What are you paying for a zip of medicinal cannabis flower in 2024?

Heres just a little bitty tip of a huge iceberg.Wonder why Ny took so long to Get licensed Dispensaries?Heres a Hint wonder why that Zip is over 400$ looks like someone wanted to skim huge amounts of Cash to me?


How much weight of that oz is pesticide/fungicide?


Should be fine after they burn all the mold off with uv light and throw it through the Microwave conveyor belt


Or bugs and mold ;-)~

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Depends on the strains lol
The one I’m getting every now and then is med outdoor, and it’s the only one that doesn’t cause me headaches or trouble breathing and the effect are somewhat nice.
The rest are filled and still end up moldy, soury (pickled lettuce kind of sour, you know it’s bad lol)
The best bud here is private outdoor grown, sometimes among the endless fems they plant from their Spain bulk orders, some plants shine and end up mixed in that outdoor bag.


I’ve been growing my own flower for myself really being able to supply my self has been a huge money saver. An oz here goes from lows 30 to 100 to midst 100 to 200 then top shelf. 170 to 500 per zip. These are rec. They phased medical out when rec hit, then piggybacked it on rec. Bitches. Ne ways a law passed now where we don’t pay tax or excise tax. So shit just got real cheap. Like 35 bucks for 7 gs of erl cheap. But it’s only on certain medical items. I was buying 1 zip between harvest for a while. Way back, I limited myself too only spending 60 bucks. But I’m broke. So ya,…

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I walked into a dispensary the other week for the first time since i started growing. Saw what they had on display and then looked at the prices. Tenders couldnt tell me a single thing when i asked them about the strain or breeder (other than generic talking points). Learning to grow is one of the smartest things ive ever done


Theres a Seneca Reservation close by me That has These little sheds that popped up everywhere once Ny hit legal.They have all this surplus weed that they all Try and cuttthroat eachother over prices over alot of the same weed.Hundreds ofTrailers everywhere that now have thier family dispensary and thier Cousins Shed dispensary 20ft away.Honk your Horn to het someone to come out of thier trailer to meet you at the drive through window to get Your 50$ to 90$ Oz of Super dry been sitting around at least a year and a half will turn into powder as soon as you toss it in the grinder Dust Weed thier so called “Exotics “Anywhere from the usually 250$ to 300$ an oz .Not to put anybody down and im glad someone can live the dream and not get hassled on Tribal lands but ive had buddies send some away for testing and all of them came back hot for mold and a majority of them had different pesticides innthem that are definitely not even good for anyone Eagle 20 and a couple Mexican ones that werent even allowed in the US.Lot of people complain all the weed is the same generic digital 1 hour high


Damn. Ya I don’t fuxk that black market shit or any Grey area shit. No need to pay the man. I like keeping it legal. As long as it’s for personal use I can have a lb on me at Any time. So I’m happy with that, the wife can hold that amount too. Same with provider. Plus we don’t deal at all lmao :joy: so it all goes to me.!!! They only dab. Ergh. 21 gs for me and the wife (I dabble a bit ) and the provider gets a bunch too.


Im just happy to be able to have the choice to not smoke sketchy weed and grow my own clean Cannabis i know what i put into it and i gave it the secret ingredient real 110 percent love ,sometimes tough love at times but in the all a really good product i give away for free to friends and family so i know what thier getting its really good shit and its clean


That’s how I feel man. Haven’t bought bud for quite a few harvest.


Sometimes i have to bend the knee and go to a Dispo myself luckily its only a half to get me by till my outdoor is cured enough to smoke i begrudgingly smoke it out of necessity i usually just run out at harvest time but i put some autos down for the first time and i have smoke in between now definitely see a use for autos now they are good at taking up unused space in the grow room


I was doing that for a bit. Upped my flower count haven’t need to buy any for a while. Like 3 or so years. Once in a while wife will see something she want ls to try and snag it, other than that I’m happy I don’t buy that dirt ne more. I’m happy buying regular dirt and making craft cannabis compared to the expensary.


I don’t have a med card, so the pot I buy (ie, have delivered) is all recreational. That said, this is what I typically pay for “bulk” weed. CA also has about a 30% tax plus any local tax. If you have a med card it’s less.


Ive gotten the cheapest around 200 plus tax (~25%) for rec.
Id save a little if i was medical

I find little benefit to splurge for “topshelf” it seems to just be for more elaborate packaging.
I smoke the “28%” bud as quickly as the “14%”.

The shake is cheaper, but not worth it, it is deff run thru a tumbler. What a waste of time, buds only now.

I need to stop going there lol


Where are you seeing 400 dollar oz in ny?

Never mind just browsed Flynn stoned menu


They have a couple your not going to see on there they aren’t registered with weed maps They have a shed or a dispensary every 50 yards one was litterally called Cuttthroats one goes up another pops up 50 yards from it the one you seen is one of hundreds in all Reservations from here to Allegeny alot of them are all blackmarket

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well said and your grows rock way above either of those. [med rec] never have sampled your wares but that black Vietnam has always shined for sure. :face_with_monocle:

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The black market Indian reservation stores and the black market stores that are popping up everywhere are a whole different story than the ones that are legal. Top 3 products at travel agency


Pretty much sums it up

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