What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Watched the hangover again for the first time in a REALLY long time… While it is obviously a funny movie, I don’t feel like it’s held up well over the years.


It’s definitely a movie I need to be in the right mood to really watch. Otherwise it’s fine as background noise while doing something else.


Rewatching this “masterpiece” because of the missing sub Titanic tourists.


Life imitates art eh?

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You know after watching Gray Lady down all those years ago there is no way that any one could ever get me on a sub alive.

Watched American History X the other night. Been a while since I’ve seen it. It’s still intense, but a good story. I’m sure Edward Norton was never the same after that.

And watched this stupid movie last night. Kinda forgot that it existed, lol. Its probably been 20 years. I didn’t realize it was a Happy Maddison production.


I never thought it was all that great. I think it was because of how much hype was around it with people actually calling it “the greatest comedy of all time”. Nothing could live up to that. I wish I had seen it without hearing all that crap. Maybe it’s time for a rewatch.


First time I saw American History X I was in Costa Rica and watched it in spanish. I barely understood what was being said, but still watched it…then bought it on DVD when I got home. Great flic.


Many times movies of this type come off as cheesefests to me, but this movie fuckin ROCKS. I caught it in theaters, was a time in my life when I tried to catch one or two movies every week solo to decompress. Was blown away, and have rewatched since but not in a while. Highly recommend.


Saw it but didnt dl it…will now thanks.

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Not watching, waiting.

Season 4 about to drop.


What a KILLER show…when does new season start???


New season of Black Mirror
Watched the first episode last night and it was a good one, but it had a somewhat ok happy ending. Which that’s not how this show is supposed to go lol

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It will be after the season finale of the NEW spinoff show “Gen V”.

I’ve heard fall for Gen V and early 2024 for the BOYS season 4.


This movie is awkwardly spot on so far and what’s killing me is that it wasn’t intentional… :rofl:


Watched one last night called The Girl Next Door. (2007)
Highly recommended. All I can say is Holy Shit what humans can do to each other. Based on a true story.
I love a movie that stays with you after you watch it. And makes you think long and hard about what you just saw. I like stuff that’s based in true events too.
Try this one.


You get through any more of them? The one with Aaron Paul and Josh Hartnett is soul crushing.

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I’ve just been reading about these orcas bumping boats in both Spain and Scotland.

They need to be careful with the Scottish as they will dip them in batter along with a Marsbar and eat the fuckers :laughing:
@Gaz29 get them black and white fuckers in the fryer. :v:


Just had to look it up. Gonna have to watch that.
I was thinking of the comedy one with Emile Hirsch. I was like, true story…what? Lol

Speaking of true(ish) stories. We watched this last night. A lot of big names for an underrated film.

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That was the only other one I watched I think I accidentally skipped the second one but yes soul crushing indeed!! I will never forget when my friend first showed me this show probably 5-6 years ago and I was disturbed by the first two episodes I watched that night but I was so impressed.

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Just watched this. Good flick.

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