What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Ok no worries thanks, I feel too spoilt for choice these days anyways!!

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I know everybody says this, but the books are so much better and even more sarcastic…
And Thor’s in it.

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Agreed! But I still have to emphasis how good the show was even if you already re-read the novellas over and over.

As said in the series:

" Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. Don’t you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand?"

I appreciate it but torrents don’t always carry over the sound settings and they can sound like ass on my new fangled stereo. I learned that with 65.

Last night I discovered they made a new Justified show so that’s awesome. First episode was promising too.

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I’m running my files through Plex via a Nvidea Shield which pumps through an atmos DTS 5.2 surround system with no issues. Most of the sound issues are due to incompatible hardware but you most likely know this already.

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This is in no way a spam post, but I go to a random site I found called lookmovie2.to for all shows and movies. It has most of them, even some movies still in theater! No signups no accounts no charges, nothing. It will not save your spot in a show, and you have to type the whole show or movie name in correctly every time, and the suggestions are not very good. Great site though, thought I would spread the word! It keep me from having to have a Hulu and Paramount+ account


Yea stream sites are a lot more useful than torrents. I like 123chill.to and 6movies.net both have most new movies.

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Baseball right now. I seriously need something to binge


Was anyone here into SOA? Or watching Mayans?
Boy, that finale was something else…

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OMGS I’M FREAKING OUT!!! :heart_eyes:


I was running my files from a thumb drive fed into a PS4 :laughing:

I just do a free trial of Hulu every month. Privacy.com lets you create a digital credit card that links to your bank account and you can set the limit of the card. I set it to a dollar when I’m using them for trials in case it test pings it but they usually don’t. 10minutemail will give you an email address for 10 minutes too. Voila free Hulu every month.


Nice, yeah you have to watch all those commercials though, that site doesn’t have any, or if they do (rarely), it is only 1 quick one at the beginning


But that’s stealing. Bad boy.


I started watching Mayans, but in the break between seasons after like season 2 it dropped off my radar. I keep meaning to get back into it, but that takes dedicated tv watching time.

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All I’ll say is…
I knew shit was gonna go south, but I never saw that coming. I guess it was kinda the same with the SOA series finale.

just started ‘Justified’. not bad. just finished santa clarita diet, it was alright.

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I don’t think we finished Santa Clarita Diet. Not bad. We’ll likely get back to it at some point.

Justified was about as good as television gets. I’m definitely interested to check out the reboot that recently dropped.

I’m about to enter the final season of The Americans. It’s a fun concept: Deep cover KGB agents living in Reagan-era USA as a normal family, while doing crazy spy shit. I grew up in the 80s so I’m the target audience for their cultural references (wardrobe, hair styles, technology, etc.) and incorporation of real events from the time into the story. I’m definitely enjoying this series.


The Americans was really good TV. Well done show. Justified is great as well. Santa Clarita Diet was fun for sure. Unfortunate they didn’t do the other season. They’re still trying though.


Hehe, this was a good one.
Just watched it.

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I usually delete it after so it’s borrowing without asking.

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