Weed etiquette and things that make you crazy

Yeah puff, puff, pass dammit. Same with people who take one drag then start talking shit for 5 minutes. Its a joint not a microphone.


I have heard bogarting said before. Ironically it was my friend’s mom that was a camper as we called it it that taught us this word. I always thought it had to of came from a movie.


yes sir

here in Spain they all mix weed and hash with tobacco
for me it ruins it


If I wanted to smoke tobacco I’d light a cig.:wink:
Feel the same bout it mixed. :+1::no_entry_sign:


I agree. Don’t mix my weed or my whiskey with anything, they are perfect on their own IMO.


It doesn’t drive me crazy but I do find it odd when someone who has been smoking forever can’t roll a joint.

  1. No babysitting the smoking accessory, pass that shit after you hit it lol

  2. When passing joints, hitters, bowls: always pass them to the other person mouthpiece first… Not only a courtesy, but a glowing cherry is sure to make someone’s hand drop what they’re holding.


That’s me… I have a roller because I just never got my fingers to be able to roll a non airy, falling apart joint lol


Eh… I can roll a joint, but not to my standards, merely acceptable. I started with blunts as a teenager so I can roll those like they came out of a machine, but blunt rolling skills do NOT transfer to joint rolling :sweat_smile:

I would agree that someone should know how to do ONE of the two tho :joy:


I can’t roll blunts so I guess we’re even :slight_smile:

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This is crazy. I’ve seen this so many times. Then, they just suck out that stale ass smoke later or just leave that shit in there to turn into swamp thing. I don’t get it. Surely, they can see that there is an issue with that state.


I use a cigarette roller, I want them to be perfect and when I finger roll they are always fat on one end. My uncle called them baseball bats.


So, I always smoked alone or with one friend as a kid, so I didn’t learn the “don’t mow the grass” rule until I was in my mid-20s. Now I just do it because it makes the bowl last.

Yeah, clear the damn carb, that’s why they put it there. To me I can pinch a joint close enough that if someone used it as a prom date I can keep from feeling it.

My single biggest pet peeve if when I hand them my pipe and they proceed to put it in their mouth like a glass dong they are practicing fellatio on. Then they hand it to you and it’s like “bro, use your fingers and wipe it off before you hand it to me, this ain’t pornhub”

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Yep what ever is clever Trevor

Peace out and stay safe

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Yep, fire up a bowl from the edge, and dont fire all hash chunks in a bowl to the point it looks like a tire fire… ideally i want the product barely lit at end of a hit. These practices may be from the days when i bought…

No tobacco… no cigar wrap, just keef or hash broken up small in a hand rolled joint.

I have a buddy who gets pissy that i dont invest in cones… keep your fucking cones. I’ll roll a doobie… it may be tight and straight or it may be preggo in center.

Another pet peeve is those who need a clip for anything smaller than half a doobie…

Now, i do something that seemed to bother a buddy… i like to draw on a joint for a bit to taste prior to lighting.


Hahahahah, I wasn’t going to chime in until you said this :joy: you hit a nerve.

You do not need to light the hash so that it flames and billows smoke into the room. Start the burn on the weed (and maybe a bit of one chunk) and let it slowly burn across the hash.


Rule #1 for me is no lipping joints.
Fingers hold joint, lips on your fingers only.
Rule #2 is you must clear the bong yourself.
Also don’t like flavored papers or tobacco blunt wraps.
Im old fashioned , zig zag only. Lol. :grinning:


All of the above mentioned pet peeves drive me crazy. I have a friend who will always hit the joint, then starts talking, then hits it again, and then hits it one more time before he passes it, making sure to suck in all of the smoke that comes off the end of the lit part of the joint as if it was gold. He also likes to relight the joint in an effort to straighten out any perceived canoeing or running, and in the process burns off half of the joint. Speaking of which, I also have an issue with people who don’t know how to light a joint and they light it from the side causing it to canoe - this is especially true for people who don’t know how to light cones.


ALWAYS and I mean AWAYS light the very edge of a green bowl. As a guest especially. The provider gets to roast the remainder of the top.


People (usually strangers) who ask if you can “fix their pipe” - meaning that it is empty and they want you to fill it. I saw/heard this a lot at Grateful Dead shows. I loved their music but hated the self-entitled attitudes that many of the deadheads in the crowd seemed to have. I was a hippie punk and had issues with those looking for “miracles” (free tickets) etc… I somehow managed to pool my meager resources to make it to the same show that they did, I had no clue why they felt that I should supply their free ride.