What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Have you seen “X” or it’s prequel “Pearl”. Highly recommend both. I became an instant Mia Goth fan. Jenna Ortega, too.

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Yes mate. Mia Goth :star_struck: :cucumber: :sweat_drops:
She’s married to that twat from Transformers lucky b#stard :rofl:

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I was thinking of gory films to tell you about. I’m sure Human Centipede.
What about Martyrs, the original French version? Also Inside. French as well. Frontier(s) is good too. And High Tension was good too, cept for the shitty ending.

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Didnt like X…Pearl :+1: :+1:

I couldnt help myself and watched all of the Human Centipede’s…OMG!!! Does it get worse???

If it has subtitles I usually pass it by unless it’s totally extreme like the guinea pig movies. Flower of Flesh and Blood was a tough watch.
I finally got to sit through Evil Alien’s last week. Considering its a British horror movie (we don’t make good horror movies :roll_eyes:) I enjoyed it.

Oh, there’s some stuff out there that no one should look at. And if you do you feel dirty and guilty for watching it. One that comes to mind is IRREVERSIBLE. Filmed in reverse order, meaning you see something and then you see what led up to that and then what led up to that. I won’t spoil it if you have not seen it,and want to but there are specifically two scenes that are particularly cringe worthy. One involves a fire extinguisher and the other involves an underground tunnel. You have been warned.


Like Memento??? You seen that, one of my top 5 of all time @BigMike55

The August Underground movies :hushed::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

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This is a comedy!!!

Speaking of comedies:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Brilliant but you can’t un-watch that shit so be warned!. It’s like Breaking the Waves pain but in a different way.


Comedy plus cringy? There’s one on TUBI right now called TEETH that is funnier than shit guys will cringe, guaranteed.

Monica Bellucci though. She’s stunning.
I’m not saying rape is a good thing but the bloke in the movie chose the perfect victim.
Hey its only a movie. :v:

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Yeah, and Monica is stunning to look at, but that scene wouldn’t be any harder to take if it were Whoopi Goldberg.

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Yeah the scene went on for far to long. The writer and producer need help.

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You will need subtitles. I don’t think it’s available dubbed.
I think Tubi still has it for free with a few commercials.
You will think that it is brilliantly filmed but I’m pretty sure you will only watch it once. But what a ride for a single viewing, in my opinion.

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Have you seen Memento @BigMike55

DLing version with subs


No I have not. Any good?
I’m always up for a good recommendation