Welcome to the Jungle

Day 43: strapping up buds on the Gorillas. Calendar says they have 20 days left…:open_mouth:. Snipped a quarter ounce of the mid buds to scope and for a few testers in a few days. Converted the old fridge into a drying closet, need to go tear apart the old desk top and steal the cooling fan from it for a little air flow. All the Landrace run is on cruise control. Finally finding the sweet spot with the new Coir, incorporated 1/4 Pot happy frog to it. Have about 15 sprouts lining up behind the first group of 6. Decided to transplant the single MTF outside of its a female, should be able to finish by october. It has a huge stalk bulb but It is growing real stocky. The Thai plant thinks its fall, half the fan leafs turned yellow during days and back to green at night