Washington state growers

Oh ya that’s not far at all bout 45 minutes lol right on brother it’s always nice to know ur neighbors lol

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Ya yesterday was the only sunny day we’ve had in about week now lol that’s why my daughter’s mom gave me her lil pre-flower gal she wasn’t gonna be available to finish it sucks for great for me lol

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Good morning everyone … it really has been beautiful lately… I see the next 10 days looks great also here in Spokane . Hopefully everyone is having a great outdoor season this year !


Puyallup is the town I live in part time
The other part time is Kettle Falls
The weather is changing up here
Have a great day all you
PNW Growers


Longview/Kelso area here. Damp out, gonna need to keep an eye on those outdoor plants! Last year was my last year for outdoor as we always have a hard time making the finish line.


Cool to see another member here in Spokane. It’s a small world !?! I was born and raised in the valley, been here 37 years never left and don’t plan on leaving. We are some of the most fortunate folks in the country. We might not have the best season to flower outside, but we do have 4 seasons, mind melting forests, beautiful lakes/rivers, wildlife, incredible mountains to explore or hike, huckleberries and SNOW!!! Plus we have had some of the best cannabis come from this great state… they don’t call us the Evergreen state for nothing haha.


Same been here for 42 years lol love the weather mountains ocean etc


With all that being said by me previously…… I still haven’t been to the ocean lol. Crazy right? Someday I’ll make it west to see it. If I do I’ll post my travel over to it on this thread. Would be cool to burn one with you guys every time I pass threw your town!!


I love driving through Spokane but I really love our property we are in the middle of building the self sustainable lifestyle in kettle/colville
It’s amazing having a baby Bear stand on the peak above our house an watch us garden,or have a flock of turkeys fly over us an turn the sky above u black lol
Love it up the
Can’t wait to no need the city anymore


@Osogreen261 I am envious for sure of this. My papa has some property out in Cusick, 75 acres of lush tamaracks, fir and cedars as far as you can see. A creek callled Tacoma creek runs threw it and you can catch some beautiful Brooke trout from it. When the time is right, moral and coral mushrooms are abundant. Huckleberries too! I go up there as often as I can to escape town…… it’s never easy coming back however.


I hope your self sustaining homesteading operates perfectly for you my friend. That’s like living a real life dream for me.


My childrens mom an I are a team so I have a lot of help she’s up there full-time gardening
Next yr it’s animals
Bro you should look into property over there
Other day there was 4 acres dry bathroom but had power ran to it that’s a bonus
The water can be there if u set up a well
It has 1 bedroom for 80,000 those are the gems in aquiring


That’s great information man thank you. We actually just bought a house north of the city last June… I’ll probably be pretty cash poor for the next few years unfortunately. I will keep that in mind tho, would love to get out of here and live and be one with nature. I’m happy for you and your family, you are so so fortunate!


I was also born and raised in Spokane … I spent my childhood up north of usk , camping, motorcycle riding , and foraging for huckleberries and coral mushrooms. It’s great hearing everyone’s stories and experiences… we are all lucky to live where we do !


If any of my Spokane friends are ever in town and you want a free dog walker or phone home clone. Let me know if it’s yours.


And if there’s anything from the west side of the state you need brought to u I got u
I go to our property every month or two


Dude I was totally thinking the same lol that would be awesome we will definitely have to do this

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Yes that how it should be I never experienced the bears an stuff but they were on the parents property we got 40 acres on a bog an in summer it would dry up so we would plaster the bear prints


That’s crazy I’ve never heard anyone else call their grandpa PAPA I used to call mine Papa n Grandma Nanny lol going to Nanny n Papa’s lol miss them old days

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