WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Good morning,@LilJonB wavy

I am building a more suitable space in which to Flower, yes.

The previous space was pushing 4 feet wide, maybe (with the Poly sucked in it was probably 3 feet wide).

When I first put the space together, there were no walls from which to guesstimate where the the edges were while I hung the P&S by myself. It was pushed in here and push out there. Sort of like a comical tent raising with the people getting all screwed up trying to do it from the inside and getting all tangled up in it! ROFLMAO

And, you can see from previous pictures the sides of the Poly were sucked in most of the time. The Poly was not supported anywhere along its height. There was no support whatsoever. It was stapled to the ceiling panels and the floor, that’s it.

I also created light leaks by stapling it up in place by myself. I’d staple it and pull the staple through or at least elongate staple hole making a light leak. I had to go around later taping light leaks closed from the outside of the space, also visible in some of the pictures. Up in the loft from outside the Poly.

And, servicing the A/C and the old Controller required climbing up the wall from the outside. One of the reasons I bought a ladder. I needed a good ladder anyway but this pressed the point home. Especially when one of the last times I used that cutoff attic ladder to get up there one leg swung out from under me while I was near the top of it servicing the mechanicals. I was lucky I wasn’t injured.

Now, both the A/C and the new controller will be inside the space. I think I can keep the new controller cooler up in the space, too…right in front of the A/C duct.

Increase the usable space. Make attending to the mechanicals better and easier - and safer… Remedy some weaknesses.

Now, I’ll have something to attach the poly to AND increase the width of the space a full 2 feet, making it now 6 feet wide.

I’d be happy to entertain any other questions you may have, friend…ask away, if you care to tup

Make it a great day, brother! tup

Back to work!



I understand you want to cool your controller bucket. They must get a little warm huh?
I just wanted help to see the big picture.
Why do you want the AC controller inside the grow space? What if you have to change it but not want to open the space. Letting light in and such.

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Ask away, friend.

I’m not sure the controller was getting warm - nutrient isn’t in the controller bucket for very long - I was getting concerned about the Reservoir getting a little warm. IF I can keep the Controller Bucket cooler I’m pretty sure it would also keep the Reservoir cooler. IF it does the Res will be joining the Controller Bucket in front of the A/C duct.

No, not the A/C controller. The Air Conditioning unit AND the new Controller Bucket.

I have a clip-on lamp in the grow space with a Green bulb in it IF I need to work in there during lights out.

I just cut some OSB with my Festool TS-75. Somebody kick my ass! ROFLMAO

Back to Work!



I need a green lamp. Can you use any green light. Like something from the party store. Or do they have to be special?

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Any Green bulb, brother. Anything from a Green Christmas light to a Green spot light, like you’d see in some outdoor landscaping. The plant doesn’t see green. Just make sure it’s not one of those bulbs that are painted green that then the green flakes off.

I just RE-cut some OSB with my Festool TS-75. Somebody kick my ass! ROFLMAO - should be my last cut of this job! biggrin



Maybe take a break? Lol.


What is this break you speak of?


Post forthcoming. I had to come down for the ladies new homes! winky


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This is where I started (dealing with that overhanging tongue&groove flooring, under and behind the A/C unit. It ain’t pretty but it got the job done!) - whenever that was. 24 hours ago? Have I been at this for 24 hours straight?

All the Poly walls are stapled in place (except the last opening). Most of the floor. Some of the ceiling. I think I’m gonna put Large Loretta back in her corner…up for debate winky

This first shot is the opening I left open to get the plants back in the space. That’s also where it narrows back down because the attic ladder is right there.

Did I miss any light leaks?


I’m going to get some new buckets up there and start the new layout and then get the new Controller Bucket up there and figure out how I’m going to run the Fill/Drain lines from and to the Reservoir.

Back to Work!



I worked on things past Lights Out (with a green light,@LilJonB).

I have to button things up, tidy things up. And put the cage up and probably move the grow light. It’s no longer near the middle. And do something about their height.

Before I fired up the new Controller Bucket I added ANOTHER 10 gallons of pH adjusted Heavy Late Veg recipe.

But what’s a person to do when you’re under the clock and the hose clamp on the pressure side of a pump that’s about to turn on fails?

Grab you some .032 Safety Wire and your Safety Pliers and get’r done! Don’t forget the curlicue! winky

This is the girls new home!

Bringing the girls home!

I went back up to watch a bucket fill up (I left the gangling lass outside for that, so I could watch one bucket)


I ran the Res dry shocked

It just struck me what happened. I made sure there was at least 30 gallons in the Res. I didn’t account for the 5 or so gallons IN THE Res! ROFLMAO

I’m going to mix up another 10 gallons and wait for the next feeding - 2:00pm CT.

I never set the High Level Sensor. That’s why I stayed up there and I had to unplug the Fill pump because it was spitting bubbles! ROFLMAO

Hey, @LilJonB…I used the green clamp-on light to stay in there longer and after I turned around to zip up the door there was a green light on, I saw it reflecting off the Poly. That Controller Bucket is jamb-packed with Green lights winky They might know something winky

Also, you asked me why I was doing all this. I omitted the PRIMARY reason. It didn’t think I could get done in a 2 gallon bucket what I can get done with a 5 gallon bucket AND, they’re NOT translucent White! winky

Oh, there was a leak, another reason I was up there watching the first fill. But not where I expect to see a leak. It leaked on the Controller Bucket side. I thought it might leak at the bucket…it’s a pretty loose fit there and only 2 barbs. There are 3 barbs on the Controller end. I think I must have missed the 3rd barb on at least one fitting. I checked them all to make sure they were on as best as I could get them on (without the use of a primary digit, that is! ROFLMAO).

Man, I’m tired!

I’m going to get to mixing another 10 gallons and get ready for the next feeding.

I trust you’re all making it a great day! tup

Edit Add: I hobbled over (literally hobbled and whining the whole way - oh, me…oh, my! ROFLMAO) to mix the nutes and looked what greeted me!?!?




Excellent job on the retrofit! Ahh anything worth doing always takes twice as long as you think it will. Love that curly-q safety first!


Thank you, @JoeCrowe! tup

Yeah, I’ve removed myself from the job duration estimation team! winky

Curlicues are cute, too! wink biggrin


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When I got out of bed I checked the remote sensor and saw this…

I could not imagine what could be causing it.

I concluded, without investigating, that something was wrong with the sensor. That the sensor failed.

That wasn’t it. Not even close! biggrin

When I investigated, I found that the A/C exhaust duct fell out of the ceiling where I had just cut a new hole for it through the ceiling and was exhausting directly on the Acurite remote sensor. I cut a new hole through the ceiling for the A/C exhaust duct. I had failed to secure it in place in the attic facepalm ROFLMAO

When I first saw those temps and was thinking about what could be causing it the A/C exhaust duct dropping out of the ceiling was never considered! biggrin

This is looking better!


Also, when I was up there I saw now that some of my stapling has torn out on the unsupported, West side, the side in the middle of the loft where the zipper door is, the Poly wall was being sucked in so strongly that that pulled the out the Poly and tore out where I had stapled it. That 6 inch AC Affinity inline fan seems to be causing that. I had it on setting 8 out of 10. I was running it setting 5.

I’m going to try to put some temporary support on that side now. And install that Dark Room Light-Proofed passive intake vent. That ‘should’ solve that problem.

I’ll get’ done - but, I’m draggin’ ass! I need my Rocket Fuel before I get up there!



This is not a Pity Party; I’m still draggin’ ass. My back is killing. And, my injured digit is still screwed up making it difficult to do everyday things. Typing for instance…my companion digits are picking up the slack - and, I may break my “Backspace” button! ROFLMAO

But, work needs to be done.

After relocating the errant A/C exhaust duct (still haven’t affixed it in the attic), I addressing the collapsing Poly wall. I considered doing below yesterday but thought I had it all stapled very well and it would hold. I was wrong.

I’m going to have to build a light-weight wall to staple to. I also have to go back and run some aluminum tape on the staples I did put on the “stud walls (incomplete walls)” - I can see some are leaking light, minimally.

I did install a cleat along the floor where the Poly meets in and where most of the staples ripped out.

I then placed a Poly support, from the cleat on the bottom to the ceiling panel above, and wedged in a tapered shim. While I was standing there preparing for the next task, addressing a leak at the bucket (where I expected them to leak - very loose fitting, in my opinion) in collapsed again. I then put a small cleat on the ceiling to hold prevent that Poly support from moving in.

That did the trick!

But, you can see in the above that the staples in the far corner came loose, too. I’ll have to do something about that. I plan to do that when I am in staple repair mode. I have some other problems (tweaks) to attend to.

Here are the Fill/Drain runs. Not how I intended to run them - I wanted to leave the center of the floor open in which to work in. I was concerned about leaks, so I ran them with least amount of stress on any of the fittings but my primary concern was with the straight fittings and grommets on the Controller bucket. One did leak on the first fill but I was able to adjust that grommet, the straight fitting and the hose and it hasn’t leaked since.

This fitting leaked from the first fill. I tried pushing the hose farther on to the bulkhead fitting on the bucket. That worked but only temporary. I put the shirt I had on to absorb what leaked until I could fix it. Today I grabbed my .032 Safety Wire and Safety Wire Pliers. It wouldn’t be the best fix but it would work. I certainly didn’t want to do that to every bucket in there. I always intended to put proper hose clamps on them when I noticed the looseness of the connection when I was running the Bench Test. As I was collecting the safety wire materials I knew the whole time I had 2 3/4 inch hose clamps that came with the 3/4 inch Garden Hose fittings I am going to use on the Fill pump at the Reservoir. I stole 1 of those hose clamps and will buy some bulk 3/4 inch hose clamps when I can. I could use Zip-Ties IF I have to, or safety wire IF I have to.

I bought enough 3/4 inch bulkhead fittings for the Controller Bucket. I mean to assess the situation as see if it can be properly done. By that I mean will the fitting fit in that bottom corner of the Controller Bucket properly, no buggering around with it.

But first I have to address the lighting situation. I have to move the light. It burnt some leaves on Saggy Sally (hardly sagging at all now) - worse than the scorching to Large Loretta. I have to build the cage and install it. So, I need the space in the middle of the buckets to put the cage. I’m pushing the Wee One in Soilless to random spots where the pots can fit and I can still hand feed them.

Here’s are Family Pictures I took today…

I couldn’t get them all in one frame…the lower than the upper

This the damage and the proximity (low digit inches) of Saggy Sally to the bulb.

This shows the acreage on the floor that I gain from the rebuild…11+ inches on both sides (approximately 8sf).

Now on to the light relocation and the cage…Oh, and run the air lines and airstones to the buckets.

Then reorganization of the Cloning area, moving things around to allow for the 2 foot T5s I have and include the 4 foot LED lights @dequilo recommended.

I just bought the lights and I also bought 3/4 inch Barbed Elbow to upgrade the Fill/Drain lines.

Somewhere in between all that I’m going to Flush the system, Drain the system, clean the Reservoir, refill the reservoir with Flower Nutes (Mega Crop Parts A&B - then Bud Explosion (which I did already buy, Roots (MPG member). I incorrectly told you I needed to buy it. I don’t. I already had it crazy ROFLMAO)), take Clones and Flip to Flower…

I’ll also get back on track with the status of the grow ie final Veg Days then Flower Days.

Back to Work! (© Mike Patey biggrin)



Something I forgot to mention.

The new arrivals are doing amazingly!

Also, about those New Arrivals…

I’m having trouble with the idea of putting them in the grow space - Veg Space currently - with the girls seeing as the new arrivals are unsexed.

The idea of putting potential Males in with Girls has be a bit concerned. I’ve never done it.

Can someone, anyone, recommend a fool-proof way of putting unsexed plants in with known Females and not screwing up the girls I’m going to Flower, just to determine IF the unsexed new arrivals are Males or not?

I am open to any and all suggestions!



It turns out I must not have EVER worked with Chicken Wire, although I have a memory of having done so! ROFLMAO

I know I’ve never worked with a NEW coil of chicken wire. Just unwrapping it is a mind-bending puzzle! biggrin

Now, weaving the cut ends together is much more difficult than it should be!!! This is taking an inordinate amount of time!

The mark on the Festool-ish Multi-Function Slab is the length I measured out - 56 inches - to arrive at an approximate 18 inch diameter Light Cage (to include an approximate 4 inch overlap for weaving). 18 inches is a dimension I just happened upon. I “Hope” it works out! Whistle ROFLMAO

I don’t recall ever seeing anyone doing a How-To on building Light Cages. IF anyone ever did I didn’t ever see it! biggrin

I’m not even 1/4 of the way through with the weave. I’m 1/2 way through the first pass! frown

I am now pondering how to approach putting it to use; how to attach it (I’m thinking of sort of cutting it like petals on a flower from on a few inches of the top and staple that to the ceiling), should I make it full length (approximately 60 inches), or should I leave the bottom open?

Leaving the bottom open is an idea I’ve been puzzling over. It sounds like a good idea, but I don’t have a clue if it is good idea. I have ZERO experience building or installing Light Cages.

The only down side to leaving the bottom open is that I can incidentally bump into it and alter its function.

Any suggestions regarding this situation are welcomed!


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once you hit flower the males are obvious after about a week of bloom. Then you can trash them long before the flowers open a week later.
If you have a microscope you can sex them right now.


Thank you for contributing to this discussion, @JoeCrowe !

I do have this but 100x, same maker, different capabilities.


How might I determine the sex of the unsexed New Arrivals that are still in Rooting stage 24 hours of light?

Thank you, Joe!



you have to look at the area between the stem and the leaf bract.

you can see the male and the female in those microscopic photos, I cut those parts off and look at them up close :wink: the male has a “pod” and the female…doesn’t.


On the 2 lower pictures you see a “pod”? To my ignorant eyes, I don’t see the difference between the 2 images.

They both look like similar hairy bits, to me.

You’ll have to excuse me, but this is totally new to me.

Thank you, @JoeCrowe tup



The left photo in the lower ones is the male. See how it has a leaf bract on top and a pod under it? The lower image on the right has no leaf bract instead there’s a cleft in it that shows it’s female. Lemme draw on those images just a sec.

male pod(circled in red) underneath a leaf bract.

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