We have a problem

Also I should add my two favorite things I’ve learned during my time on OG. Arguably the best things you can feed you plants is a healthy dose of LITFA followed by som KISS. You can get both of these for free and you don’t even need to leave your home. Just remember, Leave It The Fuck Alone and Keep It Simple Stupid!


That’s my exact plan this year. Once my final pots come in Monday, I plan on caging them, and working them outside the cage, and stripping off whatever is inside it. Weeks before flowering, I plan to start lowering the nitro to none, to let it use up the excess while it’s in the transition to flower and stretch phase, and slowly upping the blooming ferts during that time as well

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I understand that, and I abide by that, have had times where I won’t look at them for 3 or 4 days depending on what the rain situation looks like. I did keep a close eye on them a while back, because I had two that were recovering from bad storms a few weeks ago, but I do try and keep it simple.

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3-4 days?! :joy: I can keep away for more than an hour some days! Especially once everything is blooming nicely. Not just the weed either. All my veggies too. I’ll just plop a chair down right in the middle of my plants and look at em. My wife thinks I’m nuts


I understand that lol. Have to be rather incognito about it with my situation, but with drier months coming, I’ll have to make quick visits everyday

Nevermind, new growth, thanks everyone lol!