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here’s some shots of the White Tahoe Cookies and Mad Martigan.


Mad Martigan

and the smaller Hippy Slayer grow with Heavy 16. AShe’s being flushed now. donw at 7 weeks, well cloudy trichs at 7 weeks.


How did this turn out for you got some white lotus seeds I’m excited to get into and hopefully make some f2 haven’t seen much on them posted

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I’m pretty sure I screwed that one up. Sorry I’m not more helpful

here are some shots of the AN girls in flower: White Tahoe Cookies and Mad Martigan

WTC - right on schedule

Mad Martigan

been smokin the hippy slayer. In the past, when grown with AN, this girl seemed somewhat indica dominant. This harvest she’s all in the head. Feels good on the body, lite pain control. The head weird is off the chart, though… She tastes very different than what i remember too. Interesting how a different nutrient system will produce very different results in the same strain. Im ging to save some of this smoke to commapre to tHippy Slayer grown with AN. should be an interesting comparison…


The White Tahoe Cookies and Mad Martigan hit 6 weeks today. They’ve started getting Overdrive instead of Big Bud. I want to compare before and after to see the difference OD makes


i tried a sample of the MM was all Cindy 99. Such beautiful smoke. Flavor was sweet flowers with a touch of sage. The buzz was a refined C99 craziness, such fun

Here’s some shots from Harvest

wtc - she chunked up. I’m happy with the Overdrive… yield very well too

and here’s the Mad Martigan

just put a Sour D, Master Kush, Northern Lights Redoux, Casey Jones, and Mad MArtigan into flower today.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone


something I’ve noticed: I flush the substrate (coco) down to zero PPM run off. Took a sample to quick dry the next morning. actually smoked it the following day. the smoke was so flavorful and smooth. no coughing, Zero harshness. Ash burned white/slight grey. Leads me to think the plant doesn’t really store that much nutrients…

I usually let the plant eat itself before harvest. But this realization makes me think that might not be necessary.Might not be true for every plant i grow. who knows? but the smoke on the Mad M and WTC were both fantastic 2 days after i clipped the samples. anyone have thoughts on this?

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no one?? i figured someone might chime in i the flushing thing. hmmmm