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It’s a hard movie to understand. It’s starts at the end and finishes at the beginning.

FANTASTIC…150% recomend it…i have watched it a dozen times, NOT SURE i really know what happened in the end/beginning…lol. Very hard on the mind, but a true Gem. One of my favorite flics of all time. Guy Pierce kills it in the lead role. Watch preview i posted above @BigMike55


yes, we have different tastes, i loved it, bet you not so much ??? @Esrgood4u

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My attention span is really short. If I can’t understand what’s going on I usually turn it off. Guy Pearce though is excellent in everything he’s involved with. Momento needs a re watch without anything in my system.

watching it really high would be a waste, you would never follow it. Hell it’s hard straight. I know what you mean, mostly im the same. For some reason i kept watching it and when it got to the scene where the Hotel worker tells him he has rented him a bunch of rooms cause he doesnt know better…i was hooked.

Couple of cool scenes ,

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He was my HERO. Was no better ACTOR in his day in the ring. He cracked me up. He did another one, forget it’s name, was really good .

Rowdy Roddy’s Corner…lol.! Those were the days. Think he is dead @Pigeonman


Yep. Sadly RIP R.R.P. July 31, 2015

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Yeah he’s gone unfortunately. They Live is also an excellent film of his :call_me_hand:


Yesterday, lmao…lmao…i paid 59 bucks to talk live to Hacksaw Jim Duggan on my phone.
Another old hero of mine. He was cool as could be, cooler actually! Was suppose to be 1.5 minutes, we talked an hour, lol!!!


There’s also this direct to video “masterpiece”:

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Thats the one i was thinking of…LOVED it at the time. He was funny as a Bad Ass

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It got banned here in the uk for all the heads being slammed into walls :rofl:

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OMG…and Billy Blanks too!!!

That trailer is HORRIBLE…lol…such a good actor huh, LMAO!!!

I GOTTA WATCH IT !!! Loved Roddy!!!

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The fight with Keith David is legendary. :rofl:


i have it ripped from video, on a SD thumbdrive, always in my TV. I use to fight, like fight scene’s , done well, not John Wick shit @Esrgood4u

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See now you’ve got me thinking about bad fight scenes.
Jason No Retreat No Surrender. :rofl:

They cannot make fight scene’s like that anymore. Took two REAL ass MEN to do that scene. Parts of it were very well done, overall i loved it, and the whole idea of put the fucking glass’s on , lol!!!

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So stupid and over acted it makes it my favourite fighting movie EVER.

It’s the full movie if your interested :v:

That was awful!

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