What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Haha, I love that. And have watched my fair share of those!

As an example. Check out Equilibrium… It’s great in it’s own way, but not a great movie

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“I know gun-fu!”


New movie Blackberry…Very good !

Is that not a Matrix ripoff? That’s the reason I never watched it.

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This was on HBO last night. Don’t know why, but I had to watch. Its probably been at least 20 years.


Not really but did jump on the style bandwagon. The gimmick is a martial art style that utilizes a gun as an extention of oneself.

All in all it’s no where as lame as the “bend the bullet” bullshit in Wanted.

Best show ever: (well maybe it’s a tie)

whassup homies, got a request for y’all:

any “last call” movies I should check on Netflix? We cycle our subsciptions and are going out of Netflix and back into HBO next month. Recently I’ve caught a ton of the non-Netflix original crime/cop movies like Heat, Den of Thieves, Departed, etc. Anything fun I’m missing?

Lookin a lot more for movies than shows, and my favorites are action/crime/suspense/thrillers from probably 75-05. Much older than that might as well be a western, much newer than that and it’s probably all CGI/made in a computer.

Dumb question, but did you watch The Bodyguard (the series, not the movie)?

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did not, watchin The Sinner with Bill Pullman rn. I’ll check Bodyguard 🫡🫡


I loved it, watched it twice now


Another WTF film…

I keep looking for this too after you posted it awhile back. I thought it was set to release on Amazon video a long time ago.

[Indiana Jones 5 Destroyed - The Final Nail In Lucasfilm’s Coffin - YouTube]

I took the algo-random suggestion & it was enjoyable :laughing: Makes me sad too.
I lived within shouting distance of the rich bastard who started it all when I was a kid.

:evergreen_tree: :eye: :eye: :eye: me me me

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Snake in Eagle’s Shadow :+1: :+1:

Like Drunken Master, apprentice Jackie Chan meets an old master…

Great music & silly. Proper HK Kung Fu



Yuen Woo Ping’s stuff is always super silly and fun! Miracle Fighters is another fun one from him. Another I always recommend once you’re a few kung fu movies in is Dirty Ho which has super unique choreography you won’t see in other ones.

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Watched Beef on Netflix and thought it was pretty damn good. If the trailer appeals to you at all you will like it.

From season 2 is decent so far with something crazy happening last night but also a few oddly corny things (or thing repeated) that makes me a little concerned.