’S is there any life out there in the PACIFIC NORTHWEST I know this is an OLD TOPIC but let’s revive this topic so c’mon who’s all on here the THE EVERGREEN STATE


WhATS UP @Cummings420, nice to see you bring up the EPIC washington thread. There is life out here in the PNW :grinning::grinning::grinning:. Just need some sun to show to finish up this outdoor i have going on


Ya I think it’d be pretty cool to get this topic up n going again an I don’t have any outdoor maybe next yr lol how’s ur grow looking hopefully AWESOME anywho have a great day

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I’m here too, just don’t have anything locally exciting to say :laughing:


Lol ok well there’s couple people from Washington not bad lol I’m by Olympia

You are close bye @Cummings420 , i am in tacoma

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Checking in over here from Spokane. Nice day today in my part of the woods. Getting some nice brisk cooler nights and mornings. Enjoy it while you can folks, it’s not going to last long for us lol