Weed etiquette and things that make you crazy

For the love of Dog, don’t rub spit on the side of the joint to stop a runner, I don’t want to smoke your spit. :nauseated_face:


I’m with ya toast I can probably manage but damn those zig zag rollers make them look nice! I even put a crutch in mine for the mouth piece when I do them from time to time.

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Where’s the self awareness? That grates on my social psyche like nails on a chalk board.


another pet peeve is people who always have to french inhale their hit before passing the joint - nobody wants to see that and it makes me feel dirty watching you lol


This thread really shows why I really don’t hang out with anyone but my wife.


Ha ha! Yes. This is the one that jerks my chain, you guys know how if you have a bubbler filled with water how the water will flood the bowl if you don’t use the carb and stop pulling on the pipe. Especially when you just got done telling them to use the carb or the bowl will flood. That’s why bongs are great, everyone can get a fresh bowl.lol


Always play corners and hit the edge of the bowl. Always pass to the left. The bong is not open mic. No lipping the blunt/joint. If you rolled it you spark it.


Me too, except try the Raw brand hemp papers. You’ll ditch the zigzags for good after one joint.


I’ve been smoking for over 30 years and my hand rolling is crap. They always smoke good, but they are ugly. I prefer my extra long roller with tips. They come out perfect and I never have to have a piece of dry bud get in my mouth or hit the back of my throat. Very finicky in my old age. lol

Oh yeah, when someone fills the bong too high and you get a splash of bong water in your mouth taking a bong rip. Gag. Grrr!


Ok this whole lighting a bowl from the edge has to be an American thing…Here we each get our own bowl and proper etiquette it to help light it up seeing as the person smoking cant always properly see the bowl. In fact lighting the edge or half is a no-no. You end up smoking ashy weed.
We do happen to have an abundance of it to share tho.


another one that hasn’t been touched on, which is along the same lines as hitting a bowl from the edges, is if the bowl that you are handed has already been lit (especially if it is hash) you don’t need to pull out your own lighter and torch the bowl again - the only time to do that is if the bowl goes out and you don’t get a full hit.


Here are a couple of mine.
I’m a paper snob. I will smoke Elements, Raws and Clubs. I like the Raw Blacks and Clubs the most. I hate tasting “paper” when I smoke.

Let me roll the joint. I’m better at it than you… (I roll a beautiful cone) I like to do a “Dutch roll” I learned from a friend in Holland. Reverse roll the joint then burn off the excess paper.
Basically I want the most cannabis I can get with as little paper as possible.

I hate dirty bowls, bongs and bubblers. Clean your shit. No body likes smoke pulled through ashtray water.


When a friend thinks bringing a blunt makes just stopping by without calling or texting first ok.


I’m the same with my joints. Backwards roll with raw 1 1/4

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Ohh bro! I got a treat for you! There are tubes that are made of palm leaves. Leaf? They are called king palms. Expensive but try the ones with berries terps! So good! My favorite papers are Afghanhemps, that raw guy if fuckin weird as hell!

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Backwards roll. Lol. That’s a pain in the butt. The way where you have to lick through paper? Idk how you jus do it. Are we even allowed to share doobies yet? Whoo hoo I just found the joint I feel asleep with last night! Was looking for that!


My first pet peev is DO NOT slobber on the bowl or joint or I will clean it in front of everyone!

Do not smoke in front of me without offering or go hide it.

Puff Puff pass and don’t run the joint.


You’re lucky, my wife is the problem :rofl:.

We have plenty of tree and I shouldn’t care but it drives me crazy how she smokes a bowl. Takes giant hits and won’t hold them in at all and refuses to smother the bowl in some fashion to stop it from just burning into the air. We don’t share bowls, she had to receive her own.


Well nowadays, because of CV-19 I would bring out 2 joints I will smoke one myself and give one to whomever wants to get high.


Back in the way old days when a buddy would show you some weed that was good, and say they could get a quarter pound for $x. You give them your money to go pick it up, they are gone for a couple hours, and they come back with some completely different weed.

Of course what they bring back wasn’t as good as what they showed you.