Weedison’s room

Thank you, will do :fist:


I fucked up, let the plants get too big in 1 gallons and they were droopy and thirsty this morning. I transplanted and there’s some unhappy bitches up in here. I’m just gonna go ahead and panic the next week or so until these recover or I replace them :sweat_smile: :sob:

I had an extra garland X the same size in the mother tent that wasn’t struggling so I put her In here. That is the worst looking one. The garland A in here is seeming ok. Just sad cuz it I did this right I coulda had a nice quick flip here. Gives me time to not rush today/tomorrow on the scrog tho

Back left is the saddest one, the ground is only wet cuz I just fed. I clean and take out every bit of moisture before I leave the room


I bet you they recover long before that :+1:


Shoot, they will be recovered in 72 hours or less.

Honestly, you could go ahead and flip no problem. They don’t really transition to flower until about 2 weeks in for the most part depending on how sexually mature they are. It’s always the advice to do 24 hours of light, but I find they handle stress a little better with a nice comfy dark period of at least a couple hours after training or transplant


What worries me is that one in the back was drooping before I even transplanted but yea I’m probably overreacting with my crazy paranoia as usual haha. I’m throwin in the scrog to spread em so I’ll at least get that done today or tomorrow before I flip em. Thank you :pray:the reassurance that I’m freaking out a little much helps lol

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I hope so I always freak out a little much lol

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I meant to do that other one as a reply to you I’m still new on here, normally I’d be sitting in my house freaking out in my head about them haha

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Haha I feel you, I got the General Anxiety bad, so I know how it is to ruminate over and over again, and with plants, it don’t help one bit because they do their own thing in their own time, nature takes its own course for sure.

They look super healthy, I’m sure you transplanted well and everything, sometimes they are just finicky little things that like to be babied. Just chill my friend, you got this!


I really appreciate it, over grow is the best. Feel like I fit in on here.


You fit in well @Weedison :metal: :metal: :metal:


Catahoula 3 weeks in today and wow she’s sure lookin good!

Ancient OG F3 via Copa genetics in the back and Garland A in the front. Some happy plants

Happy Catahoula and butcher clones will fill this tent when it’s done

And of course the Garland X That got roughed up is ok now and they’ll be flipped tomorrow with the scrog ready now. Good day over here, I hope the same for everyone reading this. I’ll go smoke some more garland A now :heart: there’s a couple reasons I keep growing her


Garland A in the front, Ancient OG F3 in the back. They are happy ladies, garland is gettin thick stacking Nuggetts as usual while the ancient OG has an insane amount of crystals all over for this early, 4 weeks and 2 days into flower

Lucky dog’s Catahoula is a damn BEAST. These are clearly bigger than everything else 4 weeks in but the density on those is rock hard and I mean it. I’m smellin kush and something else that may be the chem smell I’m not familiar enough with the chem smell to say it like I will TK. Crystals shiny around the nug but not as far out on all the leaves as the ancient OG in there. I got two cuts of Catahoula and two cuts of butcher (oro blanco X white garlic X UK cheese) ready to fill this tent after these that will be some stinky times around here

3 garland X to the left and 1 garland A on the right they are spreading nice they were cleared well. I flipped the lights a few days ago can’t wait to see them finish hopefully as nice as my last garland A fill up of this tent was. I have some exciting seeds popped up in my veg tent to fill this after these


The first pic here is my only plant outside that ain’t kryptonite, she is the only one I’m not sure is flowering yet. She was a bit yellow a week or so ago but I hit her with some pottasium nitrate powder and threw some more of the feed on top after that and she’s lookin happier.

These are some of the kryptonites, thriving
As far as big plants with my little outdoor/soil experience. There are some that look a little further in than others 1-2 weeks into flower or so im excited but so nervous about mold and bugs outdoors is wild lol


That first plant that isn’t kryptonite is Garland F2 v3 I love me some garland!

Nice location and garden. Love the purple stems!

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Thank you !!

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I think that Nigerian is pure and it flowers around 16 weeks. Definitely won’t finish Outdoors unless you have the weather for it through the end of December


I was keeping your advice from before in mind (starting inside) im also thinking about running the Nigerian indoors if it’s 16 ish rather than 24ish. I don’t wanna cut before it’s ready I don’t wanna rush anything unless outdoor problems. I just want to be able to have a lot of other stuff stocked before I use one of my tents for that long. I have veg tent then I flower in a 4’X4’X6’ and a 5X5X6.5 the 5X5 would be nicer for these im sure but I kinda wanna use that for my stuff to keep stocked for $ hard debate


Especially cuz this isn’t what most people want but it’s what I’m dying for the most now because I’m younger than most on here and got mostly kush and such in my days


If you have another couple months of good weather where you live this is a great time of year to sprout sativa’s and give them 2 months of 12- 12 or close to 12/12 Outdoors ( from seed) before bringing them inside to finish.