Weedison’s room

Im still learning the areas only been here about 1.5 years but it says the average first frost date is the october 1-10 and I’m not sure if I’ll have room for them at that point but that’s very good to know for next year planning. I’m pretty north on the outside border of the Adirondacks. I’m probably gonna run the Nigerian fully indoors like end of the year or begginung of next year And then do the advice your giving me now, next year with some of these other genetics some of the ones I’ve seen you talking about like the Oaxan (I think that’s what it’s called) are like calling my name. I also have some chocolate Thai from exotic alchemy.

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I’m like directly west of old forge on the outside border of the Adirondacks

Probably pretty similar climate to here I’m guessing. I’m in the Northern Catskills, a couple hours Southeast. We can have a frost here anywhere from late August till the end of September. Usually around the middle part of September. You must be lower elevation than I am, sitting here at 2,000 ft.
You’ll definitely want to try Oaxaca. Needs to be forced flowered Outdoors but well worth the extra effort. Best work/social/ activity weed i ever had, and that’s including my own strain which was bred in that direction for a quarter century.
Hit me up when you get that Nigerian out. I’ve got some of them too. We can coordinate our efforts and breed the keepers


That sounds amazing I’ve been craving this for a while. Overgrow is the best website I’ve ever clicked on absolutely will keep in touch. Gotta save the bits of these genetics that are left. I’m sure I’ll feel more comfortable growing stuff like this once I finally do lol. I feel long 10 week flower us the longest stuff I’ve grown.


If you start flowering from seed sativa’s really don’t take any longer than a regular plant. 10 weeks was my old record 4 years ago. Now it’s 23 weeks LOL. Anything that matures in less than 16 weeks I consider fast​:rofl::joy:


Lol ive been growing some NL lately that are screamin to be chopped at 8 weeks flower. I was taught hydro when I started and that’s how I started growing and learning. Now I’ve been tryna learn organic and I’ve been growing organic outside but again with quick flower plants. Is there a regiment or mix or known recipe you go with on these plants? Or something specific you do differently when it’s flowering longer vs shorter? I’m not sure if I sound confusing here. I’m just not exactly sure how to change the way I’d feed the plants in flower with 16 week strain vs 8 week


One third strength works well for sativas if you use liquids. I like a soil mix with some good local garden soil/perlite in it at one third to one half the total mix, another part being good super soil and the remainder castings and compost mixed and cut with 50% perlite. Recently I’ve been top dressing with chicken poo and fishbone meal, but had always used castings/ compost. Lots of different mixes will work but generally make them weak compared to what you would do for a polyhybrid. Go easy on Nitrogen and don’t add any the last third of flowering. The long flowers are easy to grow


Gotcha I was in a rush with the outdoor this year but I mixed some prolix with chicken poop originally and then exactly like your sayin been doing some top dressing like fish meal kelpmeal reading online as I go. Thank you for all the advice I’m too excited about getting into all these.


Just saw some pictures on Instagram today of exotic alchemy’s Nigerian looking nice figured Id show you


Big ol outdoor kryptonite they are like 3-4 weeks in some further than other hard to exactly know outdoors. Super happy thus far smel is traveling further and further as I walk up lol.

The close up nug is the Catahoula and wow rock hard swelling up and just smells like the best stuff I’d see as a kid. Super happy thus far the right side is ancient OG f3 and garland A they are doin Good as well. Super frost on ancient OG and the nice smell and frosty nugs on the garland like it has been I’ve run it so much the past year, smokin it right now.

3 Garland X (first time running) 1 garland A on the right that ive been growing almost 3
Weeks into flower almost done with the height. I’m tryna tie the branches as much as I can to sticks and eachother. Garland A yielded nice filling this tent before these, hopefully goes the same.

The first pic with one plant is 1 of 10 black strawberry preserve (sour strawberry kush X black lime reserve) I got going. From golden road seed co.
The pic with a few seedlings is OGer kush (bottom 4) and the top 2 are UK cheese X NY diesel bred by deadpanhead. Buddy gifted me
Two feminized seeds. Got more mothers and seeds to drop but I gotta slow down lol!




Whoops accidentally hit upload while posting this but these are some kryptonites outdoors! Lovin the smell it’s traveling further and further I’ve never grown plants this big outside I’m excited to see how they finish. The sun is special.

This is a garland F2 V3 started flowering much later than the others, been a happy girl the past couple weeks and when I shake water off from the rain, the golden goat lemon smell travels already!

These are my Garland indoor girls 4 weeks in doin great!

And a little nug from my last garland harvest I enjoyed today!

Where I’m from growing up we say “bugged” like stoned and I say GBGBA, get bugged get bugged again. I got it tatted on my chest when I was 19 haha. I hope you all get bugged then get bugged again today, tonight, and tomorrow. GBGBA


Omg chopped lucky dogs Catahoula (TK X chem91bx3) and the gassy chemy KUSH smell is loud loud! And the buds are so rock hard. I’m in love with this. I want the next 3 weeks to fast forward so I can try this loud motherfucker already!


First pic is a nice garland A top in my tent of 3 garland X and 1 garland A,
On the side of the garland X I believe I had the light too low for a little and stressed some tops a little but the buds stacking down are all rocks. The OG smell in the garland A is standing out a bit more now that it’s next to the garland x which is just that sweet acidic lemony side

Those pics are the Garland X the one top I felt was stressed from light earlier in flower but the mugs going down the branches have been so frosty, growing fast, rock hard, and I’m excited to make hash with this trim.
These are 7 weeks in today, shouldn’t be that orange on top 7 weeks in I don’t think for this one.

That is the garland tent it’s a 5X5 but I don’t have the bigger light to cover the whole thing yet so it’s a weird shape for now

Some different age seedlings, fatter ones are mendo purp X forbidden fruit from CSI and the other ones are OGer! I have a couple bigger OGers that should show their gender soon as well.

Narrowing down the 4 to flip in this tent, the two on the right are UK/NY (UK cheez X NY diesel) from deadpanhead seeds and all others are black strawberry preserve from golden road seed company. Gonna do 2 and 2


Trimming up the garland X and I’m very pleased, seems like it’s gonna be a great yield, stand out colors and crystals, smells like dank sprite and smokes beauitifully. First I one with the X, I’ve run the garland A 4 times now. Not sure if I truly like this one better or if it’s just more exciting now cuz it’s my first run with this cut lol.

On the left I got 2 black strawberry preserve (sour strawberry kush X black lime reserve) from golden road seed co
On the right it’s 2 UK/NY (UK cheese X ny diesel) from dead panhead seeds.
I’ll be puttin up the scrog, and flipping in a week or two just put them in 5 gallons.

This is an OGer female, gonna put that and a couple of CSIs mendo breath X forbidden fruit, into 5 gallons soon and fill my other flowering tent hopefully flip that in roughly 4 weeks. My recent harvests (two flower tents, 1 veg) have been falling close together and those are some fun times haha.

Edit: I meant mendo purps not mendo breath for the CSI beans


That Garland X looks beautiful and I can almost taste it from here :open_mouth:
I’m getting ready to run a tent full of “A” as it’s become a favorite of mine.
You have a nice setup going!

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Thank you very much! Yes the A I have run a handful of times now and that won’t be the last, I’m a big fan of both cuts but I also want to try more of some of the F2s I got from him

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I meant to send that last one as a reply to you

My buddy took these pics of some of my garland X nugs. Very pretty but the garland A nugs were definitely fatter and a had a louder smell. Interesting differences


Locked and loaded, I realized in the last year that for most of my growing years I coulda filled my tents a lot more before flipping. That and getting the par meter has made a difference in yield for me. Gonna wait till I fill up nice to flip. Black strawberry preserve and UK/NY. Gonna really try and fill my bigger tent up with the OGer and (mendo purp X forbidden fruit)


Not sure how I missed this thread but I’m subbed up now!
Everything’s looking fantastic in here :heart_eyes:

How are your Tri Force looking? I’m seeing quite a few so far that resemble the 89NL’s. Big fat leaves and 7 blades. Hunting for 3’s and 5’s only but not sure that’s gonna be a thing or not :thinking: