WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Saggy Sally is about 36 inches. The other one is taller than that. I couldn’t get in there to measure it.

I wanted to take clones, yes…but, I don’t have Cloning Machine II in place. I needed to know what the space will be after the Flower space is set up. I couldn’t put the cloning machine somewhere up there then needing to move it. Once I have this floor plan formalized I’ll get that set up right away.

I can’t remember if you can take clones at the first days of Flower. I’ve been meaning to research it but just haven’t found the time.

Can I take clones in Flower?

And, I still have to clone that Redbud tree for my generous neighbor so I need to get it set up soon, even though, from what I’ve read is that you take clones mid-June.


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Yeah you can clone a flowering bud. Monster Cropping they call it. That takes longer to make roots. A lot of folks like to take them right after the stretch but before they make flowers. But it looks like you could take some now if you wanted.

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By the look of those girls you will need to cut a hole in your roof after the flip. Your going to have some big ol’ bushes on your hands :+1:

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I thought you could but my memory of it is a bit foggy winky

I will take some cuts just as soon as I get Cloning Machine II in place.

Thanks, man! tup


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Hello KushK! wavy A pleasure to make your acquaintance! tup

Yeah, I should have had their digs arranged by now. And, don’t think I haven’t thought about removing those ceiling panels in their way - I have! ROFLMAO

But, I ‘think’ I would have had the attic prepared for them by now EXCEPT for the quadrupling of the price of materials! frown

I’m going to try and give them each a little room and possible tie them down.



Well, I got this done! It had to get done sooner or later. It was sooner! winky

I knew when I started this that the brain wouldn’t fit in place with the foil insulation in place but I wanted to wait just in case I could force it in place. I couldn’t get it to fit. I had to cut around it.

The Supervisor Tape is a pain to use sometimes but, it got the job done! tup

She’s ready for the dance! biggrin tup

Light - come at me, bro! ROFLMAO

Now back to the framing.

wavy ,


Nice to meet you too! I have just been reading through your journal, you have put in a lot of work. It all looks great.
And yeah the price of building material is absolutely crazy right now!

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You did a beautiful job on that WHAB!

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Well, thank you for participating! It is appreciated!


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Thank you,@LilJonB! tup

I feel better having done it. This new Ebb&Flow will be completely light-proofed!



The last piece to this Ebb&Flow setup arrived today, early woohoo

Test fit is good.

I’m making progress on the framing BUT, I just realized I didn’t allow for a top plate frown

I’m going to get that far and see how it goes. Huge mistake, generally speaking. IF I have to I can trim 1-1/2 inches off the top.

But, there is another factor that ‘might’ come in to play. I know there is a 3/4 inch furring strip under the roof trusses (ceiling joists). I ‘may’ have to shim that out at some point, maybe…

Back to work!


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I’m almost to the nearest, North wall.

Forced compliance continues, and will continue until their attitude changes! ROFLMAO

I went to put the splint on the opposite side of the 4x4 nearest to the North wall. I couldn’t fit it in. There is about 1/4 inch of the old, original 1924 Schoolhouse tongue&groove flooring overhanging in to what will be the cavity of the wall frown From my earlier perspective it looked to be clear.

I can’t get to it with the A/C in place.

I have to cut everything loose and move the A/C.

Initial test results are in. This is what the A/C is set to…

Initially, it looks good. I ‘seems’ like putting the Controller in the grow space will work! tup Initially…

I’m going to decrease the temp setting I have it on and see where it goes.

DANG - I can’t alter the temps now, I’m taking the P&S down! frown ROFLMAO

Too many moving pieces! ROFLMAO

Here we go!

First a tea! winky I actually want to go continue my relationship with my pillow! shocked ROFLMAO

rollitup ,


I just did a brief read on Monster Cropping while I’m having my tea, and waiting for the girls 8pm feeding.


Thank you,@LilJonB! That was quite helpful! tup


No stopping now! tup

The first portion of the P&S hits the deck!

Then the next, the biggest section.

That represents the one wall. The East wall.

I’ve damaged only a couple or few branches, so far winky biggrin Considering the space constraints, that’s not bad!

One was damaged when one of my cleats I was using to close potential gaps in the P&S to the ceiling panels fell off. I didn’t expect that.

When is the Second Shift clocking in?


Speaking of the clock. I hope I can get done before Noon! biggrin

Btw, I’m not entirely sure how much P&S I have on hand shocked ROFLMAO

I am going to try and keep the zipper door section. It’s pretty much where I need it.

Oh, and the footprint will not be rectangular. Because the attic ladder is in the way in 2 directions, it will narrow to 5 feet at that corner, 4 feet from the South wall (the knee wall I’ve shown in other pictures). Where the buckets will be will be 6 feet.

Back to work!

Oh, oh…of the 3 I’ve pulled from the 2 gallon buckets and put in the temporary transfer buckets, the roots look AMAZING. They don’t look like Garbage Girls at all! In fact, there is very little garbage in the outer buckets, either. Surprising!

smoke ,


I had no intention of coming down just now. I forgot to bring an empty bucket with me to suck out the liquid from the Ebb&Gro Controller.

I have all but one plant, Large Loretta, in to their transfer buckets, and all the contents of those outer buckets emptied and removed from the circuit.

I’m wondering now why I have transfer buckets as I have the 5 gallon buckets they will reside in before I am finished today ROFLMAO

I ‘think’ I bought them when I wasn’t sure when the Black, 100% opaque ULine buckets might arrive, I think.

This is the knee wall, the South wall.

Back to work! (© MikePatey winky)

wavy ,


Large Loretta was in the ONE oddball bucket I had to use because it is paired up with its outer bucket, the other 5 were in the most opaque of the 2 gallon buckets and paired up to their mates much better.

It probably took me at least 10 minutes to separate Large Loretta from its outer bucket! :frown: I was laying down on the floor, flip-flopping sides even, and working at it with the pry bar! frown It’s a good thing I found a chip of wood on the floor to use as a jack stand on one side while I flip-flopped to my other side to pry it up from there.

Man, those oddball buckets ARE a pain in the ass! Their ONLY redeeming quality is that the holes in the bottom of the outer buckets are machined, not punched through with an awl

Now, some light clean up and then the rebuild.

I’m not sure how I’m going to address the height issue exactly. I’m pretty sure I’m going to drill some holes in the old, inner 2 gallon buckets to tie them ladies down…I’m just not sure how I’m going to get there from here!

Any and all suggestions are welcomed! I’ve never had this problem. It’s never been a concern for me.

Oh, I got a look at the roots on the last large girls to come out. They’re awesome and WHITE. Large Loretta has a brilliant White root-ball! tup (hmmm, it didn’t clog the Fill/Drain line - it’s that large a root-ball)

Color me surprised!

This is what was in the old controller. There was A BIT larger floaters but I’m really surprised by the lack of algae. It was MUCH worse the time I did the Emergency Flush on them.

Out with the old! IN with the new! :tup:

And, IF I decide not to use the 2 gallon setup again, I’ve already Paid It Forward. I explained to them “IF”. And, only IF they tell me they’ll put it in to service. I explained their shortcomings to them and also explained that it’s ALL now Light Proofed ‘except’ for the controller.

All they’ll need to buy is a reservoir. And, probably some black Fill/Drain lines.

Okay, Back to Work! (© Mike Patey winky )

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In anticipation of possibly (probably) needing some opaque 1/2 inch Fill/Drain lines until I can up-size them to 3/4 inch, I put 2 of the longest of the old lines in a 1/10 Ultra Bleach solution, spinning the bucket on edge multiple times to ensure the hoses are full of the solution and all the air removed.

There is some rather large floaters in there now.

Crappy picture, but it is what it is. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to get a picture of black hose in a black bucket submerged in water! I had to take it to a dark part of the schoolhouse just to get that crappy picture! ROFLMAO

They’ll soak, and probably stirred, until I ‘may’ need them.

Back to Work! (© Mike Patey ROFLMAO)



I’m still going. I’m ‘thinking’ this tea will be my last for this day and get me through - I “Hope” biggrin

Nearly all of the loft is cleaned and ALL the staples removed, one by one! I only have to clean where Large Loretta is. I didn’t take her out of the grow space as I’m sure I’d never get her back in ROFLMAO

Except for the header (which doesn’t absolutely have to go in right now), those 3 pieces above will get me to the North wall. I still have to cut the last full length stud on that wall.

This is the first wood I’ve passed under this saw in I don’t know how long! frown

I’ve never mentioned this and always meant to. Who has or has had slot cars?

From the 1st cut until today, every time I run that saw I flash back to my slot car days - it smells just like a slot car!!! smokeit2

This is a 2 pass cut. This TS75 can cut to 2-7/8 inch. It’s spooky how accurate this thing is.

The Gorgeous Girls are dying to get back inside! winky They keep looking at me with the “Are we there yet?!?!” look! ROFLMAO

Picture won’t load. I’ll post it later. My tea is consumed! Gotta move on!

Getting close!

I’m tired and hurting, in case any of you were wondering!?!? biggrin But, I’ll get’r done! tup

IF I had to guess, I’d say I have another 2 hours.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



I came down because I dropped the last 4x4 that needed splinting (this go round) - the 35+ inch 4x4 ROFLMAO It landed harmlessly, luckily…could have been bad.

Here’s the picture I mentioned above. Mentally put it where it belongs!


Back to Work!

Edit Add: That plant nearest the camera is the one I mentioned being lanky and weak, the one that was hidden between the 2 monsters! That’s also the one I know I broke a limb on. I’ve been seeing it every time I go in and out of the space.

Edit Add: P&S is going up now. Been slower going, besides being wiped out…I hammered a split in my right middle finger frown ROFLMAO I’m right handed and somehow got my finger in between what I was hitting and the hammer I was in control of! ROFLMAO

Edit Add: There is a chance i’ll make Noon! Maybe! ROFLMAO

smoke ,


Your super busy as always.
WHAB what exactly are you working on? Are you walling up the loft for the grow space? Is that what’s keeping you from flipping to flower? I see you doing a lot of work. I just don’t understand. What’s your end goal?