What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Too bad Netflix doesn’t do free trials any more.

Oh, fancy haha. I do like Hulu, it does have Letterkenny still I think. Love that show

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I watched part of “Hidden Strike”, the (Chinese propaganda?) Jackie Chan/John Cena movie on Netflix. It’s pretty stupid so far, but they’re likable enough that I’ll probably watch more.

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Just finished binging on Xena. Side note my ex wife could be her exact twin


Yup Letterkenny is still on there.

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Saw the Barbie movie this afternoon… all in all I enjoyed it… with some reservations. Certainly could’ve trimmed 10 minutes from the runtime.


Ugh, I feel like I’m going to be weaseled into seeing that film soon. :neutral_face:


I’m a huge fan of Deep Blue Sea… thoughts?


That’s a good one.
Also, Open Water, Into the Blue, and The Shallows are all good flicks.
So outta likes bro!:wink:

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I’ll be lucky if I don’t end up seeing it twice (I brought my older daughter and her friend today, but my wife and younger daughter haven’t seen it and I may end up going again with them next week).

Yeah, my wife keeps mentioning it casually.
I see this in my future. I am a sucker for theater popcorn though, and I guess Margot Robbie is something to look at. :star_struck:

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Gran Turismo

Not bad , but im into cars and racing

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I’ll give that a whirl. I saw Mannequin and Beautician and The Beast today. They still made me laugh. I never looked at Tim Dalton the same after watching it. He’s a great actor.



I was thinking about it earlier… I wonder how young is too young for Ghost Dog?

My daughter is 12. She might enjoy it.

And what about La Femme Nikita? I haven’t seen that in decades, I can’t remember if there’s anything objectionable.


ETA: Ok, watched the trailers for both. Maybe they over-emphasize but probably too much love/sex in the latter for her taste.

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Ghost Dog has a lot of cruelty to animals. 12 might be too young, depends on the kid. I saw Devils Advocate when I was about that age and my dad was like definitely shouldn’t have taken you to that. But it didn’t warp my mind or anything. It’s been forever since I’ve seen le femme nikita but I saw the show more than the movie.

Watched this last night.

First thought is wondering where the hell this is going and what kinda underlying message are they trying to push. Then shit got weird.

Ends very abruptly. We were not pleased.

Currently watching

This is a good one for sure. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Huh… I only remember the part where he finds his pigeons have been killed.

File under TIL, apparently the bear scene involved a bear carcass that NY fish and game had confiscated.


Sunday Night Cartoons on MEtv

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