What are you smoking today? Vol. 1

Sweet Potato Pie!

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was that from subcool?

ooops, I’m thinking of jack the ripper I believe.


They were alright. I like how they don’t have nicotine but even though they market them as “slow burning” they burn quick. I smoked up all 5 of them in 2 days because I didn’t feel I got a great high with the filter and reduced draw.

The flavor pops in the filters taste really good but prevent any bud taste.

More of a novelty. I want to try hemp wraps next.


Grim Reaper is a cross of Grim (Face Off OG #4 x Purple Urkle) x Jack’s Cleaner (Jack Herer x The Cleaner). It’s from TGA Seeds.


Cheers for the information man, a good smoke for sure, creeps up on you, you get the sativa side first, then about 40 minutes later the plants indica sneeks up and locks you to the couch lol.


I’m sorry he put out grim creeper all white barely viable seeds.


Wow, your assessment is very much different than my experiences. I use them exclusively now for “blunts” and have never noticed a difference compared to a joint or bowl of the same strain.
Maybe a bit of additional flavor from the Palm wrap but never noticed a difference in effect or potency making it to my brain.
Idk- maybe I don’t pack mine as tight as you were?

We’re all unique organisms :slightly_smiling_face:


They burned fast to me as well I didn’t care for them


All good. More for me and my pals :grin:

Can’t wait. Two more hours and I’ll be smoking some Chem4!


Yeah I tried to pack some tighter and some looser but they seemed to burn a bit quick for me. I love the lm without popping the flavor in the filter though. The flavor was nice that way.

I’m also not used to smoking with a filter so that was a difference.


I don’t use filters either, it always has an effect on taste. Palm leaf blunt wraps are good, some burn fast, like a paper joint, and some burn a little slower, but still pretty fast for a blunt.

Change it up a little and get yourself an ACID cigar and roll a blunt out of it.
The taste of the cigar leaf should compliment the weed you’re smoking.


Acids are nice so are onyx I like a dark leaf tobacco


It’s… ummm :face_with_monocle: weed.


Was gifted this recently. I checked to make sure of the ingredients. It would be ironic if, in the midst of Covid, I died from Cannabis and Vitamin E. Come to think of it, dying from cannabis and Vitamin E is ironic in any context.

It’s straight BHO. I have never tried that before. I also own a DaVinci Miqro and a Magic Flight but this is the first vape tool I have used that makes clouds or deals well with concentrates in general.

The high is closer to an edibles high. Light dullness… What is BHO’s reputation? Should it be stronger? Been sucking pretty regularly for an hour, six or seven hits.
Wonder if a dab would be worth trying.

In other news, I greened out on hard candy last night. Sucking the wooden spoon is no way to titrate. Also, shards count. No vomiting or sweats but a middle of the night stagger that was not part of what I enjoy about weed.


Edibles can be some scary shit. Man a bad green out off edibles is a true nightmare


Hey @hash74 you got a link to this whole grow? I would love to see it. Where did you get your seeds from? I’m dieing to get some. If you have some to spare I’d love to make a deal.


This is what I’m smoking right now.
Pink Runtz

$40 an 8th. I had to get it.

Gorilla Glue 4


i’m in the uk I get all my seeds from seedsman, I might have a couple left over


Think we could work something out? I’m in the states. I’m pretty sure the states are allowing mail from the UK.


@PoppaPuff I agree, I’ve been to the moon and back a few times from my cookies I make. Usually 5-6 hours of aimlessly wondering about not sure what to do with myself, but it can also be a very humbling experience(afterwards). People die all the time from alcohol poisoning and pills and all that, yet us weed people just have a very uncomfortable time when we overindulge, but you WILL live. I’m glad people have an alternative to Budweiser and Jack Daniels.