Welcome to the Freakshow

sorry it’s been a minute since I’ve posted.
things are moving along slowly. The plants that finished early have been flushed to zero ppm coing out of the pot, harvested the top buds and the rest will be burned. I have NO FUCKING IDEA why Heavy 16 ,akes a 9 week plant finish at 6 weeks. but the trichs were cloudy going amber at 6 weeks before the buds had finished growing. WTF?!?!?!?
anyway, to make matters worse, I was cleaning the 4 foot cool tube and replacing bulbs and broke the damn thing. Called the local hydro store to see if they could locate a replacement. The called back and said no. LOL. SO I got online and after rewording search terms a few terme\s found some on Ebay. Ironically, I think i paid 300 for the first one i bought. I picked up 2 (I want to have a replacement for when i break the next one) for about 75 eahc noiw that they aren’t being made any longer. I don’t have the means to completely rework the lighting system in the flower room at this time. I’m looking at getting 2 8 bar mint white lights from Mammoth but tht’s $2K away…

so I am back to AN: feed, water, feed, water. In my misadventure with feeding amounts, at 15 ml’s, AN produces delicious buds with lower potency and very fluffy. At 20 potency increases. at 25 things are damn near great. So I’m gonna run with that/ .Other things I’ve learned: the afghan based genetics are somewhat light feeders for me. I noticed if i overfeed in veg, the plants becomes stunted, stays small, produces popcorn and are very nute sensitive. So with this in mind, I’m popping some beans and marching onward…


Tested the Berry Noir grown with Heavy 16 last night. It was actually really good. Smoke was smooth, ash was a bit dark but the taste wasn’t chemmy. The buzz was very fun. Followed that J with some LA Confidential and just got stupid, but totally pain free. It woul dbe nice to be able to use the Heavy 16 but the yield sucked since most of the plant was under-mature fluff - the the trichs were matrure.

anyway, the new cool tubes arrived today. It’ll be nice having a spare.

I picked up some Indicanja soil by Purple Cow - organic, just water kinda stuff. I’d lvoe to the the stuff that @przcvctm uses, the KIS stuff, but shipping for a single bag is $80 to here. I’m having trouble keeping my mom’s alive for long so Im hoping the Purple Cow helps.

onward and upward

I did burn off an email to Heavy 16 and just got a reply. Dude says he has an idea on why the plants are growing the way they are and wants me to call. I’ll let you know how that goes.


The rep was VERY friendly and VERY informative. Dude gave me his personal cell number to keep him updated even. Said, basically, that due to the organic formulation of Heavy 16, it chelates better than other brands of nutrients. He thinks that I am letting the pots dry out a touch too much causing the plant to go into survival mode and mature early. I’ve been feeding when the pot is lite, but will, for the next round, be feeding when the pot is liter but not as lite, still having some weight to it. I’ll be ding the same with AN this round, but will be running Heavy 16 on the next plants to hit the flower room.

That being said, the Berry Noir, flushed at 6 weeks for a week and a half, although a bit over-ripe, smokes wonderfully. Very smooth and tasty nd the buzz is pretty ridiculous - heavy in the head, but nicely weird and stony. The potency is very nice, at 6 weeks. I’m impressed. I’ll be vegging plants a little less and put them in the flower room before they need to be fed daily. I figure i can time it right and feed daily without the pots being too dry, hopefully.

fingers crossed.

currently in the flower room - Blueberry Yum Yum, Shit (Mr Nice), White Trufflez.

I potted up my Hippy Slayer mom and my White Tahoe Cookies mom into the Purple Cow organic soil. I’m hoping to get them to green up and get some healthy clones before they go to shit again. Well, my hope is they won’t go to shit .It is strange that, under the ights the plants yellow and get crappy, but when i take them out of the direct light they start getting green new growth. I have them under an 8 bulb T5 fixture so it’s not light bleaching. Might be not needing more nutrients under lesser lights… crappy soil, methinks

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current run is Blueberry Yum Yum x 3, Shit x 1, White Truffles x 1

Feed: AN Sensi Coco bloom (30 ml’s in 2.5 gallon of RO) with B52(10 ml’s), Big Bud (10 ml’s) (not coco formula), Molasses (bout a dab). Feed Water Feed Water, pretty much daily. I gave them plain water Sunday they were still very wet (except the skunk) yesterday. I upped the feed 5 ml’s of base nutes. They take longer to take in the plain water than the nutes so i’m thinking they are hungry. Thoughts?

my thoughts: I should be feeding every time in coco, so I’ll reduce thew amount i am feeding and feed them daily. Well, once upon a time. when coco first came out, the folks at AN told me to feed then water then feed, then water… that was about 13 years ago.
I went to their website and it seems things have changed according to their nutrient recipes page. Not on the nutrient calculator page. mind you, but on their recipe page. I’m gonna call and chew some ass today.


the nutrient calculator has the feed at more than twice that amount… WTF?? I misread that info. I mix my nbutes in 2.5 gallon gas cans. The recipe page is for 1 gallon. But the recipe page does state that coco should be fed every time.

so, I will be feeding every time now…I just have to figure out how much to reduce the amount.

the Skunk is dead. I mislabeled it and it was a male I was going to use to cross to the hippy slayer. A friend of mine sent me beans of an accidental cross - 1988G13 Hashplant x Hippy Slayer. I’ll be using that to cross back to the Hippy slayer.

I spoke with a guy from AN yesterday. He says they now want me to feed full strength every time while the pots are still wet. These gys seriously need to learn how to listen. Although I admire their enthusiasm about AN, it literally took 15 minutes of being interrupted and the conversation going off on tangents before I really had my question answered. Very annoying.

So I am upping the food and frequency. and away we go…

on another note: got roots on hippy slayer clones… life is very very good… can
t wait to taste those dirty toes again.

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Happy 4/20 everyone!

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Happy 420 :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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plants are respoinding to the daily feedings very nicely. Just have to keep my ass on top of things…

pics soon

Ok i finally got some pics. we are at 4 weeks today. Been flush feeding daily 30 ml’s base, half that of additives.

Sensi Coco Bloom A&B, B52,. Big Bud, with a touch of Molasses and epsom salts. - nice and simple
Blueberry Yum Yum

White Trufflez

The Freak. This is a Blueberry Yum Yum no clue as to why she’s growing so differently.

got some more cones going too: Hippy Slayer and Mad Martigen ad some White Tahoe Cookies


Things are looking very good in the flower room. this saturday is 6 weeks, I think.

next round will be AN too. The round after will be Heavy 16 I want to give them another chance since the rep i spoke too was so damn cool. The next round has the Northern Lights from seeds I made with my NL project. I want predictable results with this girl. Projected Harvest Date for the Northern Lights is end of July

Started the Overdrive last Saturday. It replaces the Big Bud towards the end of flower. After 2 weeks of Overdrive, I will flush the pots down to ZERO ppm runoff and give plain water for a week. I’m excited to try these buds. The Blueberry Yum Yum smells like fresh blueberries.

got a few plants ready for the flower room that will be getting Heavy 16. The Northern Lights is going to be potted up and veg longer. I want her huge.

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well peeps are enjoying the Blueberry Yum Yum. including me. Got 2 more in flower coming down in 2 weeks or so.

The AN plants are doing great. Im flush feeding daily. The plants i recentyly harvested got 30 ml’s of Sensi Coco bloom, half that of the additives. The batch in flower I’m giving 25 ml’s base and they are thriving. Buds look better a bit. We’ll see how they smoke in comparison.

I have 2 Peanut Butter Breath under the LED in flower getting Heavy 16. I’m doing my best to get the flush fed before they are dried than 25% wet, as recommended by the company. I’m thinking running Heavy in hydro would get better results. One of the plants I couldn’t keep up with so I potted the 3 gallon up into a 5 gallon pot midflower. Now both are easier to manage. They are at week 4 so we will see how I am doing with them in the next 2 weeks. If they are mature at 6 weeks, I’ll try Heavy in Hydro.

The AN is very much more forgiving…

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an old friend sent me some clones - 2 male and 2 female Kali Mist I am thrilled to have this strain back. she’s quite wonderful and I will be making beans to keep her around for a while.

started clones of the LA Confidential too. Too many people fell in love with this strain when i had her a couple months ago. The genetics are simple: LA Affie x landrace Afghan. The buzz is happy and heavy, but not debilitating. 3 hits into a J and i feel a warm wave wash over me and I’m pain free. and hour into the buzz and I feel like dancing and having fun. But then a couple hours later i find myself thinking, yeah, I should probably sit for a while. Sleep like a baby too. cannot wait to have a stash of her again.

I also popped a fem’d Master Kush for my friends that want the Heavy heavy. hopefully i don’t screw her up.

I upped my stash of AN nutes too. Picked up gallon jugs of the grow and bloom. can’t afford to run out ,

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It feels so good to find the old cuts again huh?! Happy for you friend.

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yessir it is, my friend. it truly is.

ok finally some pics.

the Blueberry Yum Yum (2 plants, fed 25 ml’s base AN sensi coco bloom) will be coming down tonight. I backed off the nutes 5 mil’s on these 2 girls and I really think I like the way they LOOK better. The proof will be in the smoke though.

here’s a couple shots of the peanut butter breath at 7 1/2 weeks. these girls are getting Heavy 16 nutes, right at manufacturers recommendations. This stuff is not as forgiving as the AN. I wil. say that. The pots need to stay rather wet, not drying to 25%. I couldn’t keep up so i up-potted both plants into 5 gallon pots early to mid flower to keep them more wet. it worked. In the past, the Heavy 16 nutes have resulted in the plants maturing very early, like fully mature at 6 weeks for a 9 weeks strain. This will be the first time they’ve gone the distance, or at least close to it. I’ll probably start the flush very soon. I really don’t like over-ripe buds. I’ll check trichs tonight and see…


Fire dude. :100: :fire:


I let the last Blueberry Yum yum plant go 1 a touch over 10 weeks. Man she is fantastic. It’s like the hybrid finally blended together in unity. Before the buzz would start out heavy then lift you up. This stuff just gets you effed up and makes you happy. the flavor is on point, earthy berry almost grape. The buzz is heavy-ish and very happy and mischievous. I think I’m in love.

Peanut butter breath is coming down this weekend. She hit 9 weeks wednesday. I took a sample Momday and she was a bit ilte. I think this weekend will be a betetr end product.

4 big Hippy Slayer are hitting the flower room today with a White Tahoe Cookies.
I’m giving the plants a lesser strength nute regimen. Instead of 30 ml’s base nutes (Sensi Coco Bloom, 15 ml’s additives) i gave the latest BBYY 25 ml’s base etc and REALLY love they way she turned out. I’m going to keep that going and see how it is for other strains.

I harvested the Peanut Butter Breath and have tried her. She’s wonderful. She was grown with Heavy 16. Since the company rep told me to keep her wet, I ended up potting her up into 5 gallon pots about 2 weeks into flower. Otherwise I would have been feeding every hours or so, That would be impossible. I did not break up the rootball when i transplanted - i did not want to tress the plants. But That allowed to me feed daily and have a decent amount of runoff. The yield was impressive. the buds are tight. I’m pretty happy. The ony thing I don’t like is measuring out the Heavy nutes - 2 ml’s of this, 8 mls of that, 6 ml’s of the other thing and the amounts change by a couple ml’s through flower. it’s very precise. I find myself wondering if the measuring beakers I’m using are accurate and how much i can be off… AN is 25 ml’s vbase and half that of the additives. pretty simple. Part that that is my laziness

I’m going to run some blueberry yum yum with the heavy next to make an accurate comparison with the BBYY grown with AN.

Jut put 3 Hippy Slayer into flower along with a White Tahoe Cookies. Got a Northern lights and Blueberry at almost 5 weeks too. things are good.


ok folks, sorry for my absence. I am very happy to report that I did get some important things figured out. here’s some shots from the flower room

Whoite Tahoe Cookies and Mad MArtigan at 3 weeks - using AN

2 Hippy Slayer plants, using Heavy 16. I potted these girls up into 5 gallon pots right before I put them into flower. 1 Blew up they other stayed normal. The big one is finished at 6 weeks. tested her last night and man she is fantastic. I’vve learned that Heavy 16 plants need to stay very wet with nute solution. If they dry out on a regular basis, the plant finishes very early. i caught this one and was able to flush her in time/ She’s being harvested today. You can see the difference bewteen the smaller one on the regular schedule and the big one that’s finishing early.

this si the smaller one

bud shots of the big one. she’s greasy as hell. Smoked a sample last night. She’s smooth and i didn’t make it through half a j with 4 friends.

AN is much more forgiving than the Heavy 16. Feed daily and you’re good to go. On the other hand, this girl that finished early is pretty fantastic. I’m anxious to compare her with the one on the normal schedule. I did up the feed for the Heavy 16. Instructions state 20 ml’s base, but i’ve learned that is for plants of a certain size - not too big. not too small. Like a commercial grow where all the plants are the same size. I grew 2 peanut butter breath with Heavy 16. one plant was about twice the size of the other other. the smaller turned out very nice. The bigger of the two had very little potency, but show no deficiencies. So I upped the feed of the heavy 16 to 25 from 20 and this big girl turned out great. I’m gping to continue to play with the Heavy and it’s early finishing…


ok, smoked the sample hippy slayer the other night. Let’s just say I’m ecstatically happy, except for one thing: the flavor. The flavor is different. She still smells like a bus-load of hippies coming back from Bonaroo: body odor and rotten fruit. The flavor, when i have grown this with AN, used to taste like you’re sucking on someone’s sweaty toes. The body odor flavor was pronounced and had a bit of a salt component to make it taste like earthy sweat. This is not the case with the Heavy 16. I would pick a gorgeous celebrity, Kate Hudson, and think of sucking on her toes when i smoke this strain. It made it sexy and fun. I loved the sweaty taste. Well, this doesn’t have that. What is does have is a beautiful and stupefying buzz. I didn’t make it halfway through the J before I had to walk away. I mean the stuff is FIRE!!! The smoke was so smooth. depsite being so fresh - burned clean, no coughing unless you took too big a hit and no chem taste at all. the buzz is very sativa this round - i did take the sample about 3-4 days ahead of the 9 week mark. That being said, she slapped me around pretty good last night. Great smoke for going to a show where you really want to groove and dance with the music without ANY raciness at all. In fact, I went to bed about 2 1/2 hours after smoking less than half a j with probably 4 other people, was still very baked and slept like a baby. Slept a good almost 8 hours too.

needless to say, This hippy slayer girl, yes the screw up finished at 6 weeks girl, is coming down today… I feel the need to play more with the Heavy 16 finishing 9 week strains at 6 weeks. maybe one or 2 plants at a time only

Also, just put a Casey Jones, LA Confidential and Kali Mist into the flower room

I checked the trichs on the other Hippy Slayer in flower. She was at 7 weeks as of wednesday. Trichs show all cloudy with a few amber. I gave her a full dose of Heavy 16 Finish and she starts her flush today. I’ll be flowering with AN from here on out. I’ll still use Heavy 16 once in a while when i get bored but i need something reliable and predictable for the flower room. AN is much more forgiving too. I can feed the plants daily with no detriment, unlike Heavy 16 that apparently has to stay saturated. These Hippy Sayers were potted up into 5 gaoon ots when they went into flower. I have not missed a feeding. Yet they finished unpredictably early. sigh
I will say I get ridiculous growth rates using Heavy 16 in veg so i’ll be keeping that regimen . i’ve seen plants literally double in size overnight. The stuff is awesome